build "core init test/reconstructible" create_boot_directory install_config { } build_boot_image "core init test-reconstructible" append qemu_args "-nographic -m 64" run_genode_until {child "test-reconstructible" exited with exit value 0.*\n} 10 grep_output {-> test-reconstructible} compare_output_to { [init -> test-reconstructible] --- test-reconstructible started --- [init -> test-reconstructible] construct Object 1 [init -> test-reconstructible] construct Object 2 [init -> test-reconstructible] -- create Compound object -- [init -> test-reconstructible] construct Member_with_reference [init -> test-reconstructible] construct Compound [init -> test-reconstructible] compound.member.constructed returns 1 [init -> test-reconstructible] compound.lazy_member.constructed returns 0 [init -> test-reconstructible] -- construct lazy member -- [init -> test-reconstructible] construct Member_with_reference [init -> test-reconstructible] compound.lazy_member.constructed returns 1 [init -> test-reconstructible] -- call method on member (with reference to Object 1) -- [init -> test-reconstructible] const method called on Object 1 [init -> test-reconstructible] -- reconstruct member with Object 2 as reference -- [init -> test-reconstructible] destruct Member_with_reference [init -> test-reconstructible] construct Member_with_reference [init -> test-reconstructible] -- call method on member -- [init -> test-reconstructible] const method called on Object 2 [init -> test-reconstructible] -- destruct member -- [init -> test-reconstructible] destruct Member_with_reference [init -> test-reconstructible] -- try to call method on member, catch exception -- [init -> test-reconstructible] got exception, as expected [init -> test-reconstructible] -- destruct Compound and Objects 1 and 2 -- [init -> test-reconstructible] destruct Compound [init -> test-reconstructible] destruct Member_with_reference [init -> test-reconstructible] destruct Object 2 [init -> test-reconstructible] destruct Object 1 [init -> test-reconstructible] -- construct Throwing object [init -> test-reconstructible] construct Throwing -> don't throw [init -> test-reconstructible] destruct Throwing [init -> test-reconstructible] construct Throwing -> throw exception [init -> test-reconstructible] -- catched exception as expected [init -> test-reconstructible] --- test-reconstructible finished --- }