/* * \brief CPU load display * \author Norman Feske * \date 2015-06-30 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ /* Genode includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Cpu_load_display { class Timeline; class Cpu; class Cpu_registry; template class Scene; typedef Genode::Xml_node Xml_node; typedef Genode::Color Color; using Genode::max; }; class Cpu_load_display::Timeline : public Genode::List::Element { public: enum { HISTORY_LEN = 32 }; typedef Genode::String<160> Label; private: unsigned const _subject_id = 0; unsigned _activity[HISTORY_LEN]; unsigned _sum_activity = 0; Label _label; /** * Return hue value based on subject ID */ unsigned _hue() const { /* * To get nicely varying hue values, we pass the subject ID * to a hash function. */ unsigned int const a = 1588635695, q = 2, r = 1117695901; return (a*(_subject_id % q) - r*(_subject_id / q)) & 255; } public: Timeline(unsigned subject_id, Label const &label) : _subject_id(subject_id), _label(label) { Genode::memset(_activity, 0, sizeof(_activity)); } void activity(unsigned long recent_activity, unsigned now) { unsigned const i = now % HISTORY_LEN; _sum_activity -= _activity[i]; _activity[i] = recent_activity; _sum_activity += recent_activity; } unsigned long activity(unsigned i) const { return _activity[i % HISTORY_LEN]; } bool has_subject_id(unsigned subject_id) const { return _subject_id == subject_id; } bool idle() const { return _sum_activity == 0; } bool kernel() const { return _label == Label("kernel"); } enum Color_type { COLOR_TOP, COLOR_BOTTOM }; Color color(Color_type type) const { unsigned const brightness = 140; unsigned const saturation = type == COLOR_TOP ? 70 : 140; unsigned const alpha = 230; Color const c = color_from_hsv(_hue(), saturation, brightness); return Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, alpha); } }; class Cpu_load_display::Cpu : public Genode::List::Element { private: Genode::Point<> const _pos; Genode::List _timelines; Timeline *_lookup_timeline(Xml_node subject) { unsigned long const subject_id = subject.attribute_value("id", 0UL); char label[sizeof(Timeline::Label)]; subject.attribute("label").value(label, sizeof(label)); for (Timeline *t = _timelines.first(); t; t = t->next()) { if (t->has_subject_id(subject_id)) return t; } /* add new timeline */ Timeline *t = new (Genode::env()->heap()) Timeline(subject_id, Genode::Cstring(label)); _timelines.insert(t); return t; } unsigned long _activity(Xml_node subject) { try { Xml_node activity = subject.sub_node("activity"); return activity.attribute_value("recent", 0UL); } catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_sub_node) { } return 0; } public: Cpu(Genode::Point<> pos) : _pos(pos) { } bool has_pos(Genode::Point<> pos) const { return pos == _pos; } void import_trace_subject(Xml_node subject, unsigned now) { unsigned long const activity = _activity(subject); if (activity) _lookup_timeline(subject)->activity(activity, now); } void advance(unsigned now) { Timeline *next = nullptr; for (Timeline *t = _timelines.first(); t; t = next) { next = t->next(); t->activity(0, now); if (t->idle()) { _timelines.remove(t); Genode::destroy(Genode::env()->heap(), t); } } } unsigned long activity_sum(unsigned i) const { unsigned long sum = 0; for (Timeline const *t = _timelines.first(); t; t = t->next()) sum += t->activity(i); return sum; } template void for_each_timeline(FN const &fn) const { for (Timeline const *t = _timelines.first(); t; t = t->next()) fn(*t); } }; class Cpu_load_display::Cpu_registry { private: Genode::List _cpus; static Genode::Point<> _cpu_pos(Xml_node subject) { try { Xml_node affinity = subject.sub_node("affinity"); return Genode::Point<>(affinity.attribute_value("xpos", 0UL), affinity.attribute_value("ypos", 0UL)); } catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_sub_node) { } return Genode::Point<>(0, 0); } Cpu *_lookup_cpu(Xml_node subject) { /* find CPU that matches the affinity of the subject */ Genode::Point<> cpu_pos = _cpu_pos(subject); for (Cpu *cpu = _cpus.first(); cpu; cpu = cpu->next()) { if (cpu->has_pos(cpu_pos)) return cpu; } /* add new CPU */ Cpu *cpu = new (Genode::env()->heap()) Cpu(cpu_pos); _cpus.insert(cpu); return cpu; } void _import_trace_subject(Xml_node subject, unsigned now) { Cpu *cpu = _lookup_cpu(subject); cpu->import_trace_subject(subject, now); } public: void import_trace_subjects(Xml_node node, unsigned now) { node.for_each_sub_node("subject", [&] (Xml_node subject) { _import_trace_subject(subject, now); }); } template void for_each_cpu(FN const &fn) const { for (Cpu const *cpu = _cpus.first(); cpu; cpu = cpu->next()) fn(*cpu); } void advance(unsigned now) { for (Cpu *cpu = _cpus.first(); cpu; cpu = cpu->next()) cpu->advance(now); } }; template class Cpu_load_display::Scene : public Nano3d::Scene { private: Nitpicker::Area const _size; void _handle_config(unsigned) { Genode::config()->reload(); } Genode::Signal_dispatcher _config_dispatcher; Genode::Attached_rom_dataspace _trace_subjects { "trace_subjects" }; unsigned _now = 0; Cpu_registry _cpu_registry; void _handle_trace_subjects(unsigned) { _trace_subjects.update(); if (!_trace_subjects.valid()) return; _cpu_registry.advance(++_now); try { Xml_node subjects(_trace_subjects.local_addr()); _cpu_registry.import_trace_subjects(subjects, _now); } catch (...) { Genode::error("failed to import trace subjects"); } } Genode::Signal_dispatcher _trace_subjects_dispatcher; public: Scene(Genode::Signal_receiver &sig_rec, unsigned update_rate_ms, Nitpicker::Point pos, Nitpicker::Area size) : Nano3d::Scene(sig_rec, update_rate_ms, pos, size), _size(size), _config_dispatcher(sig_rec, *this, &Scene::_handle_config), _trace_subjects_dispatcher(sig_rec, *this, &Scene::_handle_trace_subjects) { Genode::config()->sigh(_config_dispatcher); _handle_config(0); _trace_subjects.sigh(_trace_subjects_dispatcher); } private: Polygon::Shaded_painter _shaded_painter { *Genode::env()->heap(), _size.h() }; long _activity_sum[Timeline::HISTORY_LEN]; long _y_level[Timeline::HISTORY_LEN]; long _y_curr[Timeline::HISTORY_LEN]; void _plot_cpu(Genode::Surface &pixel, Genode::Surface &alpha, Cpu const &cpu, Nitpicker::Rect rect) { enum { HISTORY_LEN = Timeline::HISTORY_LEN }; /* calculate activity sum for each point in history */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < HISTORY_LEN; i++) _activity_sum[i] = cpu.activity_sum(i); for (unsigned i = 0; i < HISTORY_LEN; i++) _y_level[i] = 0; int const h = rect.h(); int const w = rect.w(); cpu.for_each_timeline([&] (Timeline const &timeline) { if (timeline.kernel()) return; bool first = true; /* reset values of the current timeline */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < HISTORY_LEN; i++) _y_curr[i] = 0; Color const top_color = timeline.color(Timeline::COLOR_TOP); Color const bottom_color = timeline.color(Timeline::COLOR_BOTTOM); for (unsigned i = 0; i < HISTORY_LEN; i++) { unsigned const t = (_now - i - 0) % HISTORY_LEN; unsigned const prev_t = (_now - i + 1) % HISTORY_LEN; unsigned long const activity = timeline.activity(t); int const dy = _activity_sum[t] ? (activity*h) / _activity_sum[t] : 0; _y_curr[t] = _y_level[t] + dy; if (!first) { /* draw polygon */ int const n = HISTORY_LEN - 1; int const x0 = ((n - i + 0)*w)/n + rect.x1(); int const x1 = ((n - i + 1)*w)/n + rect.x1(); int const y0 = rect.y1() + h - _y_curr[t]; int const y1 = rect.y1() + h - _y_curr[prev_t]; int const y2 = rect.y1() + h - _y_level[prev_t]; int const y3 = rect.y1() + h - _y_level[t]; typedef Polygon::Shaded_painter::Point Point; Point points[4]; points[0] = Point(x0, y0, top_color); points[1] = Point(x1, y1, top_color); points[2] = Point(x1, y2, y1 == y2 ? top_color : bottom_color); points[3] = Point(x0, y3, y3 == y0 ? top_color : bottom_color); _shaded_painter.paint(pixel, alpha, points, 4); /* drop shadow */ Color const black (0, 0, 0, 100); Color const translucent (0, 0, 0, 0); points[0] = Point(x0, y3 - 5, translucent); points[1] = Point(x1, y2 - 5, translucent); points[2] = Point(x1, y2, black); points[3] = Point(x0, y3, black); _shaded_painter.paint(pixel, alpha, points, 4); } first = false; } /* raise level by the values of the current timeline */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < HISTORY_LEN; i++) _y_level[i] = _y_curr[i]; }); } public: /** * Scene interface */ void render(Genode::Surface &pixel, Genode::Surface &alpha) override { /* background */ Color const top_color = Color(10, 10, 10, 20); Color const bottom_color = Color(10, 10, 10, 100); unsigned const w = pixel.size().w(); unsigned const h = pixel.size().h(); typedef Polygon::Shaded_painter::Point Point; Point points[4]; points[0] = Point(0, 0, top_color); points[1] = Point(w - 1, 0, top_color); points[2] = Point(w - 1, h - 1, bottom_color); points[3] = Point(0, h - 1, bottom_color); _shaded_painter.paint(pixel, alpha, points, 4); /* determine number of CPUs */ unsigned num_cpus = 0; _cpu_registry.for_each_cpu([&] (Cpu const &cpu) { num_cpus++; }); if (num_cpus == 0) return; /* plot graphs for the CPUs below each other */ enum { GAP = 8 }; Nitpicker::Point const step(0, _size.h()/num_cpus); Nitpicker::Area const size(_size.w(), step.y() - GAP); Nitpicker::Point point(0, GAP/2); _cpu_registry.for_each_cpu([&] (Cpu const &cpu) { _plot_cpu(pixel, alpha, cpu, Nitpicker::Rect(point, size)); point = point + step; }); } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { static Genode::Signal_receiver sig_rec; enum { UPDATE_RATE_MS = 250 }; static Cpu_load_display::Scene scene(sig_rec, UPDATE_RATE_MS, Nitpicker::Point(0, 0), Nitpicker::Area(400, 400)); scene.dispatch_signals_loop(sig_rec); return 0; }