If only a single AHCI device is present, the block service provided by
the drivers subsystem allows the client to refer to this block device
via the label 'default'.
Issue #2676
This patch adds a safety check to nit_fb to ensures that nit_fb never
runs out of RAM. Should the available RAM not suffice for resizing the
virtual framebuffer to a new mode, it keeps the current mode.
The Dir_file_system uses static cast to convert handles from the
application to a plugin local type. For this reason, only the local
handle type may be returned from 'opendir' or 'open'. This fixes the
unexpected behavior when opening directories as files.
This patch removes the notion of partial writes from the file-system
servers. Since write operations are asynchronously submitted, they are
expected to succeed completely, except for I/O errors. I/O errors are
propagated with the write acknowledgement but those are usually handled
out of band at the client side. Partial writes must never occur because
they would go undetected by clients, which usually don't wait for the
completion of each single write operation.
Until now, most file-system servers returned the number of written bytes
in the acknowledgement packet. If a server managed to write a part of
the request only, it issued the acknowledgement immediately where it
should have cared about writing the remaining part first.
The patch detects such misbehaving server-side code. If partial writes
unexpectedly occur, it prints a message and leaves the corresponding
request unacknowdleged.
Issue #2672
File_system clients may now watch files and directories for changes by
opening a 'Watch_handle' rather than submitting a 'CONTENT_CHANGED'
packet to the server. When a change happens at a node with an open
Watch_handle a CONTENT_CHANGED packet will be sent from the server to
the client. This serializes registration with other handle operations
and separates I/O handle state from notification handle state.
Test at run/fs_rom_update.
Ref #1934
Catch out of RAM and capability exceptions and return error values.
Abort opening a composite directory at Dir_file_system where an
opendir call on any child file-system returns an OUT_OF_RAM or
OUT_OF_CAPS error.
Ref #2642
This change enables the use of negative values for the 'initial_width'
and 'initial_height' attributes to specify values that are relative to
the screen size. This is consistent with the meaning of the 'width' and
'height' attributes.
This patch changes the 'depot_deploy' tool to spawn any number of
runtimes. In contrast to the original version, which merely consumed a
blueprint generated by a pre-configured 'depot_query' instance, the new
version actively generates queries as needed. So there is a feedback
loop between 'depot_deploy' and 'depot_query'. The instantiation of
subsystems is controlled by the '<start>' nodes of the 'depot_deploy'
configuration. For each start node, the tool tries to determine the
ingredients (provided by the depot) by asking the 'depot_query' tool.
Once the information is complete, a corresponding start node of the
dynamic init instance is generated.
This patch introduces the subnodes <provides>, <requires>, and
<content> to the <runtime> node. All <rom> sessions that are
expected from the depot appear within the <content> node, which
sets them nicely apart from <rom> sessions that may be required
as runtime arguments.
Note that the <requires> and <provides> nodes do not appear in the
patch because the existing depot_deploy tool does not interpret this
information (the pkg/test-fs_report runtime does not provide any
service, and the timer session is provided as a common route).
This patch adds the config attribute 'query'. If set to the value "rom",
the query information is obtained from a ROM session labeled "query".
Otherwise, the query information is expected to be part of the config.
This enables us to use the component in two different scenarios. In
one scenario, 'depot_query' is embedded in a managed dynamic init.
Here, taking the query from the config is easy. In the other scenario,
'depot_query' is running as a daemon with a once-configured VFS but
varying queries. The queries originate from a component that does not
control the 'depot_query' config.
The new 'Terminal_session::size_changed_sigh' RPC function registers a
signal handler that is triggered each time when the terminal size
changes. It enables the client to adjust itself to the new size by
subsequently calling the 'size' RPC function. Of all terminal servers,
only the graphical terminal triggers this signal.