/* * \brief File system for providing a read-only value as a file * \author Norman Feske * \date 2018-03-27 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. */ #ifndef _INCLUDE__VFS__READONLY_VALUE_FILE_SYSTEM_H_ #define _INCLUDE__VFS__READONLY_VALUE_FILE_SYSTEM_H_ /* Genode includes */ #include <util/xml_generator.h> #include <vfs/single_file_system.h> namespace Vfs { template <typename, unsigned BUF_SIZE = 128> class Readonly_value_file_system; } template <typename T, unsigned BUF_SIZE> class Vfs::Readonly_value_file_system : public Vfs::Single_file_system { public: typedef Genode::String<64> Name; private: typedef Genode::String<BUF_SIZE + 1> Buffer; Name const _file_name; Buffer _buffer { }; struct Vfs_handle : Single_vfs_handle { Buffer const &_buffer; Vfs_handle(Directory_service &ds, File_io_service &fs, Allocator &alloc, Buffer const &buffer) : Single_vfs_handle(ds, fs, alloc, 0), _buffer(buffer) { } Read_result read(char *dst, file_size count, file_size &out_count) override { out_count = 0; if (seek() > _buffer.length()) return READ_ERR_INVALID; char const * const src = _buffer.string() + seek(); Genode::size_t const len = min(_buffer.length() - seek(), count); Genode::memcpy(dst, src, len); out_count = len; return READ_OK; } Write_result write(char const *, file_size, file_size &) override { return WRITE_ERR_IO; } bool read_ready() override { return true; } }; typedef Genode::String<200> Config; Config _config(Name const &name) const { char buf[Config::capacity()] { }; Genode::Xml_generator xml(buf, sizeof(buf), type_name(), [&] () { xml.attribute("name", name); }); return Config(Genode::Cstring(buf)); } public: Readonly_value_file_system(Name const &name, T const &initial_value) : Single_file_system(NODE_TYPE_CHAR_DEVICE, type(), Xml_node(_config(name).string())), _file_name(name) { value(initial_value); } static char const *type_name() { return "readonly_value"; } char const *type() override { return type_name(); } void value(T const &value) { _buffer = Buffer(value); } bool matches(Xml_node node) const { return node.has_type(type_name()) && node.attribute_value("name", Name()) == _file_name; } /********************************* ** Directory-service interface ** *********************************/ Open_result open(char const *path, unsigned, Vfs::Vfs_handle **out_handle, Allocator &alloc) override { if (!_single_file(path)) return OPEN_ERR_UNACCESSIBLE; try { *out_handle = new (alloc) Vfs_handle(*this, *this, alloc, _buffer); return OPEN_OK; } catch (Genode::Out_of_ram) { return OPEN_ERR_OUT_OF_RAM; } catch (Genode::Out_of_caps) { return OPEN_ERR_OUT_OF_CAPS; } } Stat_result stat(char const *path, Stat &out) override { Stat_result result = Single_file_system::stat(path, out); out.mode |= 0444; out.size = _buffer.length(); return result; } }; #endif /* _INCLUDE__VFS__READONLY_VALUE_FILE_SYSTEM_H_ */