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synced 2025-03-23 04:25:21 +00:00
nitpicker: remove periodic mode of operation
Unless nitpicker is used in 'request_framebuffer' mode, it no longer depends on a periodic timer but merely acts as a broker between capture clients and GUI clients. Sync signals as delivered to GUI clients are now wired to Capture::Session::capture_at calls. So the display driver defines the occurrence of those signals. Note that sync signals are only delivered while a driver actively calls 'capture_at'. If a driver stops capturing, GUI clients no longer receive any sync signal. This is a change from the previous situation where GUI clients could depend on the periodicity of sync signals. Issue #5347
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ class Nitpicker::Capture_session : public Session_object<Capture::Session>
* present capture buffers.
virtual void capture_buffer_size_changed() = 0;
virtual void capture_requested(Label const &) = 0;
@ -159,6 +161,8 @@ class Nitpicker::Capture_session : public Session_object<Capture::Session>
Affected_rects capture_at(Point pos) override
if (!_buffer.constructed())
return Affected_rects { };
@ -348,56 +348,112 @@ struct Nitpicker::Main : Focus_updater, Hover_updater,
Timer::Connection _timer { _env };
Signal_handler<Main> _timer_handler = { _env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_period };
struct Ticks { uint64_t ms; };
unsigned long _timer_period_ms = 10;
Ticks _now() { return { .ms = _timer.curr_time().trunc_to_plain_ms().value }; }
Constructible<Framebuffer::Connection> _framebuffer { };
struct Input_connection
struct Input_connection : Noncopyable
Input::Connection connection;
Env &_env;
Main &_main;
Attached_dataspace ev_ds;
Input::Connection _connection { _env };
Input_connection(Env &env)
: connection(env), ev_ds(env.rm(), connection.dataspace()) { }
Attached_dataspace _ev_ds { _env.rm(), _connection.dataspace() };
void _handle()
size_t const max_events = _ev_ds.size() / sizeof(Input::Event);
User_state::Input_batch const batch {
.events = _ev_ds.local_addr<Input::Event>(),
.count = min(max_events, (size_t)_connection.flush()) };
Signal_handler<Input_connection> _handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Input_connection::_handle };
Input_connection(Env &env, Main &main) : _env(env), _main(main)
Constructible<Input_connection> _input { };
using PT = Pixel_rgb888; /* physical pixel type */
* Initialize framebuffer
* The framebuffer is encapsulated in a volatile object to allow its
* reconstruction at runtime as a response to resolution changes.
* Framebuffer connection used when operating in 'request_framebuffer' mode
struct Framebuffer_screen
Framebuffer::Session &framebuffer;
Env &_env;
Main &_main;
Framebuffer::Mode const mode = framebuffer.mode();
Framebuffer::Connection _fb { _env, { } };
Attached_dataspace fb_ds;
Framebuffer::Mode const _mode = _fb.mode();
Canvas<PT> screen = { fb_ds.local_addr<PT>(), Point(0, 0), mode.area };
Attached_dataspace _fb_ds { _env.rm(), _fb.dataspace() };
Area size = screen.size();
Canvas<PT> _screen { _fb_ds.local_addr<PT>(), Point(0, 0), _mode.area };
Area const _size = _screen.size();
using Dirty_rect = Genode::Dirty_rect<Rect, 3>;
Dirty_rect dirty_rect { };
Dirty_rect _dirty_rect { };
* Constructor
Framebuffer_screen(Region_map &rm, Framebuffer::Session &fb)
framebuffer(fb), fb_ds(rm, framebuffer.dataspace())
Ticks _previous_sync { };
Signal_handler<Framebuffer_screen> _sync_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Framebuffer_screen::_handle_sync };
void _handle_sync()
dirty_rect.mark_as_dirty(Rect(Point(0, 0), size));
/* call 'Dirty_rect::flush' on a copy to preserve the state */
Dirty_rect dirty_rect = _dirty_rect;
dirty_rect.flush([&] (Rect const &rect) {
_main._view_stack.draw(_screen, rect); });
/* flush pixels to the framebuffer, reset dirty_rect */
_dirty_rect.flush([&] (Rect const &rect) {
_fb.refresh(rect.x1(), rect.y1(), rect.w(), rect.h()); });
/* deliver framebuffer synchronization events */
for (Gui_session *s = _main._session_list.first(); s; s = s->next())
_previous_sync = _main._now();
Framebuffer_screen(Env &env, Main &main) : _env(env), _main(main)
mark_as_dirty(Rect { Point { 0, 0 }, _size });
void mark_as_dirty(Rect rect)
if (_main._now().ms - _previous_sync.ms > 40)
@ -406,10 +462,20 @@ struct Nitpicker::Main : Focus_updater, Hover_updater,
Constructible<Framebuffer_screen> _fb_screen { };
void _handle_fb_mode();
void _report_displays();
Signal_handler<Main> _fb_screen_mode_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_reconstruct_fb_screen };
Signal_handler<Main> _fb_mode_handler = { _env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_fb_mode };
void _reconstruct_fb_screen()
if (_request_framebuffer)
_fb_screen.construct(_env, *this);
void _report_displays();
* User-input policy
@ -482,9 +548,8 @@ struct Nitpicker::Main : Focus_updater, Hover_updater,
void mark_as_damaged(Rect rect) override
if (_fb_screen.constructed()) {
if (_fb_screen.constructed())
@ -492,7 +557,7 @@ struct Nitpicker::Main : Focus_updater, Hover_updater,
void _update_input_connection()
bool const output_present = (_view_stack.size().count() > 0);
_input.conditional(_request_input && output_present, _env);
_input.conditional(_request_input && output_present, _env, *this);
@ -508,7 +573,7 @@ struct Nitpicker::Main : Focus_updater, Hover_updater,
Area new_size { 0, 0 };
if (_fb_screen.constructed())
new_size = max_area(new_size, _fb_screen->size);
new_size = max_area(new_size, _fb_screen->_size);
new_size = max_area(new_size, _capture_root.bounding_box());
@ -532,6 +597,16 @@ struct Nitpicker::Main : Focus_updater, Hover_updater,
* Capture_session::Handler interface
void capture_requested(Capture_session::Label const &) override
/* deliver video-sync events */
for (Gui_session *s = _session_list.first(); s; s = s->next())
* Focus_updater interface
@ -585,41 +660,16 @@ struct Nitpicker::Main : Focus_updater, Hover_updater,
void _update_motion_and_focus_activity_reports();
* Signal handler periodically invoked for the reception of user input and redraw
* Track when the user was active the last time
void _handle_period();
Signal_handler<Main> _input_period = { _env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_period };
Ticks _last_button_activity { },
_last_motion_activity { };
* Counter that is incremented periodically
* Number of milliseconds since the last user interaction, after which
* we regard the user as inactive
unsigned _period_cnt = 0;
* Period counter when the user was active the last time
unsigned _last_button_activity_period = 0,
_last_motion_activity_period = 0;
* Number of periods after the last user activity when we regard the user
* as becoming inactive
unsigned const _activity_threshold = 50;
* True if the user has recently interacted with buttons or keys
* This state is reported as part of focus reports to allow the clipboard
* to dynamically adjust its information-flow policy to the user activity.
bool _button_activity = false;
* True if the user recently moved the pointer
bool _motion_activity = false;
Ticks const _activity_threshold { .ms = 500 };
void _update_pointer_position()
@ -636,9 +686,7 @@ struct Nitpicker::Main : Focus_updater, Hover_updater,
@ -648,12 +696,7 @@ struct Nitpicker::Main : Focus_updater, Hover_updater,
if (_config_rom.xml().has_sub_node("event"))
* Detect initial motion activity such that the first hover report
* contains the boot-time activity of the user in the very first
* report.
@ -662,18 +705,13 @@ struct Nitpicker::Main : Focus_updater, Hover_updater,
void Nitpicker::Main::handle_input_events(User_state::Input_batch batch)
Ticks const now = _now();
User_state::Handle_input_result const result =
if (result.button_activity) {
_last_button_activity_period = _period_cnt;
_button_activity = true;
if (result.motion_activity) {
_last_motion_activity_period = _period_cnt;
_motion_activity = true;
if (result.button_activity) _last_button_activity = now;
if (result.motion_activity) _last_motion_activity = now;
* Report information about currently pressed keys whenever the key state
@ -710,74 +748,37 @@ void Nitpicker::Main::handle_input_events(User_state::Input_batch batch)
/* update pointer position */
if (result.motion_activity)
void Nitpicker::Main::_update_motion_and_focus_activity_reports()
/* flag user as inactive after activity threshold is reached */
if (_period_cnt == _last_button_activity_period + _activity_threshold)
_button_activity = false;
Ticks const now = _now();
if (_period_cnt == _last_motion_activity_period + _activity_threshold)
_motion_activity = false;
bool const button_activity = (now.ms - _last_button_activity.ms < _activity_threshold.ms);
bool const motion_activity = (now.ms - _last_motion_activity.ms < _activity_threshold.ms);
bool const hover_changed = (_reported_hover_count != _hover_count);
if (hover_changed || (_reported_motion_activity != _motion_activity)) {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_hover_reporter, [&] () {
_user_state.report_hovered_view_owner(xml, _motion_activity); });
if (hover_changed || (_reported_motion_activity != motion_activity)) {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_hover_reporter, [&] {
_user_state.report_hovered_view_owner(xml, motion_activity); });
bool const focus_changed = (_reported_focus_count != _focus_count);
if (focus_changed || (_reported_button_activity != _button_activity)) {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_focus_reporter, [&] () {
_user_state.report_focused_view_owner(xml, _button_activity); });
if (focus_changed || (_reported_button_activity != button_activity)) {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_focus_reporter, [&] {
_user_state.report_focused_view_owner(xml, button_activity); });
_reported_motion_activity = _motion_activity;
_reported_button_activity = _button_activity;
_reported_motion_activity = motion_activity;
_reported_button_activity = button_activity;
_reported_hover_count = _hover_count;
_reported_focus_count = _focus_count;
void Nitpicker::Main::_handle_period()
/* handle batch of pending events */
if (_input.constructed()) {
size_t const max_events = _input->ev_ds.size() / sizeof(Input::Event);
User_state::Input_batch const batch {
.events = _input->ev_ds.local_addr<Input::Event>(),
.count = min(max_events, (size_t)_input->connection.flush()) };
/* perform redraw */
if (_framebuffer.constructed() && _fb_screen.constructed()) {
/* call 'Dirty_rect::flush' on a copy to preserve the state */
Dirty_rect dirty_rect = _fb_screen->dirty_rect;
dirty_rect.flush([&] (Rect const &rect) {
_view_stack.draw(_fb_screen->screen, rect); });
/* flush pixels to the framebuffer, reset dirty_rect */
_fb_screen->dirty_rect.flush([&] (Rect const &rect) {
_framebuffer->refresh(rect.x1(), rect.y1(),
rect.w(), rect.h()); });
/* deliver framebuffer synchronization events */
for (Gui_session *s = _session_list.first(); s; s = s->next())
* Helper function for 'handle_config'
@ -880,13 +881,14 @@ void Nitpicker::Main::_handle_config()
/* update focus report since the domain colors might have changed */
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_focus_reporter, [&] () {
_user_state.report_focused_view_owner(xml, _button_activity); });
bool const button_activity = (_now().ms - _last_button_activity.ms < _activity_threshold.ms);
_user_state.report_focused_view_owner(xml, button_activity); });
/* update framebuffer output back end */
bool const request_framebuffer = config.attribute_value("request_framebuffer", false);
if (request_framebuffer != _request_framebuffer) {
_request_framebuffer = request_framebuffer;
@ -908,8 +910,8 @@ void Nitpicker::Main::_report_displays()
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(_displays_reporter, [&] () {
if (_fb_screen.constructed()) {
xml.node("display", [&] () {
xml.attribute("width", _fb_screen->size.w);
xml.attribute("height", _fb_screen->size.h);
xml.attribute("width", _fb_screen->_size.w);
xml.attribute("height", _fb_screen->_size.h);
@ -918,32 +920,6 @@ void Nitpicker::Main::_report_displays()
void Nitpicker::Main::_handle_fb_mode()
if (_request_framebuffer && !_framebuffer.constructed()) {
_framebuffer.construct(_env, Framebuffer::Mode{});
/* reconstruct '_fb_screen' with updated mode */
if (_request_framebuffer && _framebuffer.constructed())
_fb_screen.construct(_env.rm(), *_framebuffer);
if (!_request_framebuffer && _fb_screen.constructed())
if (!_request_framebuffer && _framebuffer.constructed())
if (!_request_framebuffer)
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
static Nitpicker::Main nitpicker(env);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user