diff --git a/repos/gems/run/depot_autopilot.run b/repos/gems/run/depot_autopilot.run
index fef5e67ddb..4b0056652f 100644
--- a/repos/gems/run/depot_autopilot.run
+++ b/repos/gems/run/depot_autopilot.run
@@ -140,6 +140,15 @@ proc autopilot_run_genode_until {{wait_for_re forever} {timeout_value 0} {runnin
proc depot_user {} { return [get_cmd_arg --depot-user genodelabs] }
+# Whether the run script is used interactively
+proc interactive {} {
+ return [expr ![get_cmd_switch --autopilot]]
# Get value of an environment variable
@@ -188,11 +197,10 @@ proc single_test_module_routes { } {
proc test_pkgs_start_nodes { } {
global test_pkgs
- global skip_test_pkg
set result ""
foreach test_pkg $test_pkgs {
- if {[info exists skip_test_pkg($test_pkg)] && $skip_test_pkg($test_pkg)} {
+ if {[skip_test $test_pkg]} {
append result {
} else {
@@ -216,7 +224,6 @@ proc prepare_to_run_genode { } {
global previous_succeeded
global previous_failed
global previous_skipped
- global skip_test_pkg
global test_pkgs
global test_srcs
global test_builds
@@ -228,35 +235,27 @@ proc prepare_to_run_genode { } {
global timeout
global initial_qemu_args
+ # reset the QEMU arguments to the value when the run script was entered
set qemu_args $initial_qemu_args
- #
- # Create a depot archive that contains the test packages
- #
- create_boot_directory
- set depot_tar_archives ""
- set depot_tar_src_archives ""
- set import_archives ""
+ # compose list of the package archives to add to the depot archive
+ set depot_tar_pkg_archives ""
foreach test_pkg $test_pkgs {
- if { [info exists skip_test_pkg($test_pkg)] } {
- append_if [expr !$skip_test_pkg($test_pkg)] depot_tar_archives " [depot_user]/pkg/$test_pkg "
- } else {
- append depot_tar_archives " [depot_user]/pkg/$test_pkg "
+ if {![skip_test $test_pkg]} {
+ append depot_tar_pkg_archives " [depot_user]/pkg/$test_pkg "
- foreach test_src_pkg $test_srcs {
- if { [info exists skip_test_pkg($test_src_pkg)] } {
- append_if [expr !$skip_test_pkg($test_src_pkg)] depot_tar_src_archives " [depot_user]/src/$test_src_pkg "
- } else {
- append depot_tar_src_archives " [depot_user]/src/$test_src_pkg "
+ # compose list of the source archives to add to the depot archive
+ set depot_tar_src_archives ""
+ foreach test_src $test_srcs {
+ if {![skip_test $test_src]} {
+ append depot_tar_src_archives " [depot_user]/src/$test_src "
+ # compose list of the archives to import to the boot directory
+ set import_archives ""
append import_archives {
} [depot_user] {/src/} [base_src] {
} [depot_user] {/src/report_rom
@@ -266,18 +265,30 @@ proc prepare_to_run_genode { } {
} [depot_user] {/src/init
} [depot_user] {/src/depot_query
- if {!$skip_test_pkg(test-lx_block)} {
+ if {![skip_test test-lx_block]} {
append import_archives [depot_user] {/raw/test-lx_block }
- set all_archives [concat $depot_tar_archives $import_archives]
- check_archives_available {*}$all_archives
+ # check existance of all required archives at once
+ set all_archives [concat $depot_tar_pkg_archives \
+ $depot_tar_src_archives \
+ $import_archives]
+ if {[interactive]} {
+ check_archives_available {*}$all_archives
+ } else {
+ check_archives_available {*}$import_archives
+ }
- autopilot_create_tar_from_depot_binaries [run_dir]/genode/depot.tar {*}$depot_tar_archives
+ # create the depot archive in the boot directory
+ create_boot_directory
+ autopilot_create_tar_from_depot_binaries [run_dir]/genode/depot.tar \
+ {*}$depot_tar_pkg_archives
set depot_tar_wo_src_size [file size [run_dir]/genode/depot.tar]
- append_src_and_api_depot_packages_to_tar [run_dir]/genode/depot.tar {*}$depot_tar_src_archives
+ append_src_and_api_depot_packages_to_tar [run_dir]/genode/depot.tar \
+ {*}$depot_tar_src_archives
set depot_tar_size [file size [run_dir]/genode/depot.tar]
- puts "Depot archive has a size of $depot_tar_size bytes ($depot_tar_wo_src_size bytes without sources)"
+ puts "Depot archive has a size of $depot_tar_size bytes \
+ ($depot_tar_wo_src_size bytes without sources)"
# Install the root-init config
@@ -450,6 +461,7 @@ proc prepare_to_run_genode { } {
append qemu_args "-nographic -serial mon:stdio "
# Initialize variables that accumulate test results for possible reboots
@@ -469,6 +481,34 @@ proc init_previous_results {} {
set previous_skipped 0
+# Whether a test shall be skipped or not
+proc skip_test { test } {
+ global skip_test
+ if {![info exists skip_test($test)]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return $skip_test($test)
+# Whether all given archives and the archives they depend on are available
+proc archives_available { archives } {
+ global _missing_depot_archives
+ set buf $_missing_depot_archives
+ set _missing_depot_archives ""
+ _collect_from_depot $archives
+ set result [expr [llength $_missing_depot_archives] == 0]
+ set _missing_depot_archives $buf
+ return $result
# Initialize variables that can be configured via the user interface
@@ -481,44 +521,67 @@ proc init_test_setting {} {
global test_repeat
global default_test_pkgs
global default_test_srcs
- global skip_test_pkg
# Initialize the lists of test package-archives, source-archives,
# build-targets, and boot-modules to be considered by the run script
- set test_pkgs [get_env_var TEST_PKGS ""]
- set test_srcs [get_env_var TEST_SRCS ""]
+ set test_pkgs [get_env_var TEST_PKGS "default"]
+ set test_srcs [get_env_var TEST_SRCS "default"]
set test_builds [get_env_var TEST_BUILDS ""]
set test_modules [get_env_var TEST_MODULES ""]
set test_repeat [get_env_var TEST_REPEAT "false"]
- #
- # If the user didn't declare an individual list of test package-archives, use
- # the default lists of test package-archives and source-archives
- #
set nr_of_tests_to_run 0
- if {$test_pkgs == ""} {
- foreach test_pkg $default_test_pkgs {
- append test_pkgs " $test_pkg "
- if {!([info exists skip_test_pkg($test_pkg)] && $skip_test_pkg($test_pkg))} {
- incr nr_of_tests_to_run
- }
+ # initialize list of test package archives
+ if {$test_pkgs == "default"} {
+ set test_pkgs $default_test_pkgs
+ }
+ foreach test_pkg $test_pkgs {
+ if {[skip_test $test_pkg]} {
+ continue
- foreach test_src_pkg $default_test_srcs {
- append test_srcs " $test_src_pkg "
+ incr nr_of_tests_to_run
+ if {[interactive]} {
+ continue
- } else {
- foreach test_pkg $test_pkgs {
- if {!([info exists skip_test_pkg($test_pkg)] && $skip_test_pkg($test_pkg))} {
- incr nr_of_tests_to_run
- }
+ if {[archives_available [depot_user]/pkg/$test_pkg]} {
+ continue
+ set test_pkgs [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact \
+ $test_pkgs $test_pkg]
+ puts stderr "Warning: remove test package of \"$test_pkg\" because of\
+ missing archives"
+ }
+ # initialize list of test source archives
+ if {$test_srcs == "default"} {
+ set test_srcs $default_test_srcs
+ }
+ foreach test_src $test_srcs {
+ if {[skip_test $test_src]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[interactive]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[archives_available [depot_user]/src/$test_src]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ set test_srcs [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact \
+ $test_srcs $test_src]
+ puts stderr "Warning: remove test source of \"$test_src\" because of\
+ missing archives"
puts "Number of tests to run: $nr_of_tests_to_run"
+# Overwrite exit procedure to ensure to always print a results overview
rename exit run_tool_exit
proc exit {{status 0}} {
@@ -691,18 +754,18 @@ proc non_executable_supported { } {
# Whether to skip a test - if undefined for a test, the test is not skipped
-set skip_test_pkg(test-python) [expr ![have_spec x86]]
-set skip_test_pkg(test-slab) [expr [get_cmd_switch --autopilot] && [have_include "power_on/qemu"]]
-set skip_test_pkg(test-rm_nested) [expr [have_spec linux]]
-set skip_test_pkg(test-fault_detection) [expr [have_spec pistachio] || [have_spec fiasco]]
-set skip_test_pkg(test-fs_packet) [expr [get_cmd_switch --autopilot] && [have_include "power_on/qemu"]]
-set skip_test_pkg(test-rm_fault) [expr [have_spec linux] || ![non_executable_supported]]
-set skip_test_pkg(test-rm_fault_no_nox) [expr [have_spec linux] || !$skip_test_pkg(test-rm_fault)]
-set skip_test_pkg(test-lx_block) [expr ![have_spec linux]]
-set skip_test_pkg(test-tcp_bulk_lwip) [expr ![have_spec x86]]
-set skip_test_pkg(test-tcp_bulk_lxip) [expr ![have_spec x86]]
-set skip_test_pkg(test-solo5) [expr ![have_spec x86_64]]
-set skip_test_pkg(test-libc) [expr [have_spec sel4] || [have_spec rpi] || [expr [have_spec pbxa9] && [have_spec foc]] || [expr [have_spec imx53] && [have_spec trustzone]]]
+set skip_test(test-python) [expr ![have_spec x86]]
+set skip_test(test-slab) [expr [get_cmd_switch --autopilot] && [have_include "power_on/qemu"]]
+set skip_test(test-rm_nested) [expr [have_spec linux]]
+set skip_test(test-fault_detection) [expr [have_spec pistachio] || [have_spec fiasco]]
+set skip_test(test-fs_packet) [expr [get_cmd_switch --autopilot] && [have_include "power_on/qemu"]]
+set skip_test(test-rm_fault) [expr [have_spec linux] || ![non_executable_supported]]
+set skip_test(test-rm_fault_no_nox) [expr [have_spec linux] || ![skip_test test-rm_fault]]
+set skip_test(test-lx_block) [expr ![have_spec linux]]
+set skip_test(test-tcp_bulk_lwip) [expr ![have_spec x86]]
+set skip_test(test-tcp_bulk_lxip) [expr ![have_spec x86]]
+set skip_test(test-solo5) [expr ![have_spec x86_64]]
+set skip_test(test-libc) [expr [have_spec sel4] || [have_spec rpi] || [expr [have_spec pbxa9] && [have_spec foc]] || [expr [have_spec imx53] && [have_spec trustzone]]]
@@ -711,7 +774,7 @@ set skip_test_pkg(test-libc) [expr [have_spec sel4] || [have_spec rpi
# subsequent tests crashes the system so it gets rebooted by the run script,
# the system doesn't come up again. It gets stuck after core initialization.
-set skip_test_pkg(test-libc_getenv) [expr [get_cmd_switch --autopilot] && [have_spec foc] && [have_spec x86]]
+set skip_test(test-libc_getenv) [expr [get_cmd_switch --autopilot] && [have_spec foc] && [have_spec x86]]
# remember initial qemu args in case we have to re-boot later
set initial_qemu_args ""
diff --git a/repos/gems/src/app/depot_autopilot/README b/repos/gems/src/app/depot_autopilot/README
index 5278a9950f..f16cdf1f92 100644
--- a/repos/gems/src/app/depot_autopilot/README
+++ b/repos/gems/src/app/depot_autopilot/README
@@ -357,11 +357,13 @@ example containing all of these variables:
- List of test package-archives that supersedes the internal list if set.
+ List of test package-archives that supersedes the internal default list if
+ set to a value other than "default".
- List of test source-archives that supersedes the internal list if set.
+ List of test source-archives that supersedes the internal default list if
+ set to a value other than "default".
@@ -382,6 +384,42 @@ a look at the package recipe:
! repos//recipes/pkg//archives
! repos//recipes/pkg//runtime ( tag)
+There are two additional features that are rather intended for automated test
+infrastructures. One is the determination of the number of missing tests and
+the other is the less interactive mode. The number of missing tests is the
+number of tests that should have been executed on a platform (not skipped) but
+for which the run script couldn't manage to produce a result. This can happen
+if the hardware runs into unrecoverable problems during testing or if the
+script is called with the less interactive mode (as explained later in more
+As an example let's say we have 72 tests in total and 8 of them get skipped
+because of incompatibility with the current platform. Then, the number of
+executed tests is 64. Let's assume the run script finishes with 35 tests
+succeeded and 19 tests failed, the number of missing tests is consequently 64 -
+35 - 19 = 10. This calculation can be done automated by summing up the values
+'succeeded' and 'failed' from the results overview and subtracting it from the
+value given in the line "Number of tests to run" that is printed out by the run
+script at the very beginning. Missing tests normally indicate problems with the
+target platform or the testing infrastructure itself.
+Now to the less interactive mode: This is a mode in which the run script
+doesn't give up (as usual) when there are test archives missing in the host
+depot. Instead it solves the conflict by removing the affected test packages or
+test sources. If a test package gets removed this way, the corresponding test
+is neither executed nor considered in the result overview (unlike skipped
+tests). Thus, it is a missing test and can be detected as described above. You
+can determine whether a missing test is missing due to unmet archive
+dependencies by inspecting the serial ouput of the run script. For each
+incomplete package or source archive of a test, the run script yields a
+! Warning: remove test [package|source] of "" because of missing
+ archives
+The less interactive mode can be activated by appending " --autopilot " to the
+'RUN_OPT' variable in your '/etc/build.conf' file.