REPOSITORIES += $(GENODE_DIR)/repos/base-hw ## ## Kernel-specific run tool configuration ## RUN_OPT = --include boot_dir/hw --include image/muen # # Muen hardware configuration # # The specified file must be relative to the Muen policy directory or an # absolute path. RUN_OPT += --image-muen-hardware platform/lenovo-t430s.xml # # Directory, where the GNAT toolchain is installed # RUN_OPT += --image-muen-gnat-path /opt/gnat # # Directory, where the SPARK toolchain is installed # RUN_OPT += --image-muen-spark-path /opt/spark # # Muen system policy # # The specified file must be relative to the Muen policy directory or an # absolute path. RUN_OPT += --image-muen-system xml/genode-base_hw.xml # # Muen system components # # Available components are located in the Muen project directory 'components/'. RUN_OPT += --image-muen-components 'dbgserver sm tau0' # # External Muen build # # Specifies if the Muen kernel should be built automatically. # If the Muen system is built and integrated externally, i.e. outside # of the Genode build system, set this parameter to 1. RUN_OPT += --image-muen-external-build 0