#!/usr/bin/make -f
# \brief   ISO image creation tool
# \author  Christian Helmuth
# \date    2009-02-05

ISO    ?= genode
ISODIR  = $(abspath $(ISO))
ISOIMG  = $(abspath $(ISO).iso)

default help:
	@echo "--- available commands ---"
	@echo "iso      - create ISO image of directory \"$(ISO)\""
	@echo "tiny.iso - create tiny ISO image of directory \"$(ISO)\""
	@echo "compress - create bzip2 compressed ISO image"
	@echo "clean    - cleanup everything"
	@echo "--- configuration options ---"
	@echo "ISO=<name>   Overwrites basename of cd image file."
	@echo "Please, place your binaries and config files in appropriate subdirectories in"
	@echo "  $(ISODIR)"
	@echo "and adapt"
	@echo "  $(ISODIR)/boot/grub/menu.lst"
	@echo "to your configuration's needs. A sample directory tree can be found in"
	@echo "tool/boot/genode."

# Function to generate bootable ISO images
# parameter 1  filename of ISO image
# parameter 2  path of directory containing file tree for the ISO image
gen_iso_image = genisoimage -f -l -R -hide-rr-moved -jcharset utf8 \
                            -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
                            -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin \
                            -o $(1) $(2)

$(ISOIMG) iso:
	@$(call gen_iso_image, $(ISOIMG) $(ISODIR))
	@which isohybrid > /dev/null && isohybrid $(ISOIMG)

STRIP_FILES = $(wildcard genode/*) $(wildcard pistachio/*)

# Compact all files in a directory using strip and gzip
# parameter 1  directory containing the files to strip and gzip
compact_files = for f in `find $(1) -type f`; do \
                    strip $$f -o strip.tmp; \
                    gzip -c strip.tmp > $$f; \
                done; rm -f strip.tmp

	@rm -rf $(@:.iso=.dir)
	@cp -Lrp $(ISODIR) $(@:.iso=.dir)
	@$(call compact_files, $(@:.iso=.dir)/fiasco)
	@$(call compact_files, $(@:.iso=.dir)/pistachio)
	@$(call compact_files, $(@:.iso=.dir)/genode)
	@$(call gen_iso_image, $@ $(@:.iso=.dir))
	@rm -rf $(@:.iso=.dir)

compress: $(ISOIMG)
	@bzip2 -f -c $< > $).bz2

	@rm -rf tiny.dir tiny.iso $(ISOIMG)

.PHONY: $(ISOIMG) tiny.iso clean