# # To execute this run script on your Linux host you have to do some # preparation: # # 1) Setup a TAP device: # ! export USER=[YOUR_USER_NAME] # ! export TAP_DEV=tap0 # ! sudo ip tuntap add dev $TAP_DEV mode tap user $USER # ! sudo ip address flush dev $TAP_DEV # ! sudo ip address add brd dev $TAP_DEV # ! sudo ip link set dev $TAP_DEV addr 02:00:00:ca:fe:01 # ! sudo ip link set dev $TAP_DEV up # # 2) Now, start the test and connect using your favorite HTTP client, e.g.: # ! cd build/x86_64 # ! make run/lwip_lx KERNEL=linux BOARD=linux # ! lynx -dump # # 3) Clean up your Linux when done testing: # ! sudo ip tuntap delete $TAP_DEV mode tap # assert_spec linux build { core init timer lib/ld lib/libc lib/vfs lib/vfs_lwip drivers/nic test/lwip/http_srv server/nic_router server/report_rom } create_boot_directory install_config { } build_boot_image [build_artifacts] run_genode_until forever # vi: set ft=tcl :