 * \brief  AVL tree
 * \author Norman Feske
 * \date   2006-04-12

 * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Genode Labs GmbH
 * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.


#include <util/misc_math.h>

namespace Genode {

	class Avl_node_base

			 * Internal policy interface
			 * The implementation of this interface is provided by the AVL tree.
			struct Policy
				virtual ~Policy() { }

				 * Compare two nodes
				 * \retval false if n2 is lower than n1
				 * \retval true  if n2 is higher than or equal to n1
				 * This function must be provided by the derived class.
				 * It determines the order of nodes inside the avl tree.
				virtual bool higher(Avl_node_base *n1, Avl_node_base *n2) const = 0;

				 * Node recomputation hook
				 * If a node gets rearranged, this function is called.
				 * It can be used to update avl-tree-position dependent
				 * meta data.
				virtual void recompute(Avl_node_base *) { }

			Avl_node_base *_child[2];  /* left and right subtrees */
			Avl_node_base *_parent;    /* parent of subtree       */
			unsigned char  _depth;     /* depth of subtree        */


			typedef bool Side;

			enum { LEFT = false, RIGHT = true };


			 * Determine depth of subtree
			inline int _child_depth(Side i) {
				return _child[i] ? _child[i]->_depth : 0; }

			 * Update depth of node
			void _recompute_depth(Policy &policy);

			 * Determine left-right bias of both subtrees
			inline Side _bias() {
				return (_child_depth(RIGHT) > _child_depth(LEFT)); }

			 * Insert subtree into specified side of the node
			void _adopt(Avl_node_base *node, Side i, Policy &policy);

			 * Rotate subtree
			 * \param side   direction of rotate operation
			 * \param node   subtree to rotate
			 * The local node_* variable names describe node locations for
			 * the left (default) rotation. For example, node_r_l is the
			 * left of the right of node.
			void _rotate_subtree(Avl_node_base *node, Side side, Policy &policy);

			 * Rebalance subtree
			 * \param node   immediate child that needs balancing
			 * 'this' is parent of the subtree to rebalance
			void _rebalance_subtree(Avl_node_base *node, Policy &policy);


			 * Constructor

			 * Insert new node into subtree
			void insert(Avl_node_base *node, Policy &policy);

			 * Remove node from tree
			void remove(Policy &policy);

	 * AVL node
	 * \param NT  type of the class derived from 'Avl_node'
	 * Each object to be stored in the avl tree must be derived from
	 * 'Avl_node'. The type of the derived class is to be specified as
	 * template argument to enable 'Avl_node' to call virtual functions
	 * specific for the derived class.
	template <typename NT>
	class Avl_node : public Avl_node_base

			inline NT *child(Side i) const { return static_cast<NT *>(_child[i]); }

			 * Default policy
			void recompute() { }

	 * Root node of the AVL tree
	 * The real nodes are always attached at the left branch of
	 * this root node.
	template <typename NT>
	class Avl_tree : Avl_node<NT>

			 * Auto-generated policy class specific for NT
			class Policy : public Avl_node_base::Policy
				bool higher(Avl_node_base *n1, Avl_node_base *n2) const
					return static_cast<NT *>(n1)->higher(static_cast<NT *>(n2));

				void recompute(Avl_node_base *node)
					static_cast<NT *>(node)->recompute();

			} _policy;


			 * Insert node into AVL tree
			void insert(Avl_node<NT> *node) { Avl_node_base::insert(node, _policy); }

			 * Remove node from AVL tree
			void remove(Avl_node<NT> *node) { node->remove(_policy); }

			 * Request first node of the tree
			 * \return  first node
			 * \retval  NULL if tree is empty
			inline NT *first() const { return this->child(Avl_node<NT>::LEFT); }

#endif /* _INCLUDE__UTIL__AVL_TREE_H_ */