#!/usr/bin/make -f
# \brief  Dependencies list tool for DDE Linux
# \author Stefan Kalkowski
# \date   2021-06-16

	$(ECHO) ""
	$(ECHO) "Create dependency list for DDE Linux"
	$(ECHO) ""
	$(ECHO) "This tool analyzes all dependencies of a DDE-Linux port to Genode."
	$(ECHO) "It extracts all referenced files from the given Linux kernel"
	$(ECHO) "and prints the results into a 'dep.list' file. It leaves out all"
	$(ECHO) "files that are already covered by the target's manually maintained"
	$(ECHO) "'source.list' file."
	$(ECHO) ""
	$(ECHO) "usage:"
	$(ECHO) ""
	$(ECHO) "  list_dependencies <command> [VARIABLES]"
	$(ECHO) ""
	$(ECHO) "--- available commands ---"
	$(ECHO) "help         - shows this help"
	$(ECHO) "generate     - generates DEP_LIST_FILE for given TARGET_DIR"
	$(ECHO) ""
	$(ECHO) "--- used variables ---"
	$(ECHO) "TARGET_DIR        - path to the Genode build target"
	$(ECHO) "LINUX_KERNEL_DIR  - path to the Linux source tree"
	$(ECHO) "SOURCE_LIST_FILE  - path to the file with all contrib sources listed"
	$(ECHO) "DEP_LIST_FILE     - path to the file that shall be generated"
	$(ECHO) ""

COMMAND := $(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS))

SHELL = bash
ECHO  = @echo -e

# Sanity checks

ifeq ($(COMMAND),generate)

ifeq ($(realpath $(TARGET_DIR)),)
$(error You have to state a valid build TARGET_DIR, try help)
TARGET_ABS := $(shell realpath $(TARGET_DIR))

ifeq ($(realpath $(LINUX_KERNEL_DIR)),)
$(error You have to state a valid LINUX_KERNEL_DIR, try help)

ifeq ($(realpath $(SOURCE_LIST_FILE)),)
$(error You have to state a valid SOURCE_LIST_FILE, try help)

ifeq ($(DEP_LIST_FILE),)
$(error You have to state a DEP_LIST_FILE, try help)

ALL_SRCS := $(shell cat $(SOURCE_LIST_FILE))
ALL_DEPS := $(subst $(LINUX_KERNEL_DIR_ABS)/,,$(shell find $(TARGET_ABS) -name "*.d" | xargs sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/ \\$$//' | grep "$(LINUX_KERNEL_DIR_ABS)" | grep -v "/generated/" | xargs realpath -s | sort -u))

is_src_file = $(firstword $(filter $(1),$(ALL_SRCS)))

	$(shell rm -f $(DEP_LIST_FILE))
	$(foreach dep,$(ALL_DEPS),$(if $(call is_src_file,$(dep)),,$(shell echo $(dep) >> $(DEP_LIST_FILE))))
	@touch $(DEP_LIST_FILE)

.PHONY: generate help
