Allocating a packet in the packet stream without a payload is not
allowed. Therefore we have to allocate CTRL message packets, that do
not have a payload, with a bogus length instead.
Directory_service::leaf_path returns a pointer offset from its argument
so pass member data rather than a constructor argument to leaf_path.
Issue #1775
This is an interim fix for solving the quota leakage problem of
the platform driver on x86 platforms. To properly fix that problem
one has to track which dataspaces where created by the platform driver,
so that freeing the dataspace and reversing the quota transfer is done
on correct dataspaces only.
Refer #1980
This patch removes the outdates doc/architecture.txt since the
topics are covered by the book. We keep repos/os/doc/init.txt
because it contains a few details not present in the book (yet).
The patch streamlines the terminology a bit. Furthermore, it
slightly adjusts a few source-code comments to improve the book's
functional specification chapter.
Instead of passing on the Noux 'config' ROM dataspace to child processes,
provide a separate configuration for each Noux child, which is either
'<config/>' or '<config ld_verbose="yes"/>', depending on the
configuration of this attribute for the Noux process. This is also a
workaround to prevent multiple insertion of the same 'config' ROM
dataspace capability into the dataspace registry.
Issue #1978
* Adds public timeout syscalls to kernel API
* Kernel::timeout installs a timeout and binds a signal context to it that
shall trigger once the timeout expired
* With Kernel::timeout_max_us, one can get the maximum installable timeout
* Kernel::timeout_age_us returns the time that has passed since the
calling threads last timeout installation
* Removes all device specific back-ends for the base-hw timer driver and
implements a generic back-end taht uses the kernel timeout API
* Adds assertions about the kernel timer frequency that originate from the
requirements of the the kernel timeout API and adjusts all timers
accordingly by using the their internal dividers
* Introduces the Kernel::Clock class. As member of each Kernel::Cpu object
it combines the management of the timer of the CPU with a timeout scheduler.
Not only the timeout API uses the timeout scheduler but also the CPUs job
scheduler for installing scheduling timeouts.
* Introduces the Kernel::time_t type for timer tic values and values inherited
from timer tics (like microseconds).
To avoid the need for adapting the names of the core restricted syscalls
each time we add a public syscall (restricted names must always be
greater than public names), let restricted syscall names simply start at
100 (we should never have more than 100 public syscalls).
Ref #1972
Building a kernel test produced an error about a missing config
apparently because of recent changes in the run tool. So, we add
a dummy XML node as config.
Ref #1972
Evaluate fadt xml node in report from acpi_drv. If the io ports in the range
of 0xcf8+4 are necessary for the reset than the platform driver will
react on the 'system' state 'reset' and reboot.
Issue #1962
Will be/can be used by the platform driver to reset the machine, iif the
platform driver owns the resources, e.g. the I/O ports of PCI config access.
Issue #1962
The modular lx_kit seperates the required back end functionality of the
Linux emulation environment from the front end. Thereby each driver can
reuse specific parts or supply more suitable implementations by itself.
It is used to reduce the amount of redundant code in each driver.
The lx_kit is split into several layers whose structure is as follows:
The first layer in _repos/dde_linux/src/include/lx_emul_ contains those
header files that provide the structural definitions and function
declarations of the Linux API, e.g. _errno.h_ provides all error code
values. The second layer in _repos/dde_linux/src/include/lx_emul/impl_
contains the implementation of selected functions, e.g. _slab.h_
provides the implementation of 'kmalloc()'. The lx_kit back end API is
the third layer and provides the _Lx::Malloc_ interface
(_repos/dde_linux/src/include/lx_kit/malloc.h_) which is used to
implement 'kmalloc()'. There are several generic implementations of the
lx_kit interfaces that can be used by a driver.
A driver typically includes a 'lx_emul/impl/xyz.h' header once
directly in its lx_emul compilation unit. The lx_kit interface files
are only included in those compilation units that use or implement the
interface. If a driver wants to use a generic implementation it must
add the source file to its source file list. The generic
implementations are located in _repos/dde_linux/src/lx_kit/_.
The modular lx_kit still depends on the private _lx_emul.h_ header file
that is tailored to each driver. Since the lx_kit already contains much
of the declarations and definitions that were originally placed in
these private header files, those files can now ommit a large amount
of code.
In addition to updating the contrib sources the driver now uses the
new Component API and will report the internal mixer state.
Reporting of the mixer state is enabled by adding the 'report_mixer'
attribute to the drivers configuration and setting its value to 'yes'.
The following snippets illustrates the format of the report:
! <mixer field="inputs.beep" value="108"/>
! <mixer field="outputs.hp_sense" value="plugged"/>
! <mixer field="outputs.master" value="128,128"/>
! <mixer field="outputs.mic_sense" value="unplugged"/>
! <mixer field="outputs.spkr_muters" value="hp,mic"/>
The mixer state may expose other mixer fields as well, depending on the
used sound card. The naming scheme of the attributes intentionally
matches the naming scheme of OpenBSD's mixerctl(1) program.
Each 'mixer' node can be used to configure the audio driver by using it
in its configuration, e.g.:
!<config report_mixer="yes">
! <mixer field="outputs.master" value="255,255"/>
This configuration will set the output volume to the highest possible
value. Although it is now also possible to update the configuration
at run-time it should not be done while the driver is currently playing
or recording because it may provoke the generation of artefacts.
We do not ensure that the Fpu::Context is 16-byte aligned and,
therefore, should not tell the compiler that we did. Otherwise, the GCC
may optimize operations regarding the addresses of members as it did for
if ((addr_t)_fxsave_area & 0xf) ...
With the declared 16-byte alignment the condition will never become
- add a new function 'binary_ready_hook_for_gdb()' in ldso. GDB can set a
breakpoint at this function to know when ldso has loaded the binary
into memory.
- get the thread state from the NOVA kernel immediately on 'pause()'