/* * \brief Implementation of 'Text_painter::Font' using a trivial font format * \author Norman Feske * \date 2018-03-12 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. */ #ifndef _INCLUDE__NITPICKER_GFX__TFF_FONT_H_ #define _INCLUDE__NITPICKER_GFX__TFF_FONT_H_ #include #include class Tff_font : public Text_painter::Font { public: struct Glyph_buffer { char * const ptr; Genode::size_t const size; }; template struct Static_glyph_buffer : Glyph_buffer { char _data[SIZE]; Static_glyph_buffer() : Glyph_buffer({_data, sizeof(_data)}) { } }; struct Allocated_glyph_buffer : Tff_font::Glyph_buffer { Genode::Allocator &_alloc; Allocated_glyph_buffer(void const *tff, Genode::Allocator &alloc) : Tff_font::Glyph_buffer({ (char *)alloc.alloc(Tff_font::glyph_buffer_size(tff)), Tff_font::glyph_buffer_size(tff) }), _alloc(alloc) { } ~Allocated_glyph_buffer() { _alloc.free(ptr, size); } }; private: typedef Genode::int32_t int32_t; typedef Text_painter::Codepoint Codepoint; typedef Text_painter::Area Area; typedef Text_painter::Glyph Glyph; Glyph_buffer &_buf; enum { NUM_GLYPHS = 256, PAD_LEFT = 1 }; struct Tff { unsigned char const *img; /* font image */ int const img_w, img_h; /* size of font image */ int32_t const *otab; /* offset table */ int32_t const *wtab; /* width table */ Tff(void const *data) : img((unsigned char *)data + 2056), img_w(*((int32_t *)((unsigned char *)data + 2048))), img_h(*((int32_t *)((unsigned char *)data + 2052))), otab((int32_t *)(data)), wtab((int32_t *)((unsigned char *)data + 1024)) { } Area bounding_box() const { unsigned max_w = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_GLYPHS; i++) max_w = Genode::max(max_w, (unsigned)wtab[i]); return Area(max_w, img_h); } bool _glyph_line_empty(unsigned char c, unsigned y) const { unsigned char const * const line = img + otab[c] + y*img_w; for (unsigned i = 0; i < (unsigned)wtab[c]; i++) if (line[i]) return false; return true; } struct Vertical_metrics { unsigned vpos; unsigned height; }; Vertical_metrics vertical_metrics(unsigned char c) const { unsigned y_start = 0; unsigned y_end = img_h; /* determine empty lines below glyph */ for (; y_end > 0; y_end--) if (!_glyph_line_empty(c, y_end - 1)) break; /* determine empty lines above glyph */ for (; y_start < (unsigned)img_h; y_start++) if (!_glyph_line_empty(c, y_start)) break; return Vertical_metrics { .vpos = y_start, .height = (y_end > y_start) ? y_end - y_start : 0 }; } }; Tff const _tff; Tff::Vertical_metrics _vertical_metrics[NUM_GLYPHS]; Area const _bounding_box = _tff.bounding_box(); /* * Noncopyable */ Tff_font(Tff_font const &); Tff_font &operator = (Tff_font const &); public: struct Invalid_format : Genode::Exception { }; struct Insufficient_glyph_buffer : Genode::Exception { }; /** * Constructor * * \param tff font data * \param glyph_buffer buffer for rendered glyph * * \throw Invalid_format * \throw Insufficient_glyph_buffer * * The 'glyph_buffer' should be dimensioned via 'glyph_buffer_size()'. */ Tff_font(void const *tff, Glyph_buffer &glyph_buffer) : _buf(glyph_buffer), _tff(tff) { if (_tff.img_h < 1 || _tff.img_w < 1) throw Invalid_format(); if (_buf.size < glyph_buffer_size(tff)) throw Insufficient_glyph_buffer(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_GLYPHS; i++) _vertical_metrics[i] = _tff.vertical_metrics((unsigned char)i); } /** * Return required glyph-buffer size for a given font */ static Genode::size_t glyph_buffer_size(void const *tff) { /* account for four-times horizontal supersampling */ return Tff(tff).bounding_box().count()*4; } void _apply_glyph(Codepoint c, Apply_fn const &fn) const override { unsigned const ascii = c.value & 0xff; unsigned const w = _tff.wtab[ascii], h = _vertical_metrics[ascii].height, vpos = _vertical_metrics[ascii].vpos; unsigned char const *glyph_line = _tff.img + _tff.otab[ascii] + vpos*_tff.img_w; Glyph::Opacity *dst = (Glyph::Opacity *)_buf.ptr; for (unsigned j = 0; j < h; j++) { /* insert padding in front */ for (unsigned k = 0; k < PAD_LEFT*4; k++) *dst++ = Glyph::Opacity { 0 }; /* copy line from font image to glyph */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < w; i++) { Glyph::Opacity const opacity { glyph_line[i] }; for (unsigned k = 0; k < 4; k++) *dst++ = opacity; } glyph_line += _tff.img_w; } Glyph const glyph { .width = w + PAD_LEFT, .height = h, .vpos = vpos, .advance = (int)w, .values = (Glyph::Opacity *)_buf.ptr }; fn.apply(glyph); } Advance_info advance_info(Codepoint c) const override { unsigned const ascii = c.value & 0xff; unsigned const w = _tff.wtab[ascii]; return Advance_info { .width = w + PAD_LEFT, .advance = (int)w }; } unsigned baseline() const override { Tff::Vertical_metrics const m = _vertical_metrics[(unsigned)'m']; return m.vpos + m.height; } unsigned height() const override { return _bounding_box.h; } Area bounding_box() const override { return _bounding_box; } }; #endif /* _INCLUDE__NITPICKER_GFX__TFF_FONT_H_ */