/* * \brief Path handling utility for Noux * \author Norman Feske * \date 2011-02-17 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ #ifndef _NOUX__PATH_H_ #define _NOUX__PATH_H_ /* Genode includes */ #include /* Noux includes */ #include namespace Noux { class Path_base { public: class Path_too_long { }; protected: static bool is_absolute(char const *path) { return path[0] == '/'; } static bool ends_with(char c, char const *path) { return path[0] && (path[Genode::strlen(path) - 1] == c); } static void remove_char(char *buf) { for (; *buf; buf++) buf[0] = buf[1]; } static void remove_trailing(char c, char *path) { int i = 0; while (path[i] && path[i + 1]) i++; /* * Never touch the first character to preserve the invariant of * the leading slash. */ if (i > 0 && path[i] == c) path[i] = 0; } static char const *last_element(char const *path) { char const *result = path; for (; *path; path++) if (path[0] == '/' && path[1] != 0) result = path; return result; } static bool is_empty(char const *path) { return Genode::strlen(path) == 0; } /** * Remove superfluous single dots followed by a slash from path */ static void strip_superfluous_dotslashes(char *path) { for (; *path; path++) { if (path[0] != '/') continue; /* strip superfluous dots, e.g., "/abs/./path/" -> "/abs/path" */ while (path[1] == '.' && path[2] == '/') { remove_char(path); remove_char(path); } } } /** * Find double-dot path element * * \return index of the first dot of the found path element, or * 0 if no double-dot path element could be found. */ static unsigned find_double_dot_dir(char *path) { for (unsigned i = 0; path[i]; i++) if (path[i] == '/' && path[i + 1] == '.' && path[i + 2] == '.' && (path[i + 3] == 0 || path[i + 3] == '/')) return i + 1; return 0; } static void strip(char *dst, unsigned count) { for (char const *src = dst + count; *src; ) *dst++ = *src++; *dst = 0; } static void strip_double_dot_dirs(char *path) { unsigned i; while ((i = find_double_dot_dir(path))) { /* skip slash prepending the double dot */ unsigned cut_start = i - 1; unsigned cut_end = i + 2; /* skip previous path element */ while (cut_start > 0 && path[cut_start - 1] != '/') cut_start--; strip(path + cut_start, cut_end - cut_start); } } private: Path_base(const Path_base &); char * const _path; Genode::size_t const _path_max_len; /** * Append 'path' * * \throw Path_too_long */ void _append(char const *path) { Genode::size_t const orig_len = Genode::strlen(_path); if (Genode::strlen(path) + orig_len + 1 >= _path_max_len) throw Path_too_long(); Genode::strncpy(_path + orig_len, path, _path_max_len - orig_len); } void _append_slash_if_needed() { if (!ends_with('/', _path)) _append("/"); } void _strip_from_begin(unsigned count) { strip(_path, count); } /** * Remove superfluous artifacts from absolute path */ void _canonicalize() { strip_superfluous_dotslashes(_path); strip_double_dot_dirs(_path); remove_trailing('.', _path); } void _import(char const *path, char const *pwd = 0) { /* * Validate 'pwd' argument, if not supplied, enforce invariant * that 'pwd' is an absolute path. */ if (!pwd || Genode::strlen(pwd) == 0) pwd = "/"; /* * Use argument path if absolute */ if (is_absolute(path)) Genode::strncpy(_path, path, _path_max_len); /* * Otherwise, concatenate current working directory with * relative path. */ else { const char *const relative_path = path; Genode::strncpy(_path, pwd, _path_max_len); if (!is_empty(relative_path)) { /* make sure to have a slash separating both portions */ _append_slash_if_needed(); _append(relative_path); } // PDBG("path: '%s'", _path); } _canonicalize(); // PDBG("canonical path: '%s'", _path); } public: Path_base(char *buf, Genode::size_t buf_len, char const *path, char const *pwd = 0) : _path(buf), _path_max_len(buf_len) { _import(path, pwd); } void import(char const *path) { _import(path); } char *base() { return _path; } Genode::size_t max_len() { return _path_max_len; } void remove_trailing(char c) { remove_trailing(c, _path); } void keep_only_last_element() { char *dst = _path; for (char const *src = last_element(_path) ; *src; ) *dst++ = *src++; *dst = 0; } bool equals(Path_base const &ref) const { return Genode::strcmp(ref._path, _path) == 0; } bool equals(char const *str) const { return Genode::strcmp(str, _path) == 0; } bool strip_prefix(char const *prefix) { unsigned prefix_len = Genode::strlen(prefix); if (Genode::strcmp(prefix, _path, prefix_len) != 0) return false; if (prefix_len > 0 && ends_with('/', prefix)) prefix_len--; if (prefix[prefix_len] && prefix[prefix_len] != '/') return false; if (_path[prefix_len] && _path[prefix_len] != '/') return false; _strip_from_begin(prefix_len); return true; } bool has_single_element() const { /* count number of non-trailing slashes */ unsigned num_slashes = 0; for (char const *p = _path; *p; p++) num_slashes += (p[0] == '/' && p[1] != 0); /* * Check if the leading slash is the only one, also check the * absence of any element. */ return (num_slashes == 1) && !equals("/"); } void append(char const *str) { _append(str); } }; template class Path : public Path_base { private: char _buf[MAX_LEN]; public: /** * Default constuctor * * Initializes the path to '/'. */ Path() : Path_base(_buf, sizeof(_buf), "/") { } /** * Constructor */ Path(char const *path, char const *pwd = 0) : Path_base(_buf, sizeof(_buf), path, pwd) { } }; typedef Path Absolute_path; } #endif /* _NOUX__PATH_H_ */