30 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Martin Stein
b4c4681733 tresor: streamline design further
* differentiates request types that where merged formerly per module;
  e.g. instead of type Superblock_control::Request, there are now types
  * Superblock_control::Read_vbas
  * Superblock_control::Write_vbas
  * Superblock_control::Rekey
  * Superblock_control::Initialize
  * ...
  each holding only the state and functionality that is required for exactly
  that request

* removes all classes of the Tresor module framework and adapts all
  Tresor- and File-Vault- related libs, apps, and tests accordingly
  * the former "channel" state is merged into the new request types, meaning, a
    request manages no longer only the "call" to a functionality but
    also the execution of that functionality; every request has a lifetime
    equal to the "call" and an execute method to be driven forward
  * state that is used by a request but has a longer lifetime (e.g. VFS file
    handles in Tresor::Crypto) is managed by the top level
    of the user and handed over via the execute arguments; however, the
    synchronization of multiple requests on this state is done by the module
    (e.g. Tresor::Crypto)
  * requests are now driven explicitly as first argument of the (overloaded)
    execute method of their module; the module can, however, stall a request
    by returning false without doing anything (used for synchronization on

* introduces Request_helper, Generated_request and Generatable_request in the
  Tresor namespace in order to avoid the redundancy of sub-request generation
  and execution

* moves access to Client-Data pointers up to Tresor::Virtual_block_device in
  order to simplify Tresor::Block_io and Tresor::Crypto

* removes Tresor::Client_data and introduces pure interface
  Client_data_interface in order to remove  Tresor::Client_data and
  move management of Client Data to the top level of a Tresor user

* introduces pure interface Crypto_files_interface in order to move management
  of Crypto files to the top level of a Tresor user

* moves management of Block-IO and Trust-Anchor files to the top level of a
  Tresor user

* adapts all execute methods, so, that they return the progress state
  instead of modifying a reference argument

* removes Tresor::Request_and Tresor:Request and instead implements
  scheduling at the top level of the Tresor user
  * the Tresor Tester uses a list as schedule that holds Command objects; this
    list ensures, that commands are started in the order of configuration
    the Command type is a merge of the state of all possible commands that can
    be configured at the Tresor Tester; the actual Tresor requests (if any) are
    then allocated on-demand only
  * the Tresor VFS plugin does not use a dynamic data structure for scheduling;
    the plugin has 5 members that each reflect a distinct type of operation:
    * initialize operation
    * deinitialize operation
    * data operation
    * extend operation
    * rekey operation
    consequently, of each type, there can be only one operation in-flight at a
    time; at the user front-end each operation (except "initialize") can be
    controlled through a dedicated VFS file; for each of these files, the VFS
    expects only one handle to be open at a time and only one file operation
    (read, write, sync) active at a time; once an operation gets started it is
    finished without preemtion (except of the interleaving at rekey and
    extend); when multiple operations are waiting to be started the plugin
    follows a static priority scheme:

      init op > deinit op > data op > extend op > rekey op

    there are some operation-specific details
    * the initialize operation is started only by the plugin itself on startup
      and will be driven as side effect by subsequent user calls to file
    * the data file is the only contiguous file in the front end and the file
      operations work as on usual data files
    * the other 3 files are transactional files and the user is expected to
      follow this scheme when operating on them
      1) stat (to determine file size)
      2) seek to offset 0
      3) read entire file once (this will be queued until there is no operation
         of this type pending anymore and return the last result:
         "none" | "failed" | "succeeded"; used primarily for synchronization)
      4) write operation parameters (this returns immediately and marks the
         operation as "requested")
      5) read entire file once (the same as above but this time in order to
         determine the operation result)
    * the rekey op and deinitialize op are requested by writing "true"
    * the extend op is requested by writing "tree=[TREE], blocks=[BLOCKS]"
      where TREE is either "vbd" or "ft" and BLOCKS is the number of physical
      4K blocks by which the physical range of the tresor container expands
      (the physical range always starts at block address 0 and is always
      expanded upwards)

* replaces the former <trust-anchor op="initialize"> command at the Tresor
  Tester with <initialize-trust-achor> as there are no other trust anchor
  operations that can be requested through the Tester config anyway

* removes the "sync" attribute from all commands at the Tresor Tester except
  from <request op="rekey">, <request "extend_ft">, <request op="extend_vbd">;
  as the Tester controls scheduling now, requests are generally synchronous;
  at the rekeying and extension commands, the "sync" attribute determines
  wether subsequent commands are interleaved with the execution of these
  commands (if possible)

* removes "debug" config attribute from Tresor VFS plugin and reworks "verbose"
  attribute to generate more sensible output

* removes NONCOPYABLE macro and instead uses Genode::Noncopyable and in-place
  Constructors deletion

* introduces types Attr and Execute_attr where a constructor or execute method
  have many arguments in order to raise readability

* renames the "hashsum" file that is provided by the Tresor Trust-Anchor VFS
  plugin to "hash" in order to become conformant with the wording in the Tresor

* makes the VFS Tresor test an automated test by merging in the functionality
  of vfs_tresor_init.run and removing the interactive front end; removes
  vfs_tresor_init.run as it is not needed anymore; adds consideration for
  autopilot file structure in the Test and adds it to autopilot.list

* removes all snapshot controls and the progress files for rekeying and
  extending from the Tresor VFS plugin; both functionalities were tested
  only rudimentary by the VFS Tresor test and are not supported with the only
  real user, the File Vault

* use /* .. */ instead of // ..
* use (..) instead of { .. } in init lists

Ref #5148
2024-04-12 15:00:45 +02:00
Martin Stein
d8a71e5978 tresor: improved module framework and clean-up
* Make command pool a proper module
  * The command pool used to be kind of a module but it was driven via custom
    tresor-tester specific code. Now, it becomes a proper module that
    is driven by the module framework instead.
  * Move the code for creating and handling the module-execution progress flag
    into Module_composition::execute_modules as the function is always used with
    this code surrounding it.

* Reorganize files, remove deprecated files

* A new class Module_channel is introduced in the module framework and all
  channel classes inherit from it. With that class in place, the formerly
  module-specific implementations of the following methods are replaced by
  new generic implementations in the Module framework:

  * ready_to_submit_request
  * submit_request
  * _peek_completed_request
  * _drop_completed_request
  * _peek_generated_request
  * _drop_generated_request
  * generated_request_complete

* Module requests are now held for the duration of their lifetime at the
  module they originate from and not, like before, at their target module. As
  a result, modules can generate new requests inline (without having to wait
  for the target module), making code much simpler to read, reducing the amount
  of channel state, and allowing for non-copyable request types.

* Introduce a sub-state-machine for securing a superblock in the
  superblock_control module in order to reduce redundancy.

* Some modules, like free_tree, were completely re-designed in order to make
  them more readable.

* Replace all conditional exceptions by using the macros in
  tresor/assertion.h .

* Move methods that are used in multiple modules but that were implemented
  redundantly in each module to tresor/types.h.

* Remove verbosity node and all that was related to it from tresor tester
  config as the targeted verbosity can be achieved with the
  VERBOSE_MODULE_COMMUNICATION flag in tresor/verbosity.h .

* Extract the aspect of translating the byte-granular I/O-requests to
  tresor-block requests from the tresor VFS-plugin and move it to a new module
  called splitter.

* Rename the files and interface of the hashing back-end to not reflect the used
  hashing algorithm/config anymore, while at the same time making the hashing
  interface strict regarding the used types.

* Introduce the NONCOPYABLE macro that makes marking a class noncopyable short
  and clear.

* Replace the former tresor/vfs_utilities.h/.cc with a new tresor/file.h
  that contains the classes Read_write_file and Write_only_file. These classes
  significantly simplify the modules crypto, block_io, and trust_anchor by
  moving the details of file access to a sub-state machine.

* The former, rather trivial block allocator module is replaced by a normal
  object of type Pba_allocator that must be provided by the client of the
  Sb_initializer (reference in the Sb_initializer_request).

Ref #5062

tresor: read uninitialized vbas as all zeroes

Virtual addresses in a Tresor container that were not yet written by the user
should always return a data block that is all-zeroes. This was the concept
right from the beginning of the project. However, somehow this aspect either
never got implement or got lost along the way.

Some context for understanding the commit: The Tresor doesn't initialize the
payload data blocks of a container when creating a new container as this would
be rather expensive. Instead, it marks the leaf metadata nodes of the
virtual-block-device tree (those that reference the payload data blocks in
physical address space) with generation 0.

Now, this commit ensures that, whenever the virtual-block-device module reads
such a generation-0 leaf, instead of asking the block_io and crypto to deliver
data from disc, it directly provides the user with 4K of zeroes.

Ref #5062
2024-04-12 15:00:45 +02:00
Martin Stein
32d1e5b4a7 gems: remove unused import-sha256_4k.mk
Ref #5062
2023-12-13 12:33:05 +01:00
Norman Feske
0f54ad8e26 dialog: add text-area widget
This patch moves the text-editing facility of app/text_area to a
text-area widget as part of the dialog library. This has two benefits.
First, it simplifies app/text_area by using the dialog API. Second, the
editor can now easily be reused by other dialog-API-based applications.

Fixes #5058
2023-11-28 14:44:28 +01:00
Norman Feske
4fdc999087 Dialog API
The new API at gems/include/dialog/ aids the creation of simple GUI
applications based on the menu-view widget renderer. Its use is
illustrated by the simple test application at src/test/dialog/
that is accompanied with the dialog.run script.

Issue #5008
2023-10-04 13:22:06 +02:00
Martin Stein
aeb65d6b1b file_vault: version 23.05
* ARM support and detaching from Ada/SPARK

  * Remove all CBE-related code - especially the Ada/SPARK-based CBE library.

    * We have no means or motivation of further maintaining big projects in
      Ada/SPARK (the core Genode team is native to C++).

    * The Genode Ada/SPARK toolchain and runtime don't support ARM so far - an
      important architecture for Genode. This would mean extra commitment in

    * We realize that block encryption more and more becomes a fundamental
      feature of Genode systems.

  * Implement a new block encryption library named Tresor that is inspired by
    the design and feature set of the former CBE library and that is entirely
    C++ and part of the Genode gems repository.

    * The Tresor block encryption is backwards-compatible with the on-disk
      data layout of the former CBE block encryption.

    * Except from the snapshot management and the "dump" tool, the Tresor
      block encryption provides the same feature set as the former CBE block
      encryption and accepts the same user requests at the level of the
      Tresor library API.

    * So far, the Tresor block encryption does not support the creation of
      user-defined snapshots.

    * In contrast to the former CBE, the Tresor ecosystem has
      no "dump" tool beause with the CBE library it turned out to be rarely of

    * In contrast to the Block back-end of the CBE "init" tool, the Tresor
      "init" tool uses a File System back-end.

    * The former CBE VFS-plugin is replaced with a new Tresor VFS-Plugin.

      * The Tresor-VFS plugin in general is similar to the former CBE VFS but
        has a slightly different API when it comes to re-keying and re-sizing.
        Each of these operations now is controlled via two files. The first
        file is named <operation> and the user writes the start command to it.
        The user must then read this file once in order to drive the operation.
        The read returns the result of the operation, once it is finished.
        The second file is named <operation>_progress and can be watched and
        read for obtaining the progress of the operation as percentage.

    * The file vault is adapted to use the new Tresor ecosystem
      instead of the former CBE ecosystem and thereby also gains ARM support.

    * The former CBE tester and CBE VFS-tests are replaced by equivalent
      Tresor variants and are now run on ARM as well (testing with a persistent
      storage back-end is supported only when running on Linux).

    * So far, the new Tresor block encryption has no internal cache for meta
      data blocks like the former CBE.

* Add config/report user interface

  * Add a second option for the administration front end to the file vault
    named "config and report". With this front end the File Vault communicates
    with the user via XML strings. A ROM session is requested for user input
    and a Report session for user output. The front end type must be set at
    startup via the component config and is a static setting. The graphical
    front end that was used up to now is named "menu view" and remains the

  * The File Vault can now reflect its internal state and user input ("config
    and report" mode only) at the LOG session via two new static config
    attributes "verbose_state" and "verbose_ui_config" (both defaulting to

  * The Shutdown button in "menu view" mode is replaced with a Lock button. The
    new button doesn't terminate the File Vault but merely lock the encrypted
    container and return to a cleared passphrase input. The same transition is
    also provided in "config and report" mode.

  * The file_vault.run script is replaced with file_vault_menu_view.run and
    file_vault_cfg_report.run that address the two front end modes. In contrast
    to the former script, which is interactive, the latter script is suitable
    for automatic testing.

  * There is a new recipe/pkg/test-file_vault_cfg_report that essentially does
    the same as file_vault_cfg_report.run but uses the File Vault package and
    can be executed with the Depot Autopilot. The new test package is added to
    the default test list of depot_autopilot.run

  * The File Vault README is updated to the new version of the component and
    has gained a chapter "functional description".

  * Fixes a regression with the cbe_init_trust_anchor component that prevented
    reacting to a failed unlock attempt in the File Vault.

* The new Tresor software Trust Anchor has an optional deterministic mode in
  which it replaces the normally randomized symmetric keys with 0. This mode
  comes in handy for debugging. However, it should never be activated in
  productive systems. When activated, the user is warned extensively on the
  LOG that this system mode is insecure.

Ref #4819
2023-05-30 12:03:32 +02:00
Johannes Schlatow
5e4e634625 libs: use select_from_ports in eager assignments
If `select_from_ports` is evaluated lazily, we might miss a port during
the dependency check. A way to prevent this is to use the `:=` operator.

Fixes genodelabs/genode#4618
2022-11-17 08:00:34 +01:00
Norman Feske
ec559b85e2 Add missing shared-object link dependencies
Issue #4408
2022-02-15 10:23:14 +01:00
Sebastian Sumpf
a3976f0468 vfs_gpu: offer 'vfs_gpu_env' call
* retrieve Genode::Env from plugin, this way no mesa applications need to
  be changed.
* add 'vfs_gpu' api
* remove when all required functionality is implemented within the plugin.

issue #4380
2022-02-15 10:10:01 +01:00
Sebastian Sumpf
b3e12dcece vfs_gpu: VFS plugin that handles GPU completions
When a <gpu> node is present in the VFS, the plugin opens a
Gpu::Connection for each open call to the 'gpu' node and installs a
completion signal handler. A read only to the fd returned only comes
back if a completion signal has been received between two read
transctions to the fd.

For now the Gpu::Connections can be retrieved by calling the
'vfs_gpu_connection(unsigned long id)' function. The id can be obtained
using 'stat' on the 'gpu' device and is located in the inode (st_ino)
field of the stat buffer.

issue #4380
2022-01-19 15:01:26 +01:00
Norman Feske
8a1675e12e gems: avoid implicit conversions
Issue #23
2021-12-17 15:04:46 +01:00
Martin Stein
a661aa79de vfs/cbe_trust_anchor: AES-key-wrap private key
Instead of simply encrypting the private key with AES-256 when storing it to
the 'encrypted_private_key' file, wrap it using the AES-key-wrap algorithm
described in RFC 3394 "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Key Wrap Algorithm".
This is more secure and enables us to directly check whether the passphrase
entered by the user was correct or not.

Ref #4032
2021-10-13 14:50:46 +02:00
Martin Stein
75a55b62a3 vfs/cbe_trust_anchor: use hash of passphrase
Instead of using the user passphrase directly, use its SHA256 hash calculated
using libcrypto. The passphrase hash is still stored in the key file to be
used as base for the very primitive way of generating the private key.

Ref #4032
2021-10-13 14:50:46 +02:00
Martin Stein
30b8f4efc8 gems: import Genode-specific code of the CBE
The CBE repository contained a lot of Genode-specific code despite the fact
that the CBE core logic is not bound to Genode in any way. Therefore the
Genode-specific CBE code is moved to the 'gems' repository to form part of
Genode mainline. The remaining CBE code becomes a port in Genode instead of
being invoked as sub-repository.

The commit combines the following work steps:

* add all files removed from CBE repository
* add CBE port files
* make all CBE libs and targets build again
* make all CBE run scripts succeed again
* make all CBE recipes build again
* make CBE autopilot succeed again
* let CBE autopilot use 'libsparcrypto' contrib dir and Genode build dir
  instead of '.ci' dir in CBE contrib dir (remove '.ci' dir from CBE repo)
* let CBE autopilot always check for all ports
* make CBE autopilot directly executable
* fix license headers in all Genode CBE files
* remove unused VFS replay component
* remove unused CBE test
* remove unused external crypto
* remove unused files in run dir
* remove unused external trust anchor
* add cbe_tester test to autopilot list
* get rid of directories 'include/cbe_*' and 'include/utils'

Fixes #3937
2020-11-27 09:19:08 +01:00
Alexander Boettcher
c0f8022a78 aes_cbc_4k: use libcrypto
Issue #3905
2020-10-09 13:35:56 +02:00
Martin Stein
5ed528a2ad aes_cbc_4k: import file for include directories
Ref #3850
2020-08-25 11:50:09 +02:00
Alexander Boettcher
f3efbe50bb base: remove deprecated cancel_blocking() support
for threads.

Fixes #3806
2020-07-13 11:33:12 +02:00
Emery Hemingway
c51b4b5742 New VFS plugin for emulating POSIX pipes
Add a new plugin for creating pipes between pairs of VFS handles. It is
intended to replace the libc_pipe plugin, one of the last remaining libc

In contrast to the libc_pipe plugin, this plugin defers cross-handle
notification until I/O signal handling rather than block and unblock
readers using a semaphore. This is a performance regression in the case
of multiple threads blocking on a pipe, but shall be an intermediate
mechanism pending renovations within the libc VFS and threading layers.
As a side effect, threads blocked on a pipe might not be resumed until
the main thread suspends and dispatches I/O signals.

The "test-libc_pipe" test has been adjusted to use the VFS pipe plugin
and tests both local pipes and pipes hosted remotely in the VFS server.

Merge adaptations (such as EOF handling, adjustment to VFS/libc
interface changes) by Norman Feske.

Fix #2303
2019-11-19 14:54:13 +01:00
Sebastian Sumpf
18b3253cac vfs_trace: VFS plugin that offers trace buffer access
The plugin creates a file-system hierarchy that enabled the access of
trace buffers for each component and its threads.

issue #3294
2019-07-09 08:55:23 +02:00
Norman Feske
a2743dcaeb Library for the AES-CBC en/decryption of 4K blocks
The 'aes_cbc_4k' library is simple wrapper around libsparkcrypto to
serve as a backend for storage encryption. It operates on data chunks of
4 KiB and uses AES-CBC while incorporating the block number and the
private key as salt values.
2019-04-09 12:30:35 +02:00
Emery Hemingway
db23b276f2 Remove COW VFS plugin
The COW plugin provided only partial copy-on-write semantics and had
problems detecting recursive requests. Conversely, the import plugin has
much simpler behavior that is easy to test because it mirrors that of
the ram_fs server.

Ref #2745
2018-08-28 16:45:24 +02:00
Emery Hemingway
59ac5b10c7 Plugin for importing VFS content
This new vfs_import plugin allows a VFS instance to be populated during
construction using a sub-VFS configured in an '<import>' configuration
node. This allows the ram_fs File_system server to be replaced by the
VFS server by reimplementing the ram_fs 'content' feature.  At the
moment the copying of symlinks is not enabled, and the resources
obtained by the import file-system may not be freed after the import is

Fix #2906
2018-08-02 14:36:42 +02:00
Emery Hemingway
c1ff581fb4 Copy-on-write VFS plugin
VFS plugin to replicate from one file-system to another. Can be used to
seed a mutable file-system with an immutable file-system. The plugin is
configure with two paths, a read-only path, and a read-write path. This
is an initial implementation that copies files on open. It is not
optimized to perform actual copy-on-write, but the result is the same.

	<dir name="immutable"> ... </dir>
	<dir name="mutable">   ... </dir>
	<dir name="cow">
		<cow ro="/immutable" rw="/mutable"/>

Fix #2745
2018-04-19 12:38:51 +02:00
Emery Hemingway
f7ba777fff VFS audit plugin
Plugin for auditing VFS access using the VFS server. Useful for tracking
which files ported software expects to be present.

Fix #2160
2018-04-10 11:11:50 +02:00
Norman Feske
81e55e8901 gems: TrueType VFS plugin
This commit introduces a VFS plugin that exposes the glyphs and
metadata of a TrueType font as a pseudo file system. The TTF font data
is obtained from the VFS. The resulting pseudo file system is a
directory that contains the files 'glyphs', 'baseline', 'max_width',
and 'max_height'.

The counter part of the plugin is the 'Vfs_font' class that implements
the 'Text_painter::Font' interface by accessing the pseudo file system
as provided by the TTF VFS plugin.

Fixes #2740
2018-04-10 11:09:20 +02:00
Norman Feske
23f07331c8 gems: ttf_font library 2018-04-10 11:09:19 +02:00
Norman Feske
366bba0227 Exclude higher-level repos from strict warnings
This is a follow-up commit to "Increase default warning level", which
overrides Genode's new default warning level for targets contained in
higher-level repositories. By explicitly whitelisting all those targets,
we can selectively adjust them to the new strictness over time - by
looking out for 'CC_CXX_WARN_STRICT' in the target description files.

Issue #465
2018-01-17 12:14:36 +01:00
Christian Prochaska
ca2871e2e4 nova: use 'Native_cpu' component for thread initialization
Pass the thread type and exception base to core with a 'Native_cpu'
component instead of enhancing the 'Thread_state' class.

Fixes #2298
2017-03-15 12:24:42 +01:00
Christian Prochaska
a77e509283 cpu_sampler: kernel-agnostic build support
Fixes #2293
2017-02-28 13:00:42 +01:00
Norman Feske
0b3efa90c9 gems: move reusable code to include/gems
This patch makes various utilities that were originally developed for
the backdrop application publicly available.
2014-10-13 15:21:53 +02:00