 * \brief  Connection to Report service
 * \author Norman Feske
 * \date   2014-01-10

 * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
 * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
 * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.


#include <report_session/client.h>
#include <base/connection.h>

namespace Report { struct Connection; }

struct Report::Connection : Genode::Connection<Session>, Session_client
	enum { RAM_QUOTA = 10*1024 }; /* value used for 'Slave::Connection' */

	Connection(Genode::Env &env, char const *label, size_t buffer_size = 4096)
		                                    "label=\"%s\", ram_quota=%ld, "
		                                    "cap_quota=%ld, buffer_size=%zd",
		                                    label, RAM_QUOTA + buffer_size,
		                                    CAP_QUOTA, buffer_size)),
	{ }