# \brief  Test for using the Block (Storage) service of usb_drv
# \author Christian Prochaska
# \date   2011-06-24

# Build

set build_components {
	core init timer

lappend_if [have_spec gpio]             build_components drivers/gpio

proc gpio_drv { } { if {[have_spec rpi] && [have_spec hw]}  { return hw_gpio_drv }
                    if {[have_spec rpi] && [have_spec foc]} { return foc_gpio_drv }
                    return gpio_drv }

source ${genode_dir}/repos/base/run/platform_drv.inc

build $build_components


# Generate config

set config {
<config verbose="yes">
		<service name="ROM"/>
		<service name="IRQ"/>
		<service name="IO_MEM"/>
		<service name="IO_PORT"/>
		<service name="PD"/>
		<service name="RM"/>
		<service name="CPU"/>
		<service name="LOG"/>
		<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
	<default caps="100"/>}


append_if [have_spec gpio] config "
	<start name=\"[gpio_drv]\">
		<resource name=\"RAM\" quantum=\"4M\"/>
		<provides><service name=\"Gpio\"/></provides>

append config {
	<start name="timer">
		<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/>
		<provides> <service name="Timer"/> </provides>
	<start name="usb_drv">
		<resource name="RAM" quantum="12M"/>
		<provides> <service name="Block"/> </provides>
		<config uhci="yes" ohci="yes" ehci="yes" xhci="yes"><storage /></config>
		<start name="test-usb">
		<resource name="RAM" quantum="2M" />
		<binary name="test-block-client" />
		<config test_size="1M" />
install_config $config

# Boot modules

# generic modules
set boot_modules {
	core ld.lib.so init timer usb_drv test-block-client

lappend_if [have_spec gpio] boot_modules [gpio_drv]


build_boot_image $boot_modules

# Execute test case
set disk_image "bin/test.img"
set cmd "dd if=/dev/zero of=$disk_image bs=1024 count=65536"
puts "creating disk image:\n$cmd"
catch { exec sh -c $cmd }

set cmd "mkfs.vfat -F32 $disk_image"
puts "formating disk image with vfat file system:\$cmd"
catch { exec sh -c $cmd }

# Qemu opts for UHCI
#append qemu_args "  -nographic -usbdevice disk::$disk_image -boot order=d"

# Qemu opts for EHCI
append qemu_args "-drive if=none,id=disk,file=$disk_image"
append qemu_args {  \
 -nographic -M pc \
-device usb-ehci,id=ehci \
-device usb-storage,bus=ehci.0,drive=disk \
-boot order=d }

# Qemu opts for XHCI
#append qemu_args {  \
# -nographic -M pc \
#-device nec-usb-xhci,id=xhci \
#-device usb-storage,bus=xhci.0,drive=disk \
#-boot order=d }

run_genode_until {.*child "test-usb" exited with exit value 0.*} 100

puts "\nTest succeeded\n"

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