/* * \brief RAM file system * \author Norman Feske * \date 2012-04-11 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ /* Genode includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* local includes */ #include /************************* ** File-system service ** *************************/ namespace File_system { class Session_component : public Session_rpc_object { private: Server::Entrypoint &_ep; Directory &_root; Node_handle_registry _handle_registry; bool _writable; Signal_rpc_member _process_packet_dispatcher; /****************************** ** Packet-stream processing ** ******************************/ /** * Perform packet operation * * \return true on success, false on failure */ void _process_packet_op(Packet_descriptor &packet, Node &node) { void * const content = tx_sink()->packet_content(packet); size_t const length = packet.length(); seek_off_t const offset = packet.position(); if (!content || (packet.length() > packet.size())) { packet.succeeded(false); return; } /* resulting length */ size_t res_length = 0; switch (packet.operation()) { case Packet_descriptor::READ: res_length = node.read((char *)content, length, offset); break; case Packet_descriptor::WRITE: res_length = node.write((char const *)content, length, offset); break; } packet.length(res_length); packet.succeeded(res_length > 0); } void _process_packet() { Packet_descriptor packet = tx_sink()->get_packet(); /* assume failure by default */ packet.succeeded(false); try { Node *node = _handle_registry.lookup_and_lock(packet.handle()); Node_lock_guard guard(node); _process_packet_op(packet, *node); } catch (Invalid_handle) { Genode::error("Invalid_handle"); } /* * The 'acknowledge_packet' function cannot block because we * checked for 'ready_to_ack' in '_process_packets'. */ tx_sink()->acknowledge_packet(packet); } /** * Called by signal dispatcher, executed in the context of the main * thread (not serialized with the RPC functions) */ void _process_packets(unsigned) { while (tx_sink()->packet_avail()) { /* * Make sure that the '_process_packet' function does not * block. * * If the acknowledgement queue is full, we defer packet * processing until the client processed pending * acknowledgements and thereby emitted a ready-to-ack * signal. Otherwise, the call of 'acknowledge_packet()' * in '_process_packet' would infinitely block the context * of the main thread. The main thread is however needed * for receiving any subsequent 'ready-to-ack' signals. */ if (!tx_sink()->ready_to_ack()) return; _process_packet(); } } /** * Check if string represents a valid path (most start with '/') */ static void _assert_valid_path(char const *path) { if (!path || path[0] != '/') { Genode::warning("malformed path ''", path, "'"); throw Lookup_failed(); } } public: /** * Constructor */ Session_component(size_t tx_buf_size, Server::Entrypoint &ep, Directory &root, bool writable) : Session_rpc_object(env()->ram_session()->alloc(tx_buf_size), ep.rpc_ep()), _ep(ep), _root(root), _writable(writable), _process_packet_dispatcher(ep, *this, &Session_component::_process_packets) { /* * Register '_process_packets' dispatch function as signal * handler for packet-avail and ready-to-ack signals. */ _tx.sigh_packet_avail(_process_packet_dispatcher); _tx.sigh_ready_to_ack(_process_packet_dispatcher); } /** * Destructor */ ~Session_component() { Dataspace_capability ds = tx_sink()->dataspace(); env()->ram_session()->free(static_cap_cast(ds)); } /*************************** ** File_system interface ** ***************************/ File_handle file(Dir_handle dir_handle, Name const &name, Mode mode, bool create) { if (!valid_name(name.string())) throw Invalid_name(); Directory *dir = _handle_registry.lookup_and_lock(dir_handle); Node_lock_guard dir_guard(dir); if (!_writable) if (mode != STAT_ONLY && mode != READ_ONLY) throw Permission_denied(); if (create) { if (!_writable) throw Permission_denied(); if (dir->has_sub_node_unsynchronized(name.string())) throw Node_already_exists(); try { File * const file = new (env()->heap()) File(*env()->heap(), name.string()); dir->adopt_unsynchronized(file); } catch (Allocator::Out_of_memory) { throw No_space(); } } File *file = dir->lookup_and_lock_file(name.string()); Node_lock_guard file_guard(file); return _handle_registry.alloc(file); } Symlink_handle symlink(Dir_handle dir_handle, Name const &name, bool create) { if (!valid_name(name.string())) throw Invalid_name(); Directory *dir = _handle_registry.lookup_and_lock(dir_handle); Node_lock_guard dir_guard(dir); if (create) { if (!_writable) throw Permission_denied(); if (dir->has_sub_node_unsynchronized(name.string())) throw Node_already_exists(); try { Symlink * const symlink = new (env()->heap()) Symlink(name.string()); dir->adopt_unsynchronized(symlink); } catch (Allocator::Out_of_memory) { throw No_space(); } } Symlink *symlink = dir->lookup_and_lock_symlink(name.string()); Node_lock_guard file_guard(symlink); return _handle_registry.alloc(symlink); } Dir_handle dir(Path const &path, bool create) { char const *path_str = path.string(); _assert_valid_path(path_str); /* skip leading '/' */ path_str++; if (create) { if (!_writable) throw Permission_denied(); if (!path.valid_string()) throw Name_too_long(); Directory *parent = _root.lookup_and_lock_parent(path_str); Node_lock_guard guard(parent); char const *name = basename(path_str); if (parent->has_sub_node_unsynchronized(name)) throw Node_already_exists(); try { parent->adopt_unsynchronized(new (env()->heap()) Directory(name)); } catch (Allocator::Out_of_memory) { throw No_space(); } } Directory *dir = _root.lookup_and_lock_dir(path_str); Node_lock_guard guard(dir); return _handle_registry.alloc(dir); } Node_handle node(Path const &path) { _assert_valid_path(path.string()); Node *node = _root.lookup_and_lock(path.string() + 1); Node_lock_guard guard(node); return _handle_registry.alloc(node); } void close(Node_handle handle) { _handle_registry.free(handle); } Status status(Node_handle node_handle) { Node *node = _handle_registry.lookup_and_lock(node_handle); Node_lock_guard guard(node); Status s; s.inode = node->inode(); s.size = 0; s.mode = 0; File *file = dynamic_cast(node); if (file) { s.size = file->length(); s.mode = File_system::Status::MODE_FILE; return s; } Directory *dir = dynamic_cast(node); if (dir) { s.size = dir->num_entries()*sizeof(Directory_entry); s.mode = File_system::Status::MODE_DIRECTORY; return s; } Symlink *symlink = dynamic_cast(node); if (symlink) { s.size = symlink->length(); s.mode = File_system::Status::MODE_SYMLINK; return s; } return Status(); } void control(Node_handle, Control) { } void unlink(Dir_handle dir_handle, Name const &name) { if (!valid_name(name.string())) throw Invalid_name(); if (!_writable) throw Permission_denied(); Directory *dir = _handle_registry.lookup_and_lock(dir_handle); Node_lock_guard dir_guard(dir); Node *node = dir->lookup_and_lock(name.string()); dir->discard_unsynchronized(node); // XXX implement ref counting, do not destroy node that is // is still referenced by a node handle node->unlock(); destroy(env()->heap(), node); } void truncate(File_handle file_handle, file_size_t size) { if (!_writable) throw Permission_denied(); File *file = _handle_registry.lookup_and_lock(file_handle); Node_lock_guard file_guard(file); file->truncate(size); } void move(Dir_handle from_dir_handle, Name const &from_name, Dir_handle to_dir_handle, Name const &to_name) { if (!_writable) throw Permission_denied(); if (!valid_name(from_name.string())) throw Lookup_failed(); if (!valid_name(to_name.string())) throw Invalid_name(); Directory *from_dir = _handle_registry.lookup_and_lock(from_dir_handle); Node_lock_guard from_dir_guard(from_dir); Node *node = from_dir->lookup_and_lock(from_name.string()); Node_lock_guard node_guard(node); node->name(to_name.string()); if (!_handle_registry.refer_to_same_node(from_dir_handle, to_dir_handle)) { Directory *to_dir = _handle_registry.lookup_and_lock(to_dir_handle); Node_lock_guard to_dir_guard(to_dir); from_dir->discard_unsynchronized(node); to_dir->adopt_unsynchronized(node); /* * If the file was moved from one directory to another we * need to inform the new directory 'to_dir'. The original * directory 'from_dir' will always get notified (i.e., * when just the file name was changed) below. */ to_dir->mark_as_updated(); to_dir->notify_listeners(); } from_dir->mark_as_updated(); from_dir->notify_listeners(); node->mark_as_updated(); node->notify_listeners(); } void sigh(Node_handle node_handle, Signal_context_capability sigh) { _handle_registry.sigh(node_handle, sigh); } }; class Root : public Root_component { private: Server::Entrypoint &_ep; Directory &_root_dir; protected: Session_component *_create_session(const char *args) { /* * Determine client-specific policy defined implicitly by * the client's label. */ Directory *session_root_dir = 0; bool writeable = false; enum { ROOT_MAX_LEN = 256 }; char root[ROOT_MAX_LEN]; root[0] = 0; Session_label const label = label_from_args(args); try { Session_policy policy(label); /* * Determine directory that is used as root directory of * the session. */ try { policy.attribute("root").value(root, sizeof(root)); if (strcmp("/", root) == 0) { session_root_dir = &_root_dir; } else { /* * Make sure the root path is specified with a * leading path delimiter. For performing the * lookup, we skip the first character. */ if (root[0] != '/') throw Lookup_failed(); session_root_dir = _root_dir.lookup_and_lock_dir(root + 1); session_root_dir->unlock(); } } catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute) { Genode::error("missing \"root\" attribute in policy definition"); throw Root::Unavailable(); } catch (Lookup_failed) { Genode::error("session root directory \"", Genode::Cstring(root), "\" does not exist"); throw Root::Unavailable(); } /* * Determine if write access is permitted for the session. */ writeable = policy.attribute_value("writeable", false); } catch (Session_policy::No_policy_defined) { Genode::error("invalid session request, no matching policy"); throw Root::Unavailable(); } size_t ram_quota = Arg_string::find_arg(args, "ram_quota" ).ulong_value(0); size_t tx_buf_size = Arg_string::find_arg(args, "tx_buf_size").ulong_value(0); if (!tx_buf_size) { Genode::error(label, " requested a session with a zero length transmission buffer"); throw Root::Invalid_args(); } /* * Check if donated ram quota suffices for session data, * and communication buffer. */ size_t session_size = sizeof(Session_component) + tx_buf_size; if (max((size_t)4096, session_size) > ram_quota) { Genode::error("insufficient 'ram_quota', got ", ram_quota, ", " "need ", session_size); throw Root::Quota_exceeded(); } return new (md_alloc()) Session_component(tx_buf_size, _ep, *session_root_dir, writeable); } public: /** * Constructor * * \param ep entrypoint * \param md_alloc meta-data allocator * \param root_dir root-directory handle (anchor for fs) */ Root(Server::Entrypoint &ep, Allocator &md_alloc, Directory &root_dir) : Root_component(&ep.rpc_ep(), &md_alloc), _ep(ep), _root_dir(root_dir) { } }; struct Main; } /** * Helper for conveniently accessing 'Xml_node' attribute strings */ struct Attribute_string { char buf[File_system::MAX_NAME_LEN]; /** * Constructor * * \param attr attribute name * \param fallback if non-null, this is the string used if the attribute * is not defined. If null, the constructor throws * an 'Nonexistent_attribute' exception' * \throw Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute */ Attribute_string(Genode::Xml_node node, char const *attr, char *fallback = 0) { try { node.attribute(attr).value(buf, sizeof(buf)); } catch (Genode::Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute) { if (fallback) { Genode::strncpy(buf, fallback, sizeof(buf)); } else { char type_name[16]; node.type_name(type_name, sizeof(type_name)); Genode::warning("missing \"", attr, "\" attribute in " "<", Genode::Cstring(type_name), "> node"); throw Genode::Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute(); } } } operator char * () { return buf; } void print(Genode::Output &out) const { Genode::print(out, Genode::Cstring(buf)); } }; static void preload_content(Genode::Allocator &alloc, Genode::Xml_node node, File_system::Directory &dir) { using namespace File_system; for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.num_sub_nodes(); i++) { Xml_node sub_node = node.sub_node(i); /* * Lookup name attribtue, let 'Nonexistent_attribute' exception fall * through because this configuration error is considered fatal. */ Attribute_string name(sub_node, "name"); /* * Create directory */ if (sub_node.has_type("dir")) { Directory *sub_dir = new (&alloc) Directory(name); /* traverse into the new directory */ preload_content(alloc, sub_node, *sub_dir); dir.adopt_unsynchronized(sub_dir); } /* * Create file from ROM module */ if (sub_node.has_type("rom")) { /* read "as" attribute, use "name" as default */ Attribute_string as(sub_node, "as", name); /* read file content from ROM module */ try { Attached_rom_dataspace rom(name); File *file = new (&alloc) File(alloc, as); file->write(rom.local_addr(), rom.size(), 0); dir.adopt_unsynchronized(file); } catch (Rom_connection::Rom_connection_failed) { Genode::warning("failed to open ROM file \"", name, "\""); } catch (Rm_session::Attach_failed) { Genode::warning("Could not locally attach ROM file \"", name, "\""); } } /* * Create file from inline data provided as content of the XML node */ if (sub_node.has_type("inline")) { File *file = new (&alloc) File(alloc, name); file->write(sub_node.content_addr(), sub_node.content_size(), 0); dir.adopt_unsynchronized(file); } } } struct File_system::Main { Server::Entrypoint &ep; Directory root_dir = { "" }; /* * Initialize root interface */ Sliced_heap sliced_heap = { env()->ram_session(), env()->rm_session() }; Root fs_root = { ep, sliced_heap, root_dir }; Main(Server::Entrypoint &ep) : ep(ep) { /* preload RAM file system with content as declared in the config */ try { Xml_node content = config()->xml_node().sub_node("content"); preload_content(*env()->heap(), content, root_dir); } catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_sub_node) { } env()->parent()->announce(ep.manage(fs_root)); } }; /********************** ** Server framework ** **********************/ char const * Server::name() { return "ram_fs_ep"; } Genode::size_t Server::stack_size() { return 16*1024*sizeof(long); } void Server::construct(Server::Entrypoint &ep) { static File_system::Main inst(ep); }