LICENSE := BSD VERSION := git DOWNLOADS := pistachio.git URL(pistachio) := REV(pistachio) := 76bac3d926dc707c6a3243b38c1505d2b5b6537b DIR(pistachio) := src/kernel/pistachio PATCHES := $(sort $(wildcard $(REP_DIR)/patches/*.patch)) PATCH_OPT := -p1 -d src/kernel/pistachio $(call check_tool,git) $(call check_tool,patch) $(call check_tool,sed) $(call check_tool,autoheader) $(call check_tool,autoconf) # # Determine python version to use for CML2 # PYTHON2 := $(notdir $(lastword $(shell which python2 $(addprefix python2.,4 5 6 7 8)))) ifeq ($(PYTHON2),) default: python_not_installed python_not_installed: $(error CML2 Configuration System needs Python 2 to be installed) endif default : additional_steps additional_steps : $(DOWNLOADS) @# use GCC front end for as linker for the pistachio user land $(VERBOSE)sed -i "/LD=/s/^.*$$/LD=\$$(CC)/" src/kernel/pistachio/user/ @# add '-Wl,' prefix to '-melf_*' linker options $(VERBOSE)sed -i "s/-melf_/-Wl,-melf_/" `grep -rl melf_ src/kernel/pistachio/user` $(VERBOSE)for i in; do \ sed -i "s/env python/env $(PYTHON2)/" src/kernel/pistachio/contrib/cml2/$$i; done $(VERBOSE)cd src/kernel/pistachio/user; autoheader; autoconf; rm -rf autom4te.cache