Following deadlock happens when a Rm_client/Pager_object handles a page-fault
and concurrently the same object is dissolved (triggered by parent killing
the client).
The situation is as follows:
Page fault handling :
base-nova/src/base/pager/ : pf_handler() - lock pf_lock
base/.../core/ pager() - lock rm_session
(in reverse_lookup())
Dissolve of Rm_client:
base/src/core/ dissolve() - lock rm_session
base-nova/src/base/pager/ : dissolve() - lock pf_lock
The pf_lock is not required here during normal page fault handling,
since this pager object @NOVA is executed only by one and the same
thread and all critical operations inside the rm_session_object itself
are locked anyway. The only critical point is the destruction of the
Pager_object which is already handled in the both dissolve functions
of the rm-session_component (locking) and the pager_object (finalize
in-flight page faults).
Allocate exc_pt_sel inside Thread_base object
instead of pager object, since it is a thread
specific characteristic.
Same for freeing of the thread capabilities:
- ec, sc, rs, exc_pt_sel is thread specific
and has nothing to do in server nor pager object.
Use semaphore down feature of NOVA to set the counter to zero.
If the semaphore was up()ed more than one time by impatient callers
(e.g. guys calling cancel_blocking) we make sure that the thread
really stops.
Don't allocate ec cap twice, in and
Unmap of utcb has to be done in destructor of thread class, not
in pager class. Free capability selectors of ec and rs.
Invoke cancel_blocking before calling the
cleanup portal of the rpc_entrypoint. If a rpc_entrypoint
is blocked in a semaphore the cleanup call gets
stuck forever.
The UTCB of the thread cleaning up thread objects has been unmapped.
However the UTCB of the destroyed thread must be unmapped.
Objects must explicitly be made unreachable before cleaning up. The
server and pager objects must be unreachable before they can be freed.
Both object types are threads. Revoking the thread(EC) cap on NOVA
doesn't mean that the thread stops executing. All portals pointing to a
thread are still reachable by clients even if the last EC cap is gone in
user land. So it must be taken care that no portals are pointing anymore
to a thread when the associated objects are getting destroyed. This
commit handles this.
Additionally, even if the last portal is gone - there can be still an
ongoing request handled by such server/pager object/threads. For each
such object an additional portal is created. This object is called
'cleanup portal' and is only local to the object. After all portals are
revoked the cleanup portal is called. When the call returns we know that
nobody is anymore handled by the object since all remotely available
portals are gone.
Use git to get recent kernels from github. Adjust NOVA patch to compile
with recent github version. Patch and use makefile of NOVA microkernel
to avoid duplicated (and outdated) makefile in Genode
Furthermore, this patch adds support for using NOVA on x86_64. The
generic part of the syscall bindings has been moved to
'base-nova/include/nova/syscall-generic.h'. The 32/64-bit specific
parts are located at 'base-nova/include/32bit/nova/syscalls.h' and
'base-nova/include/64bit/nova/syscalls.h' respectively.
On x86_64, the run environment boots qemu using the Pulsar boot loader
because GRUB legacy does not support booting 64bit ELF executables.
In addition to the NOVA-specific changes in base-nova, this patch
rectifies compile-time warnings or build errors in the 'ports' and
'libports' repositories that are related to NOVA x86_64 (i.e., Vancouver
builds for 32bit only and needed an adaptation to NOVAs changed
Fixes#233, fixes#234
With this patch clients of the RM service can state if they want a mapping
to be executable or not. This allows dataspaces to be mapped as
non-executable on Linux by default and as executable only if needed.
Partially fixes#176.
The 'copy_to' function turned out to be not flexible enough to
accommodate the Noux fork mechanism. This patch removes the function,
adds an accessor for the capability destination and a compound type
'Native_capability::Raw' to be used wherever plain capability
information must be communicated.
This patch unifies the Native_capability classes for the different kernel
platforms by introducing an appropriate template, and eliminating naming
differences. Please refer issue #145.