- send 'invalid opcode' exception IPC to userland instead of switching to the kernel debugger console

diff --git a/arch/ia32/pistachio/src/exception.cc b/arch/ia32/pistachio/src/exception.cc
--- a/arch/ia32/pistachio/src/exception.cc
+++ b/arch/ia32/pistachio/src/exception.cc
@@ -177,17 +177,6 @@
             printf ("invalid opcode by %t at IP %p\n", current, addr),
             "ia32_ud at %x (current=%x)", (u32_t)addr, (u32_t)current);
-    /* instruction emulation, only in user area! */
-    if (space->is_user_area(addr)) {
-        switch(space->get_from_user(addr)) {
-        case 0xf0: /* lock prefix */
-            /* fall trough */
-        default:
-            printf("invalid opcode  at IP %p\n", addr);
-            enter_kdebug("invalid opcode");
-        }
-    }
     continuation_t cont = ASM_CONTINUATION;
     send_exception_ipc(frame, IA32_EXC_INVALIDOPCODE, cont);