/* * \brief Block-driver interface * \author Christian Helmuth * \author Sebastian Sumpf * \author Stefan kalkowski * \date 2011-05-23 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. */ #ifndef _INCLUDE__BLOCK__DRIVER_H_ #define _INCLUDE__BLOCK__DRIVER_H_ #include <base/exception.h> #include <base/stdint.h> #include <base/signal.h> #include <base/ram_allocator.h> #include <block_session/rpc_object.h> namespace Block { class Driver_session_base; class Driver_session; class Driver; struct Driver_factory; }; struct Block::Driver_session_base : Genode::Interface { /** * Acknowledges a packet processed by the driver to the client * * \param packet the packet to acknowledge * \param success indicated whether the processing was successful * * \throw Ack_congestion */ virtual void ack_packet(Packet_descriptor &packet, bool success) = 0; }; class Block::Driver_session : public Driver_session_base, public Block::Session_rpc_object { public: /** * Constructor * * \param rm region map of local address space, used to attach * the packet-stream buffer to the local address space * \param tx_ds dataspace used as communication buffer * for the tx packet stream * \param ep entry point used for packet-stream channel */ Driver_session(Genode::Region_map &rm, Genode::Dataspace_capability tx_ds, Genode::Rpc_entrypoint &ep) : Session_rpc_object(rm, tx_ds, ep) { } }; /** * Interface to be implemented by the device-specific driver code */ class Block::Driver : Genode::Interface { private: /* * Noncopyable */ Driver(Driver const &); Driver &operator = (Driver const &); Genode::Ram_allocator &_ram; Driver_session_base *_session = nullptr; public: /** * Exceptions */ class Io_error : public ::Genode::Exception { }; class Request_congestion : public ::Genode::Exception { }; /** * Constructor */ Driver(Genode::Ram_allocator &ram) : _ram(ram) { } /** * Destructor */ virtual ~Driver() { } /** * Request block-device information */ virtual Session::Info info() const = 0; /** * Read from medium * * \param block_number number of first block to read * \param block_count number of blocks to read * \param buffer output buffer for read request * \param packet packet descriptor from the client * * \throw Request_congestion * * Note: should be overridden by DMA non-capable devices */ virtual void read(sector_t /* block_number */, Genode::size_t /* block_count */, char * /* buffer */, Packet_descriptor & /* packet */) { throw Io_error(); } /** * Write to medium * * \param block_number number of first block to write * \param block_count number of blocks to write * \param buffer buffer for write request * \param packet packet descriptor from the client * * \throw Request_congestion * * Note: should be overridden by DMA non-capable, non-ROM devices */ virtual void write(sector_t /* block_number */, Genode::size_t /* block_count */, const char * /* buffer */, Packet_descriptor & /* packet */) { throw Io_error(); } /** * Read from medium using DMA * * \param block_number number of first block to read * \param block_count number of blocks to read * \param phys phyiscal address of read buffer * \param packet packet descriptor from the client * * \throw Request_congestion * * Note: should be overridden by DMA capable devices */ virtual void read_dma(sector_t /* block_number */, Genode::size_t /* block_count */, Genode::addr_t /* phys */, Packet_descriptor & /* packet */) { throw Io_error(); } /** * Write to medium using DMA * * \param block_number number of first block to write * \param block_count number of blocks to write * \param phys physical address of write buffer * \param packet packet descriptor from the client * * \throw Request_congestion * * Note: should be overridden by DMA capable, non-ROM devices */ virtual void write_dma(sector_t /* block_number */, Genode::size_t /* block_count */, Genode::addr_t /* phys */, Packet_descriptor & /* packet */) { throw Io_error(); } /** * Check if DMA is enabled for driver * * \return true if DMA is enabled, false otherwise * * Note: has to be overriden by DMA-capable devices */ virtual bool dma_enabled() { return false; } struct Dma_buffer { Genode::Ram_dataspace_capability ds; Genode::addr_t dma_addr; }; /** * Allocate buffer which is suitable for DMA. * * Note: has to be overriden by DMA-capable devices */ virtual Dma_buffer alloc_dma_buffer(Genode::size_t, Genode::Cache) = 0; /** * Free buffer which is suitable for DMA. * * Note: has to be overriden by DMA-capable devices */ virtual void free_dma_buffer(Genode::Ram_dataspace_capability c) { return _ram.free(c); } /** * Synchronize with device. * * Note: should be overriden by (e.g. intermediate) components, * which cache data */ virtual void sync() {} /** * Informs the driver that the client session was closed * * Note: drivers with state (e.g. asynchronously working) * should override this method, and reset their internal state */ virtual void session_invalidated() { } /** * Set single session component of the driver * * Session might get used to acknowledge requests. */ void session(Driver_session_base *session) { if (!(_session = session)) session_invalidated(); } /** * Acknowledge a packet after processing finished to the client * * \param p packet to acknowledge */ void ack_packet(Packet_descriptor &p, bool success = true) { if (_session) _session->ack_packet(p, success); } }; /** * Interface for constructing the driver object */ struct Block::Driver_factory : Genode::Interface { /** * Construct new driver */ virtual Driver *create() = 0; /** * Destroy driver */ virtual void destroy(Driver *driver) = 0; }; #endif /* _BLOCK__DRIVER_H_ */