assert_spec okl4_x86

build "core init"


install_config "[exec cat [genode_dir]/repos/os/src/init/config.priority]"

build_boot_image "core init"

append qemu_args "-nographic -m 256"

# run genode until the init->init.2 process gives us a life sign
run_genode_until "init.2.*No children to start.*\n" 100

puts "dumping priorities using the kernel debugger..."

# send escape key to break into the kernel debugger, wait for prompt
send "\x1b"
expect "> "

# send commend for dumping the scheduling queue
send "q"
expect "idle : idle_thread"

set output $expect_out(buffer)

# The 'output' variable contains the kernel-debugger output since
# the last prompt until the current expect string. But we care
# only for the lines with the actual scheduler queues. Each
# line of interest starts with a '[' character.
grep_output {^\[}

compare_output_to {
	[128]: {roottask} (entrypoi) (signal) (pager) (ioport) (init) {init} (signal h) (init.1) {init.1} (init.2) (signal h) (init.11) (init.12)
	[112]: {init.11} (signal h)
	[ 96]: {init.12} (signal h) (init.121) {init.121} (signal h)
	[ 64]: {init.2} (signal h)