/* * \brief Policy applied to all children of the init process * \author Norman Feske * \date 2010-04-29 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ #ifndef _INCLUDE__INIT__CHILD_POLICY_H_ #define _INCLUDE__INIT__CHILD_POLICY_H_ /* Genode includes */ #include <base/service.h> #include <base/child.h> #include <base/rpc_server.h> #include <util/arg_string.h> #include <rom_session/connection.h> namespace Init { class Child_policy_ram_phys; class Child_policy_enforce_labeling; class Child_policy_handle_cpu_priorities; class Child_policy_provide_rom_file; class Child_policy_redirect_rom_file; class Traditional_child_policy; } class Init::Child_policy_ram_phys { private: bool _constrain_phys; public: Child_policy_ram_phys(bool constrain_phys) : _constrain_phys(constrain_phys) { } /** * Filter arguments of session request * * This method removes phys_start and phys_size ram_session * parameters if the child configuration does not explicitly * permits this. */ void filter_session_args(const char *service, char *args, Genode::size_t args_len) { using namespace Genode; /* intercept only RAM session requests */ if (Genode::strcmp(service, "RAM")) return; if (_constrain_phys) return; Arg_string::remove_arg(args, "phys_start"); Arg_string::remove_arg(args, "phys_size"); } }; /** * Policy for prepending the child name to the 'label' argument * * By applying this policy, the identity of the child becomes imprinted * with each session request. */ class Init::Child_policy_enforce_labeling { const char *_name; public: Child_policy_enforce_labeling(const char *name) : _name(name) { } /** * Filter arguments of session request * * This method modifies the 'label' argument and leaves all other * session arguments intact. */ void filter_session_args(const char *, char *args, Genode::size_t args_len) { using namespace Genode; char label_buf[Parent::Session_args::MAX_SIZE]; Arg_string::find_arg(args, "label").string(label_buf, sizeof(label_buf), ""); char value_buf[Parent::Session_args::MAX_SIZE]; Genode::snprintf(value_buf, sizeof(value_buf), "\"%s%s%s\"", _name, Genode::strcmp(label_buf, "") == 0 ? "" : " -> ", label_buf); Arg_string::set_arg(args, args_len, "label", value_buf); } }; class Init::Child_policy_handle_cpu_priorities { /* priority parameters */ long _prio_levels_log2; long _priority; public: Child_policy_handle_cpu_priorities(long prio_levels_log2, long priority) : _prio_levels_log2(prio_levels_log2), _priority(priority) { } void filter_session_args(const char *service, char *args, Genode::size_t args_len) { using namespace Genode; /* intercept only CPU session requests to scale priorities */ if (Genode::strcmp(service, "CPU") || _prio_levels_log2 == 0) return; unsigned long priority = Arg_string::find_arg(args, "priority").ulong_value(0); /* clamp priority value to valid range */ priority = min((unsigned)Cpu_session::PRIORITY_LIMIT - 1, priority); long discarded_prio_lsb_bits_mask = (1 << _prio_levels_log2) - 1; if (priority & discarded_prio_lsb_bits_mask) { PWRN("priority band too small, losing least-significant priority bits"); } priority >>= _prio_levels_log2; /* assign child priority to the most significant priority bits */ priority |= _priority*(Cpu_session::PRIORITY_LIMIT >> _prio_levels_log2); /* override priority when delegating the session request to the parent */ char value_buf[64]; Genode::snprintf(value_buf, sizeof(value_buf), "0x%lx", priority); Arg_string::set_arg(args, args_len, "priority", value_buf); } }; class Init::Child_policy_provide_rom_file { private: struct Local_rom_session_component : Genode::Rpc_object<Genode::Rom_session> { Genode::Dataspace_capability ds_cap; /** * Constructor */ Local_rom_session_component(Genode::Dataspace_capability ds) : ds_cap(ds) { } /*************************** ** ROM session interface ** ***************************/ Genode::Rom_dataspace_capability dataspace() { return Genode::static_cap_cast<Genode::Rom_dataspace>(ds_cap); } void sigh(Genode::Signal_context_capability) { } } _local_rom_session; Genode::Rpc_entrypoint *_ep; Genode::Rom_session_capability _rom_session_cap; enum { FILENAME_MAX_LEN = 32 }; char _filename[FILENAME_MAX_LEN]; struct Local_rom_service : public Genode::Service { Genode::Rom_session_capability _rom_cap; bool _valid; /** * Constructor * * \param rom_cap capability to return on session requests * \param valid true if local rom service is backed by a * valid dataspace */ Local_rom_service(Genode::Rom_session_capability rom_cap, bool valid) : Genode::Service("ROM"), _rom_cap(rom_cap), _valid(valid) { } Genode::Session_capability session(char const * /*args*/, Genode::Affinity const &) { if (!_valid) throw Invalid_args(); return _rom_cap; } void upgrade(Genode::Session_capability, const char * /*args*/) { } void close(Genode::Session_capability) { } } _local_rom_service; public: /** * Constructor */ Child_policy_provide_rom_file(const char *filename, Genode::Dataspace_capability ds_cap, Genode::Rpc_entrypoint *ep) : _local_rom_session(ds_cap), _ep(ep), _rom_session_cap(_ep->manage(&_local_rom_session)), _local_rom_service(_rom_session_cap, ds_cap.valid()) { Genode::strncpy(_filename, filename, sizeof(_filename)); } /** * Destructor */ ~Child_policy_provide_rom_file() { _ep->dissolve(&_local_rom_session); } Genode::Service *resolve_session_request(const char *service_name, const char *args) { /* ignore session requests for non-ROM services */ if (Genode::strcmp(service_name, "ROM")) return 0; /* drop out if request refers to another file name */ char buf[FILENAME_MAX_LEN]; Genode::Arg_string::find_arg(args, "filename").string(buf, sizeof(buf), ""); return !Genode::strcmp(buf, _filename) ? &_local_rom_service : 0; } }; class Init::Child_policy_redirect_rom_file { private: char const *_from; char const *_to; public: Child_policy_redirect_rom_file(const char *from, const char *to) : _from(from), _to(to) { } void filter_session_args(const char *service, char *args, Genode::size_t args_len) { if (!_from || !_to) return; /* ignore session requests for non-ROM services */ if (Genode::strcmp(service, "ROM")) return; /* drop out if request refers to another file name */ { enum { FILENAME_MAX_LEN = 32 }; char buf[FILENAME_MAX_LEN]; Genode::Arg_string::find_arg(args, "filename").string(buf, sizeof(buf), ""); if (Genode::strcmp(_from, buf) != 0) return; /* replace filename argument */ Genode::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\"%s\"", _to); Genode::Arg_string::set_arg(args, args_len, "filename", buf); } /* replace characters after last label delimiter by filename */ enum { LABEL_MAX_LEN = 200 }; char label[LABEL_MAX_LEN]; Genode::Arg_string::find_arg(args, "label").string(label, sizeof(label), ""); unsigned last_elem = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(label) - 3 && label[i]; i++) if (Genode::strcmp("-> ", label + i, 3) == 0) last_elem = i + 3; label[last_elem] = 0; char buf[LABEL_MAX_LEN]; Genode::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\"%s%s\"", label, _to); Genode::Arg_string::set_arg(args, args_len, "label", buf); } }; #endif /* _INCLUDE__INIT__CHILD_POLICY_H_ */