## # Load files needed by the scenario via iPXE/HTTP # # \param --load-ipxe-base-dir base directory of iPXE/HTTP server # \param --load-ipxe-boot-dir boot directory relative to HTTP base # \param --load-ipxe-lighttpd run lighttpd automatically # \param --load-ipxe-lighttpd-port TCP port to run lighttpd on # source [genode_dir]/tool/run/load.inc source [genode_dir]/tool/run/load/pxe.inc ## # The files are loaded implicitly via iPXE/HTTP to the target machine # proc run_load { } { global load_spawn_id set load_spawn_id -1 return true } proc load_ipxe_base_dir { } { return [cmd_arg --load-ipxe-base-dir ""] } proc load_ipxe_boot_dir { } { return [cmd_arg --load-ipxe-boot-dir ""] } proc load_ipxe_lighttpd { } { return [have_cmd_arg --load-ipxe-lighttpd] } proc load_ipxe_lighttpd_port { } { return [cmd_arg --load-ipxe-lighttpd-port 8080] } proc image_extension { } { if {[have_include "image/iso"]} { return "iso" } elseif {[have_include "image/uefi"]} { return "img" } else { puts "Warning, iPXE requires ISO or UEFI image." exit -1 } } ## # Install files needed to boot via iPXE # proc install_bender_to_run_dir { } { exec mkdir -p [run_dir]/boot exec cp [genode_dir]/tool/boot/bender [run_dir]/boot/bender } ## # Create symlink for ISO image in current run directory. # proc create_symlink_for_iso { } { exec ln -sfn [pwd]/[run_dir].[image_extension] [pwd]/[run_dir]/[run_name].[image_extension] } ## # Update iPXE boot directory to point to current run directory. # proc update_ipxe_boot_dir { } { exec ln -sfn [pwd]/[run_dir] [load_ipxe_base_dir]/[load_ipxe_boot_dir] } ## # Create iPXE config file which directly boots an image file. # # Note, the sanboot URI works relative to the script path and honors the former # protocol too (which must be http:// not tftp://) # proc create_ipxe_config { } { set fh [open "[run_dir]/boot.cfg" "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"] puts $fh "#!ipxe" puts $fh "sanboot [run_name].[image_extension] || goto failed" puts $fh "" puts $fh ":failed" puts $fh "echo Booting failed, dropping to shell" puts $fh "shell" puts $fh "boot" close $fh if {![load_ipxe_lighttpd]} { return } set conf_file [file normalize [run_dir]/lighttpd.conf] set fh [open "$conf_file" "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"] puts $fh "server.port = [load_ipxe_lighttpd_port]" puts $fh "server.document-root = \"[file normalize [run_dir]]\"" puts $fh "server.errorlog = \"/dev/null\"" close $fh global lighttpd_spawn_id spawn [installed_command lighttpd] -f $conf_file -D set lighttpd_spawn_id $spawn_id } # Override the exit procedure rename exit load_ipxe_real_exit proc exit {{status 0}} { if {[load_ipxe_lighttpd]} { global lighttpd_spawn_id # variable may not exist if the script fails early if {[info exists lighttpd_spawn_id]} { kill_spawned $lighttpd_spawn_id } } load_ipxe_real_exit $status }