/* * \brief Connection to frame-buffer service * \author Norman Feske * \date 2008-08-22 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. */ #ifndef _INCLUDE__FRAMEBUFFER_SESSION__CONNECTION_H_ #define _INCLUDE__FRAMEBUFFER_SESSION__CONNECTION_H_ #include <framebuffer_session/client.h> #include <util/arg_string.h> #include <base/connection.h> namespace Framebuffer { class Connection; } class Framebuffer::Connection : public Genode::Connection<Session>, public Session_client { public: enum { RAM_QUOTA = 8*1024UL }; private: /** * Create session and return typed session capability */ Session_capability _connect(Genode::Parent &parent, unsigned width, unsigned height, Mode::Format format) { using namespace Genode; enum { ARGBUF_SIZE = 128 }; char argbuf[ARGBUF_SIZE]; argbuf[0] = 0; /* donate ram and cap quota for storing server-side meta data */ Arg_string::set_arg(argbuf, sizeof(argbuf), "ram_quota", RAM_QUOTA); Arg_string::set_arg(argbuf, sizeof(argbuf), "cap_quota", CAP_QUOTA); /* set optional session-constructor arguments */ if (width) Arg_string::set_arg(argbuf, sizeof(argbuf), "fb_width", width); if (height) Arg_string::set_arg(argbuf, sizeof(argbuf), "fb_height", height); if (format != Mode::INVALID) Arg_string::set_arg(argbuf, sizeof(argbuf), "fb_format", format); return session(parent, argbuf); } public: /** * Constructor * * \param mode desired size and pixel format * * The specified values are not enforced. After creating the * session, you should validate the actual frame-buffer attributes * by calling the 'info' method of the frame-buffer interface. */ Connection(Genode::Env &env, Framebuffer::Mode mode) : Genode::Connection<Session>(env, _connect(env.parent(), mode.width(), mode.height(), mode.format())), Session_client(cap()) { } /** * Constructor * * \noapi * \deprecated Use the constructor with 'Env &' as first * argument instead */ Connection(unsigned width = 0, unsigned height = 0, Mode::Format format = Mode::INVALID) __attribute__((deprecated)) : Genode::Connection<Session>(_connect(*Genode::env_deprecated()->parent(), width, height, format)), Session_client(cap()) { } }; #endif /* _INCLUDE__FRAMEBUFFER_SESSION__CONNECTION_H_ */