/* * \brief Facility for managing the trace subjects * \author Josef Soentgen * \date 2014-01-22 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ #ifndef _SUBJECT_REGISTRY_H_ #define _SUBJECT_REGISTRY_H_ #include #include #include #include #include namespace Trace_fs { typedef Genode::size_t size_t; struct Followed_subject : public File_system::Directory { public: /** * This class manages the access to the trace subject's trace buffer */ class Trace_buffer_manager { public: class Already_managed { }; class Not_managed { }; struct Process_entry { virtual size_t operator()(Genode::Trace::Buffer::Entry&) = 0; }; private: Genode::Trace::Buffer *buffer; Genode::Trace::Buffer::Entry current_entry; public: Trace_buffer_manager(Genode::Dataspace_capability ds_cap) : buffer(Genode::env()->rm_session()->attach(ds_cap)), current_entry(buffer->first()) { } size_t dump_entry(Process_entry &process) { size_t len = process(current_entry); current_entry = buffer->next(current_entry); return len; } bool last_entry() const { return current_entry.last(); } void rewind() { current_entry = buffer->first(); } }; private: Genode::Allocator &_md_alloc; int _handle; Genode::Trace::Subject_id _id; Genode::Trace::Policy_id _policy_id; bool _was_traced; Trace_buffer_manager *_buffer_manager; public: File_system::Active_file active_file; File_system::Buffer_size_file buffer_size_file; File_system::Cleanup_file cleanup_file; File_system::Enable_file enable_file; File_system::Events_file events_file; File_system::Policy_file policy_file; Followed_subject(Genode::Allocator &md_alloc, char const *name, Genode::Trace::Subject_id &id, int handle) : Directory(name), _md_alloc(md_alloc), _handle(handle), _id(id), _was_traced(false), _buffer_manager(0), active_file(_id), buffer_size_file(), cleanup_file(_id), enable_file(_id), events_file(_id, _md_alloc), policy_file(_id, _md_alloc) { adopt_unsynchronized(&active_file); adopt_unsynchronized(&cleanup_file); adopt_unsynchronized(&enable_file); adopt_unsynchronized(&events_file); adopt_unsynchronized(&buffer_size_file); adopt_unsynchronized(&policy_file); } ~Followed_subject() { discard_unsynchronized(&active_file); discard_unsynchronized(&cleanup_file); discard_unsynchronized(&enable_file); discard_unsynchronized(&events_file); discard_unsynchronized(&buffer_size_file); discard_unsynchronized(&policy_file); } bool marked_for_cleanup() const { return cleanup_file.cleanup(); } bool was_traced() const { return _was_traced; } Trace_buffer_manager* trace_buffer_manager() { return _buffer_manager; } void manage_trace_buffer(Genode::Dataspace_capability ds_cap) { if (_buffer_manager != 0) throw Trace_buffer_manager::Already_managed(); _buffer_manager = new (&_md_alloc) Trace_buffer_manager(ds_cap); } void unmanage_trace_buffer() { if (_buffer_manager == 0) throw Trace_buffer_manager::Not_managed(); destroy(&_md_alloc, _buffer_manager); _buffer_manager = 0; } const Genode::Trace::Subject_id id() const { return _id; } const Genode::Trace::Policy_id policy_id() const { return _policy_id; } void policy_id(Genode::Trace::Policy_id &id) { _policy_id.id = id.id; } bool policy_valid() const { return (_policy_id.id != 0); } void invalidate_policy() { _policy_id = Genode::Trace::Policy_id(); } int handle() const { return _handle; } }; /** * This registry contains all current followed trace subjects */ class Followed_subject_registry { public: class Invalid_subject { }; class Out_of_subject_handles { }; private: /* XXX abitrary limit - needs to be revisited when highly * dynamic scenarios are executed */ enum { MAX_SUBJECTS = 1024U }; Followed_subject *_subjects[MAX_SUBJECTS]; Genode::Allocator &_md_alloc; /** * Find free subject handle * * \throw Out_of_subject_handles */ int _find_free_handle() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_SUBJECTS; i++) if (!_subjects[i]) { return i; } throw Out_of_subject_handles(); } bool _in_range(int handle) const { return ((handle >= 0) && (handle < MAX_SUBJECTS)); } public: Followed_subject_registry(Genode::Allocator &md_alloc) : _md_alloc(md_alloc) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_SUBJECTS; i++) _subjects[i] = 0; } /** * Return maximal number of subject that can be stored in the registry * * \return maximal number of subjects */ unsigned max_subjects() const { return MAX_SUBJECTS; } /** * Allocate new subject * * \param name name of subject * \param id subject id of tracre subject */ Followed_subject *alloc(char const *name, Genode::Trace::Subject_id &id) { int handle = _find_free_handle(); _subjects[handle] = new (&_md_alloc) Followed_subject(_md_alloc, name, id, handle); return _subjects[handle]; } /** * Free subject * * \param subject pointer to subject */ void free(Followed_subject *subject) { int handle = subject->handle(); if (!_in_range(handle)) return; if(!_subjects[handle]) return; _subjects[handle] = 0; destroy(&_md_alloc, subject); } /** * Lookup subject by using the id * * \throw Invalid_subject(); */ Followed_subject *lookup(Genode::Trace::Subject_id const &sid) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_SUBJECTS; i++) if (_subjects[i]) { if (_subjects[i]->id().id == sid.id) return _subjects[i]; } throw Invalid_subject(); } }; } #endif /* _SUBJECT_REGISTRY_H_ */