When doing something like this in a run script ...
lappend arg X
lappend arg Y
lappend arg Z
import_from_depot arg
... the internals of import_from_depot do not treat $arg as list but as one
string and interprets it as malformed depot path. We can handle this by
applying {*} to $arg inside the procedure.
Issue #2619
This patch changes the depot layout such that each archive is
represented as a directory that contains the versions of the archive as
Issue #2610
The former use of 'arm_v7' as architecture was too unspecific. Depot
binary archives for Cortex-A8/A9 platforms should be generated for
the 'arm_v7a' architecture to define the required compile flags
(i.e., -march).
Run scripts can use the new 'import_from_depot' function to incorporate
archive content from the depot into a scenario. The function must be
called after the 'create_boot_directory' function and takes any number
of pkg, src, or raw archives as arguments. An archive is specified as
depot-relative path of the form <user>/<type>/name. Run scripts may
call 'import_from_depot' repeatedly.
An argument can refer to a specific version of an archive or just the
version-less archive name. In the latter case, the current version (as
defined by a corresponding archive recipe in the source tree) is used.
If a 'src' archive is specified, the run tool integrates the content of
the corrsponding binary archive into the scenario. The binary archives
are selected according the spec values as defined for the build directory.
As of now, only x86_32 and x86_64 are supported by the 'depot_spec'
Issue #2339