# # Global build configuration variables # # # Read user-provided tools configuration # -include $(call select_from_repositories,etc/tools.conf) -include $(BUILD_BASE_DIR)/etc/tools.conf # # Set undefined CUSTOM_ tools to their default values # CUSTOM_CC ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)gcc CUSTOM_CXX ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)g++ CUSTOM_CPP ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)cpp CUSTOM_CXX_LIB ?= $(CUSTOM_CXX) CUSTOM_LD ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)ld CUSTOM_AS ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)as CUSTOM_AR ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)ar CUSTOM_NM ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)nm CUSTOM_OBJCOPY ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)objcopy CUSTOM_RANLIB ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)ranlib CUSTOM_STRIP ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)strip CUSTOM_GNATBIND ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)gnatbind CUSTOM_HOST_CC ?= $(HOST_DEV_PREFIX)gcc CUSTOM_HOST_CXX ?= $(HOST_DEV_PREFIX)g++ CUSTOM_ADA_CC ?= $(CUSTOM_CC) CUSTOM_ALI2DEP ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)ali2dep CUSTOM_GO ?= $(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)gccgo # # GNU utilities # # Non-Linux operating systems may have to install 'findutils' # to get the GNU versions of xargs and find. # TAC ?= tac GNU_FIND ?= find GNU_XARGS ?= xargs ECHO ?= echo -e # # Build tools # CC = $(CUSTOM_CC) CXX = $(CUSTOM_CXX) CPP = $(CUSTOM_CPP) LD = $(CUSTOM_LD) AS = $(CUSTOM_AS) AR = $(CUSTOM_AR) NM = $(CUSTOM_NM) OBJCOPY = $(CUSTOM_OBJCOPY) RANLIB = $(CUSTOM_RANLIB) STRIP = $(CUSTOM_STRIP) GNATBIND = $(CUSTOM_GNATBIND) HOST_CC = $(CUSTOM_HOST_CC) ADA_CC = $(CUSTOM_ADA_CC) ALI2DEP = $(CUSTOM_ALI2DEP) GOLANG = $(CUSTOM_GO) # # Compiler and Linker options # # # Options for automatically generating dependency files # # We specify the target for the generated dependency file explicitly via # the -MT option. Unfortunately, this option is handled differently by # different gcc versions. Older versions used to always append the object # file to the target. However, gcc-4.3.2 takes the -MT argument literally. # So we have to specify both the .o file and the .d file. On older gcc # versions, this results in the .o file to appear twice in the target # but that is no problem. # CC_OPT_DEP = -MMD -MP -MT '$@ $(@:.o=.d)' # # Always compile with '-ffunction-sections' to enable the use of the # linker option '-gc-sections' # CC_OPT += -ffunction-sections # # Prevent the compiler from optimizations related to strict aliasing # CC_OPT += -fno-strict-aliasing # # Do not compile/link with standard includes and standard libraries per # default. # ifneq ($(STDINC),yes) CC_OPT_NOSTDINC := -nostdinc endif ifneq ($(STDLIB),yes) LD_OPT_NOSTDLIB := -nostdlib -Wl,-nostdlib endif # # Prevent the definition of __STDC_HOSTED__ by default # CC_OPT_FREESTANDING ?= -ffreestanding # # Add coverage options # # The directory for the coverage data (generated at runtime) is derived from # the current build directory and is going to look like # # '/genodelabs/bin/test-log_gcov/2018-11-13/gcov_data/test-log_gcov' # # to match the path where the gcov note files (generated at build time) are # stored in the depot package of the test program. # # If depot packages are not used, the path is going to look like # # '/gcov_data/test-log_gcov' # ifeq ($(COVERAGE),yes) ifneq ($(findstring /depot/,$(CURDIR)),) PROFILE_DIR = $(shell echo $(CURDIR) | \ sed -e 's/^.*\/depot\//\//' \ -e 's/\.build\/.*//')/gcov_data/$(TARGET) else PROFILE_DIR = /gcov_data/$(TARGET) endif CC_OPT += -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -fprofile-dir=$(PROFILE_DIR) endif ifneq ($(findstring /depot/,$(CURDIR)),) DEBUG_PREFIX = $(shell echo $(CURDIR) | \ sed -e 's|/depot/.*$$|/depot/|') CC_OPT += -fdebug-prefix-map=$(DEBUG_PREFIX)=/depot/ endif # # Enable the undefined behavior sanitizer if requested # ifeq ($(SANITIZE_UNDEFINED),yes) CC_OPT += -fsanitize=undefined endif # # Default optimization and warning levels # CC_OLEVEL ?= -O2 CC_WARN ?= -Wall # # XXX fix the warnings and remove this option # CC_WARN += -Wno-error=implicit-fallthrough # # Additional warnings for C++ # CC_CXX_WARN_STRICT_CONVERSION ?= -Wconversion CC_CXX_WARN_STRICT ?= -Wextra -Weffc++ -Werror -Wsuggest-override \ $(CC_CXX_WARN_STRICT_CONVERSION) CC_CXX_WARN ?= $(CC_WARN) $(CC_CXX_WARN_STRICT) # # Additional warnings for Ada/SPARK # CC_ADA_WARN_STRICT ?= -gnatwe -gnatyyBdSux CC_ADA_WARN ?= -gnatwa $(CC_ADA_WARN_STRICT) # # Aggregate compiler options that are common for C and C++ # CC_OPT += $(CC_OPT_NOSTDINC) $(CC_OPT_FREESTANDING) -g \ $(CC_MARCH) $(CC_OLEVEL) $(CC_OPT_DEP) $(CC_WARN) # # Incorporate source-file-specific compiler options # # The make variable $* refers to the currently processed compilation # unit when 'CC_OPT' gets implicitly expanded by the rules '%.o: %.c' # and '%.o: %.cc' of 'generic.mk'. # # We substitute '.' characters by '_' to allow source-file-specific # compiler options for files with more than one dot in their name. # CC_OPT += $(CC_OPT_$(subst .,_,$*)) # # Build program position independent as well # CC_OPT_PIC ?= -fPIC CC_OPT += $(CC_OPT_PIC) # # Predefine C and C++ specific compiler options with their common values # CC_CXX_OPT += $(CC_OPT) $(CC_CXX_WARN) CC_C_OPT += $(CC_OPT) CC_ADA_OPT += $(CC_ADA_WARN) -fexceptions CC_ADA_OPT += $(filter-out -fno-builtin-cos -fno-builtin-sin \ -fno-builtin-cosf -fno-builtin-sinf ,$(CC_OPT)) # # Enable C++11 by default # # We substitute '.' characters by '_' to allow a source-file-specific # C++ standard option for files with more than one dot in their name. # CC_CXX_OPT_STD ?= -std=gnu++20 CC_CXX_OPT += $(lastword $(CC_CXX_OPT_STD) $(CC_CXX_OPT_STD_$(subst .,_,$*))) # # Linker options # # Use '-gc-sections' by default but allow a platform to disable this feature by # defining 'LD_GC_SECTIONS' empty. This is needed for older tool chains (gcc # version 4.11 and binutils version 2.16), which happen to produce broken # code when '-gc-sections' is enabled. Also, set max-page-size to 4KiB to # prevent the linker from aligning the text segment to any built-in default # (e.g., 4MiB on x86_64 or 64KiB on ARM). Otherwise, the padding bytes are # wasted at the beginning of the final binary. # LD_OPT_GC_SECTIONS ?= -gc-sections LD_OPT_ALIGN_SANE = -z max-page-size=0x1000 LD_OPT_NX_STACK = -z noexecstack LD_OPT_PREFIX := -Wl, LD_OPT += $(LD_MARCH) $(LD_OPT_GC_SECTIONS) $(LD_OPT_ALIGN_SANE) $(LD_OPT_NX_STACK) CXX_LINK_OPT += $(addprefix $(LD_OPT_PREFIX),$(LD_OPT)) CXX_LINK_OPT += $(LD_OPT_NOSTDLIB) # # Genode linker does not support .gnu.hash so there is no point in having it # in the ELF files. Tell the linker to only produce SysV hash tables. # LD_OPT += --hash-style=sysv # # Linker script for dynamically linked programs # LD_SCRIPT_DYN ?= $(BASE_DIR)/src/ld/genode_dyn.ld # # Linker script for shared libraries # LD_SCRIPT_SO ?= $(BASE_DIR)/src/ld/genode_rel.ld # # Assembler options # AS_OPT += $(AS_MARCH) # # Default tar options # TAR_OPT ?= --owner=1 --group=1 --mtime=@0 ALL_INC_DIR := . ALL_INC_DIR += $(INC_DIR) ALL_INC_DIR += $(foreach DIR,$(REP_INC_DIR), $(foreach REP,$(REPOSITORIES),$(REP)/$(DIR))) ALL_INC_DIR += $(foreach REP,$(REPOSITORIES),$(REP)/include) ALL_INC_DIR += $(LIBGCC_INC_DIR) ALL_INC_DIR += $(HOST_INC_DIR) VERBOSE ?= @ VERBOSE_DIR ?= --no-print-directory MSG_LINK ?= @$(ECHO) " LINK " MSG_COMP ?= @$(ECHO) " COMPILE " MSG_BUILD ?= @$(ECHO) " BUILD " MSG_RENAME ?= @$(ECHO) " RENAME " MSG_MERGE ?= @$(ECHO) " MERGE " MSG_CONVERT ?= @$(ECHO) " CONVERT " MSG_CONFIG ?= @$(ECHO) " CONFIG " MSG_CLEAN ?= @$(ECHO) " CLEAN " MSG_ASSEM ?= @$(ECHO) " ASSEMBLE " MSG_INST ?= @$(ECHO) " INSTALL "