This patch makes use of the new 'Quota_transfer::Account' by the service
types in base/service.h and uses 'Quota_transfer' objects in
base/ and init/
Furthermore, it decouples the notion of an 'Async_service' from
'Child_service'. Init's 'Routed_service' is no longer a 'Child_service'
but is based on the new 'Async_service' instead.
With this patch in place, quota transfers do no longer implicitly use
'Ram_session_client' objects. So transfers can in principle originate
from component-local 'Ram_session_component' objects, e.g., as used by
noux. Therefore, this patch removes a strumbling block for turning noux
into a single threaded component in the future.
Issue #2398
This patch replaces the former use of size_t with the use of the
'Ram_quota' type to improve type safety (in particular to avoid
accidentally mixing up RAM quotas with cap quotas).
Issue #2398
By building the posix library as shared object with an ABI, we
effectively decouple posix-using programs from the library
implementation (which happens to depend on several os-level APIs such as
the VFS).
This patch adjusts the interactive scenarios of the gems repository to
use the depot. This has three immediate benefits. First, once the depot
is populated with binary archives, the start time of the scenarios
becomes very quick because most dependency checks and build steps are
side-stepped. Second, the run scripts become more versatile. In
particular, run scripts that were formerly supported on base-linux only
(nit_fader, decorator, menu_view) have become usable on all base
platforms that have a 'drivers_interactive' package defined. Finally,
the run scripts have become much shorter.
Issue #2339
This patch adjusts the run script in two ways:
It removes the reliance on init's formerly built-in resource-request
handling by increasing the RAM quota for the backdrop instances. Since
commit "init: explicit response to resource requests", init no longer
hands out slack memory automatically.
Second, it makes sure that the backdrop appears under the precise label
"backdrop" at nitpicker by facilitating init's label-rewriting feature.
Without explicitly setting the label to "backdrop", nitpicker observes
the label "backdrop -> backdrop" (the first part comes from init, the
second part comes from the nitpicker-session argument specified by
backdrop itself). However, the client is only considered as default
background if labeled as "backdrop" (see nitpicker's '_create_session')
Issue #2352
Ldso now does not automatically execute static constructors of the
binary and shared libraries the binary depends on. If static
construction is required (e.g., if a shared library with constructor is
used or a compilation unit contains global statics) the component needs
to execute the constructors explicitly in Component::construct() via
In the case of libc components this is done by the libc startup code
(i.e., the Component::construct() implementation in the libc).
The loading of shared objects at runtime is not affected by this change
and constructors of those objects are executed immediately.
This patch adds the handling of 'CHARACTER' events as emitted by the
input-filter's character generator (<chargen>). To avoid interpreting
press/release events twice (at the input filter and by the terminal's
built-in scancode tracker), the terminal's scancode tracker can be
explicitly disabled via <config> <keyboard layout="none"/> </config>.
In the future, the terminal's built-in scancode tracker will be
The use of the terminal with the input filter is illustrated by the
'' script.
Issue #2264
This patch eliminates the need for a global allocator by passing the
parent-service registry as argument to the 'Slave::Policy' constructor.
This commit enables compile-time warnings displayed whenever a deprecated
API header is included, and adjusts the existing #include directives
Issue #1987
This function returns the information whether the used platform relies
on USB HID for interactive scenarios by default as is the case for most
ARM platforms. In contrast, for x86 the USB driver can be omitted because
we can use the PS/2 driver (that is readily available in repos/os/).
The init component used to create the CPU/RAM/PD/ROM sessions (the child
environment) for its children by issuing session requests to its parent,
which is typically core. This policy was hard-wired. This patch enables
the routing of the environment sessions of the children of init
according to the configured routing policy.
Because there is no hard-wired policy regarding the environment sessions
anymore, routes to respective services must be explicitly declared in
the init configuration. For this reason, the patch adjusts several run
scripts in this respect.
This patch removes the outdated '<if-args>' special handling of session
labels. The '<if-args>' feature will eventually be removed completely
(ref #2250)
Issue #2197
Issue #2215
Issue #2233
Issue #2250
This patch fixes a problem that unsurfaced by the commit "menu_view: API
transition", which changed the class layout of the 'Png_image' so that
the 'Read_struct' pointer is no longer equal to the 'Png_image' pointer.
To better support non-blocking terminal components, let the
'Terminal::Session::write()' function return the number of bytes
actually written.
The session-control mechanism is based on the way how sessions are
labeled. In #2171, we changed the labeling to be more strict. In
particular, label-less sessions do no longer exist.
Unfortunately, nitpicker and the window manager still handled the former
weaker labeling, which ultimately led to a situation where any
session-control argument would mismatch. The behavior could be observed
in the script where a click on the subsystem button would
not focus the clicked-on subsystem. With the patch, the scenario works
again as expected.
This patch enables warnings if one of the deprecate functions that rely
in the implicit use of the global Genode::env() accessor are called.
For the time being, some places within the base framework continue
to rely on the global function while omitting the warning by calling
'env_deprecated' instead of 'env'.
Issue #1987