Quietly insert forward declaration of a Input::Binding class, and make
it a friend of Input::Event and Input::Session_client. This is to allow
non-C++ language bindings (Nim) to access private members by providing
their own implementation of the Binding class.
Removed the modified mark from handles that have been written to when
they are synced, otherwise a notification would be sent again when the
handle is closed.
Ref #2839
The old MAC allocator had several drawbacks:
* the address base was a public static that could and must have been written
directly from outside the class
* the in-use-flag array was based on unsigned values consuming 4 bytes each
for only one bit of information
* it was a public header that we actually don't want to expose to all
components but only to the few networking components
* it used the not-so-safe bit notation for integer members of GCC
The new version fixes all these drawbacks.
Issue #2795
Instead of handing over the maximum available size to the packet data
accessors, hand over a size guard that keeps track of the packets
This commit also moves the size-guard utilitiy header of Ping and NIC
Router to the include/net directory making it a part of the net library.
It applies the new approach to all net-lib users in the basic repositories.
Ping looses its configurability regarding the ICMP data size as this would
require an additional method in the size guard which would be used only by
The size guard was also re-worked to fit the fact that a packet can
bring a tail as well as a header (Ethernet).
Issue #2788
The Ethernet payload may be followed by padding of variable length and
the FCS (Frame Check Sequence). Thus, we should consider the value
"Ethernet-frame size minus Ethernet-header size" to be only the maximum
size of the encapsulated IP packet. But until now, we considered it to
be also the actual size of the encapsulated IP packet. This commit fixes
the problem for all affected components of the Genode base-repository.
This reduces the redundant implementations of checksum calculation to
one generic implementation, makes the checksum interface conform over
all protocols, and brings performance optimizations. For instance,
the checksum is now calculated directly in big endian which saves us
most of the previously done byte-re-ordering.
Issue #2775
Replace packet method 'T *data' by the new methods 'T &reinterpret_data'
for parsing or modifying existing sub-protocol packets and 'T
&construct_at_data' for composing a new sub-protocol packet. This has
the advantage that, when composing a new packet, the default constructor
that zero-fills the packet is always called first.
This commit changes the 'Input::Event' type to be more safe and to
deliver symbolic character information along with press events.
Issue #2761Fixes#2786
This patch replaces the terminal's formerly built-in fonts with the new
VFS-based font handling.
To avoid the copying of the terminal's font configuration across run
scripts, this patch adds the new terminal/pkg runtime package, which
includes everything needed for instantiating a terminal: the actual
terminal component, the library dependencies (vfs_ttf, which in turn
depends on the libc), a font (bitstream-vera), and a reasonable default
Reduce the size and forward compatibility of VFS file-system
constructors by passing an object holding accessors for 'Genode::Env',
'Genode::Allocator', response handlers, and the root file-system.
Nitpicker's 'Session:focus' call used to trigger a one-off focus change
at call time. This focus change did not pass the same code paths as a
focus change triggered by a "focus" ROM update, which led to
This patch changes the implementation of 'Session::focus' such that the
relationship of the caller and the focused session is preserved after
call time. Whenever the calling session is focused in the future, the
specified session will receive the focus instead. So 'Session::focus'
represents no longer a single operation but propagates the information
about the inter-session relationship. This information is taken into
account whenever the focus is evaluated regardless of how the change is
This makes the focus handling in scenarios like the window manager more
Issue #2746
This fixes the problem that large timeouts, when rescheduled, are interpreted
to be from the last now_period instead of, what would be right, the next
now_period. This occured if there were multiple pending alarms at the head of
the queue and the reschedule of the first one was done with the other outdated
deadlines still in place.
Issue #2704
Instead of taking the absolute deadline of a timeout as argument from
outside (where it is calculated with a freshly requested now time), we
now take a relative duration as argument and calculate the deadline with
the scheduler-internal now time (which can be a little bit outdated).
This enables us to schedule timeouts without updating the internal now time
and thereby handle all pending timeouts.
Issue #2704
Integrate the code of the Alarm framework directly into the Timeout
framework. The former Alarm-framework methods are all private to the
corresponding classes of the Timeout framework and get prefixed with
'_alarm__'. The latter avoids name clashes and makes it easier to
simplify the code later.
Issue #2704
Add a new 'Vfs_watch_handle' type to the VFS interface. This handle type
will pass a handle context up through the I/O handler to the application
when a notification event occurs.
Watch support implemented for RAM and File_system plugins, all other
file-systems return WATCH_ERR_STATIC by default.
Test at run/fs_rom_update_ram and run/fs_rom_update_fs.
This patch improves the `Text_painter` utility that is commonly used by
native Genode components to render text:
- Support for subpixel positioning
- Generic interface for accessing font data
- Basic UTF-8 support
Since the change decouples the font format from the 'Text_painter' and
changes the API to use the sub-pixel accurate 'Text_painter::Position'
type, all users of the utility require an adaptation.
This file system is meant as a building block for pseudo file systems
that host a directory of several small files where each corresponds to
an attribute of the pseudo file system.
By letting the 'Dir_file_system' accept an arbitrary 'File_system'
as root directory, we can use the 'Dir_file_system' as a building
block for creating other file-system types.
This patch enables the use of the VFS from VFS plugins by passing a
reference of the root directory to the constructors of file-system
instances. Since it changes the signature of 'Vfs::Dir_file_system',
any code that uses the VFS directly requires an adaptation.
The Dir_file_system uses static cast to convert handles from the
application to a plugin local type. For this reason, only the local
handle type may be returned from 'opendir' or 'open'. This fixes the
unexpected behavior when opening directories as files.
File_system clients may now watch files and directories for changes by
opening a 'Watch_handle' rather than submitting a 'CONTENT_CHANGED'
packet to the server. When a change happens at a node with an open
Watch_handle a CONTENT_CHANGED packet will be sent from the server to
the client. This serializes registration with other handle operations
and separates I/O handle state from notification handle state.
Test at run/fs_rom_update.
Ref #1934
Catch out of RAM and capability exceptions and return error values.
Abort opening a composite directory at Dir_file_system where an
opendir call on any child file-system returns an OUT_OF_RAM or
OUT_OF_CAPS error.
Ref #2642
The new 'Terminal_session::size_changed_sigh' RPC function registers a
signal handler that is triggered each time when the terminal size
changes. It enables the client to adjust itself to the new size by
subsequently calling the 'size' RPC function. Of all terminal servers,
only the graphical terminal triggers this signal.
- handle line wraps in 'ech()'
- take (1,1) origin into account in 'hpa()' and 'vpa()'
- unify handling of SGR escape sequences of different lengths
- accept the '[?2004h' and '[?2004l' escape sequences (used by midnight commander)