/* * \brief Syscall bindings for the NOVA microhypervisor x86_64 * \author Norman Feske * \author Sebastian Sumpf * \author Alexander Boettcher * \date 2012-06-06 */ /* * Copyright (c) 2012 Genode Labs * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PLATFORM__NOVA_SYSCALLS_H_ #define _PLATFORM__NOVA_SYSCALLS_H_ #include #include #define ALWAYS_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) namespace Nova { ALWAYS_INLINE inline mword_t rdi(Syscall s, uint8_t flags, mword_t sel) { return sel << 8 | (flags & 0xf) << 4 | s; } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t syscall_0(Syscall s, uint8_t flags, mword_t sel = 0) { mword_t status = rdi(s, flags, sel); asm volatile ("syscall" : "+D" (status) : : "rcx", "r11", "memory"); return status; } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t syscall_1(Syscall s, uint8_t flags, mword_t sel, mword_t p1, mword_t * p2 = 0) { mword_t status = rdi(s, flags, sel); asm volatile ("syscall" : "+D" (status), "+S" (p1) : : "rcx", "r11", "memory"); if (p2) *p2 = p1; return status; } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t syscall_2(Syscall s, uint8_t flags, mword_t sel, mword_t p1, mword_t p2) { mword_t status = rdi(s, flags, sel); asm volatile ("syscall" : "+D" (status) : "S" (p1), "d" (p2) : "rcx", "r11", "memory"); return status; } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t syscall_3(Syscall s, uint8_t flags, unsigned sel, mword_t p1, mword_t p2, mword_t p3) { mword_t status = rdi(s, flags, sel); asm volatile ("syscall" : "+D" (status) : "S" (p1), "d" (p2), "a" (p3) : "rcx", "r11", "memory"); return status; } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t syscall_4(Syscall s, uint8_t flags, mword_t sel, mword_t p1, mword_t p2, mword_t p3, mword_t p4) { mword_t status = rdi(s, flags, sel); register mword_t r8 asm ("r8") = p4; asm volatile ("syscall;" : "+D" (status) : "S" (p1), "d" (p2), "a" (p3), "r" (r8) : "rcx", "r11", "memory"); return status; } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t syscall_5(Syscall s, uint8_t flags, mword_t sel, mword_t &p1, mword_t &p2) { mword_t status = rdi(s, flags, sel); asm volatile ("syscall" : "+D" (status), "+S"(p1), "+d"(p2) : : "rcx", "r11", "memory"); return status; } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t call(mword_t pt) { return syscall_0(NOVA_CALL, 0, pt); } ALWAYS_INLINE __attribute__((noreturn)) inline void reply(void *next_sp) { asm volatile ("mov %1, %%rsp;" "syscall;" : : "D" (NOVA_REPLY), "ir" (next_sp) : "memory"); __builtin_unreachable(); } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t create_pd(mword_t pd0, mword_t pd, Crd crd) { return syscall_2(NOVA_CREATE_PD, 0, pd0, pd, crd.value()); } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t create_ec(mword_t ec, mword_t pd, mword_t cpu, mword_t utcb, mword_t esp, mword_t evt, bool global = 0) { return syscall_4(NOVA_CREATE_EC, global, ec, pd, (cpu & 0xfff) | (utcb & ~0xfff), esp, evt); } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t ec_ctrl(Ec_op op, mword_t ec = ~0UL, mword_t para = ~0UL) { return syscall_1(NOVA_EC_CTRL, op, ec, para); } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t create_sc(mword_t sc, mword_t pd, mword_t ec, Qpd qpd) { return syscall_3(NOVA_CREATE_SC, 0, sc, pd, ec, qpd.value()); } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t pt_ctrl(mword_t pt, mword_t pt_id) { return syscall_1(NOVA_PT_CTRL, 0, pt, pt_id); } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t create_pt(mword_t pt, mword_t pd, mword_t ec, Mtd mtd, mword_t rip, bool id_equal_pt = true) { uint8_t res = syscall_4(NOVA_CREATE_PT, 0, pt, pd, ec, mtd.value(), rip); if (!id_equal_pt || res != NOVA_OK) return res; return pt_ctrl(pt, pt); } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t create_sm(mword_t sm, mword_t pd, mword_t cnt) { return syscall_2(NOVA_CREATE_SM, 0, sm, pd, cnt); } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t revoke(Crd crd, bool self = true) { return syscall_1(NOVA_REVOKE, self, 0, crd.value()); } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t lookup(Crd &crd) { mword_t crd_r; uint8_t res = syscall_1(NOVA_LOOKUP, 0, 0, crd.value(), &crd_r); crd = Crd(crd_r); return res; } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t sm_ctrl(mword_t sm, Sem_op op, unsigned long long timeout = 0) { return syscall_2(NOVA_SM_CTRL, op, sm, timeout >> 32, timeout & 0xFFFFFFFFULL); } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t sc_ctrl(mword_t sm, Sem_op op, mword_t &time) { mword_t status = rdi(NOVA_SC_CTRL, op, sm); mword_t time_h; uint8_t res = syscall_5(NOVA_SC_CTRL, op, sm, time_h, time); asm volatile ("syscall" : "+D" (status), "=S"(time_h), "=d"(time) : : "rcx", "r11", "memory"); time = (time_h & ~0xFFFFFFFFULL) | (time & 0xFFFFFFFFULL); return res; } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t assign_pci(mword_t pd, mword_t mem, mword_t rid) { return syscall_2(NOVA_ASSIGN_PCI, 0, pd, mem, rid); } ALWAYS_INLINE inline uint8_t assign_gsi(mword_t sm, mword_t dev, mword_t cpu, mword_t &msi_addr, mword_t &msi_data) { msi_addr = dev; msi_data = cpu; return syscall_5(NOVA_ASSIGN_GSI, 0, sm, msi_addr, msi_data); } } #endif /* _PLATFORM__NOVA_SYSCALLS_H_ */