proc platform_supported { } { if {[have_spec x86_64] && [have_board pc]} { if {![have_spec linux] && ![have_spec foc] && ![have_spec sel4]} { return 1 } } return 0 } if {![platform_supported]} { puts "Run script is not supported on this platform" exit 0 } build { core lib/ld init timer monitor drivers/uart test/log } create_boot_directory install_config { } build_boot_image [build_artifacts] set local_port 5555 # qemu config append qemu_args " -display none " # connect comport 0 to stdio append qemu_args " -serial stdio " # connect comport 1 with TCP port $local_port append qemu_args " -serial chardev:uart " append qemu_args " -chardev socket,id=uart,port=$local_port,host=localhost,server,nowait,ipv4 " run_genode_until {.*\[init -> monitor -> first-test-log\].*} 30 set genode_id [output_spawn_id]