build "core init test/bomb drivers/timer"

set timeout     240
set rounds      20
set generations 6
set children    2
set sleep       1500
set demand      [expr 1*1024*1024]

if {[have_include "power_on/qemu"]} {
	append qemu_args "-nographic "
} else {
	# foc is really slow on native hardware executing this test - limit rounds
	if {[have_spec foc]} {
		if {[have_spec x86_32]} { set rounds 6 }
		if {[have_spec x86_64]} { set rounds 6 }

if {[have_spec pistachio]} {
	# The bomb test triggers a kernel assertion at kernel/src/api/v4/tcb.h,
	# line 727, which remains unfixed since the kernel is no longer developed.
	puts "Run script does not support Pistachio"
	exit 0

# prevent hitting the socket-descriptor limit on Linux
if {[have_spec linux]} { set generations 4 }

set config {
<config prio_levels="2">
		<service name="ROM"/>
		<service name="IRQ"/>
		<service name="IO_MEM"/>
		<service name="IO_PORT"/>
		<service name="PD"/>
		<service name="RM"/>
		<service name="CPU"/>
		<service name="LOG"/>
		<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
	<resource name="RAM" preserve="2M"/>
	<resource name="CAP" preserve="100"/>
	<start name="timer" caps="100">
		<resource name="CPU" quantum="10"/>
		<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/>
		<provides><service name="Timer"/></provides>
	<start name="bomb-master" priority="-1" caps="100000">
		<binary name="bomb"/>
		<resource name="CPU" quantum="90"/>
		<resource name="RAM" quantum="2G"/>}

append config "
		<config rounds=\"$rounds\" generations=\"$generations\"
		        children=\"$children\" sleep=\"$sleep\" demand=\"$demand\"/>"

append config {


install_config $config

build_boot_image "core init bomb timer"

run_genode_until {.*Done\. Going to sleep.*} $timeout