# # Utility for building L4 contrib packages # # Variables that steer the behaviour of this makefile: # # TARGET - name of target # PKGS - list of L4 packages to visit in order to create # the target # ifeq ($(filter-out $(SPECS),x86_32),) L4_BUILD_ARCH := x86_586 endif ifeq ($(filter-out $(SPECS),x86_64),) L4_BUILD_ARCH := amd_k9 endif ifeq ($(filter-out $(SPECS),arm_v7a),) L4_BUILD_ARCH := arm_armv7a endif ifeq ($(filter-out $(SPECS),arm_v6),) L4_BUILD_ARCH := arm_armv6 endif ifeq ($(L4_BUILD_ARCH),) $(error L4_BUILD_ARCH undefined, architecture not supported) endif L4_BUILD_OPT = SYSTEM_TARGET=$(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX) L4_PKG_DIR := $(call select_from_ports,foc)/src/kernel/foc/l4/pkg PKG_TAGS = $(addsuffix .tag,$(PKGS)) BUILD_OUTPUT_FILTER = 2>&1 | sed "s~^~ [$*] ~" # # Execute the rules in this file only at the second build stage when we know # about the complete build settings, e.g., 'CROSS_DEV_PREFIX'. # ifeq ($(called_from_lib_mk),yes) all: $(PKG_TAGS) endif # # We preserve the order of processing 'l4/pkg/' directories because of # inter-package dependencies. However, within each directory, make is working # in parallel. # .NOTPARALLEL: $(PKG_TAGS) %.tag: $(VERBOSE_MK) $(MAKE) $(VERBOSE_DIR) O=$(L4_BUILD_DIR) -C $(L4_PKG_DIR)/$* \ "$(L4_BUILD_OPT)" $(BUILD_OUTPUT_FILTER) $(VERBOSE)mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@