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Release notes for version 24.11
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Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 24.11
Genode Labs
During the discussion of this year's road-map roughly one year ago, the
usability concerns of Sculpt OS stood out.
Besides suspend/resume, which we addressed
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/24.05#Suspend_resume_infrastructure - earlier this year],
multi-monitor support ranked highest on the list of desires. We are more than
happy to wrap up the year with the realization of this feature.
Section [Multi-monitor support] presents the many facets and outcomes of this
intensive line of work.
Over the course of 2024, our Goa SDK has received tremendous advances, which
make the development, porting, debugging, and publishing of software for
Genode - and Sculpt OS in particular - a breeze.
So far however, the learning curve for getting started remained rather steep
because the underlying concepts largely deviate from the beaten tracks known
from traditional operating systems. Even though there is plenty of
documentation, it is rather scattered and overwhelming.
All the more happy we are to announce that the current release is accompanied
by a new book "Genode Applications" that can be downloaded for free and
provides a smooth gateway for application developers into the world of Genode
(Section [New "Genode Applications" book]).
Regarding hardware-related technical topics, the release focuses on the
ARM-based i.MX SoC family, taking our ambition to run Sculpt OS on the MNT
Pocket Reform laptop as guiding theme. Section [Device drivers and platforms]
covers our driver and platform-related work in detail.
New "Genode Applications" book
Complementary to our _Genode Foundations_ and _Genode Platforms_ books, we have
been working on a new book that concentrates on application development.
_Genode Applications_ centers on the Goa SDK that we introduced with
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/19.11#New_tooling_for_bridging_existing_build_systems_with_Genode - Genode 19.11]
and which has seen significant improvements over the past year
([https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/23.08#Goa_tool_gets_usability_improvements_and_depot-index_publishing_support - 23.08],
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/24.02#Sculpt_OS_as_remote_test_target_for_the_Goa_SDK - 24.02],
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/24.08#Goa_SDK - 24.08]).
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The book intends to provide a beginner-friendly starting point for application
development and porting for Genode and Sculpt OS in particular. It starts off
with a getting-started tutorial for the Goa tool, and further recapitulates
Genode's architecture and a subset of its libraries, components, and
conventions such as the C runtime, VFS, NIC router, and package management.
With these essentials in place, the book is topped off with instructions for
application debugging and a collection of advanced tutorials.
Aligned with the release of Sculpt 24.10, we updated the Goa tool with the
corresponding depot archive versions. Furthermore, the Sculpt-integrated and
updated _Goa testbed_ preset is now prepared for remote debugging.
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:First revision of the Genode Applications document:
Multi-monitor support
Among the users of the Genode-based Sculpt OS, the flexible use of multiple
monitors was certainly the most longed-after desire raised during our public
road-map discussion roughly one year ago. We quickly identified that a
profound solution cannot focus on piecemeal extensions of individual
components but must embrace an architectural step forward. The step turned
out being quite a leap.
In fact, besides reconsidering the roles of display and input drivers in
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/20.08#The_GUI_stack__restacked - version 20.08],
the GUI stack has remained largely unchanged since
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/14.08#New_GUI_architecture - version 14.08].
So we took our multi-monitor ambitions as welcome opportunity to incorporate
our experiences of the past ten years into a new design for the next ten
Tickless GUI server and display drivers
Up to now, the nitpicker GUI server as well as the display drivers used to
operate in a strictly periodic fashion. At a rate of 10 milliseconds, the GUI
server would route input events to the designated GUI clients and flush
graphical changes of the GUI clients to the display driver.
This simple mode of execution has benefits such as the natural ability of
batching input events and the robustness of the GUI server against overload
situations. However, in Sculpt OS, we observed that the fixed rate induces
little but constant load into an otherwise idle system, rendering
energy-saving regimes of modern CPUs less effective than they could be.
This problem would become amplified in the presence of multiple output channels
operating at independent frame rates. Moreover, with panel self-refresh
support of recent Intel graphics devices, the notion of a fixed continuous
frame rate has become antiquated.
Hence, it was time to move to a tickless GUI-server design where the GUI
server acts as a mere broker between events triggered by applications (e.g.,
pushing pixels) and drivers (e.g., occurrence of input, scanout to a display).
Depending on the behavior of its clients (GUI applications and drivers alike),
the GUI server notifies the affected parties about events of interest but
does not assert an active role.
For example, if a display driver does not observe any changed pixels for 50
ms, it goes to sleep. Once an application updates pixels affecting a display,
the GUI server wakes up the respective display driver, which then polls the
pixels at a driver-defined frame rate until observing when the pixels remain
static for 50 ms. Vice versa, the point in time when a display driver requests
updated pixels is reflected as a sync event to GUI applications visible on
that display, enabling such applications to synchronize their output to the
frame rate of the driver. The GUI server thereby asserts the role of steering
the sleep cycles of drivers and applications. Unless anything happens on
screen, neither the GUI server nor the display driver are active. When two
applications are visible on distinct monitors, the change of one application
does not induce any activity regarding the unrelated display. This allows for
scaling up the number of monitors without increasing the idle CPU load.
This change implies that the former practice of using sync signals as a
time source for application-side animation timing is no longer viable.
Sync signals occur only when a driver is active after all. GUI applications
may best use sync signals for redraw scheduling but need to use a real time
source as basis for calculating the progress of animations.
Paving the ground for tearing-free motion
Tearing artifacts during animations are rightfully frowned upon. It goes
without saying that we strive to attain tearing-free motion in Genode. Two
preconditions must be met. First, the GUI server must be able to get hold
of a _consistent_ picture at any time. Second, the flushing of the picture
to the display hardware must be timed with _vsync_ of the physical display.
Up to now, the GUI stack was unable to meet the first precondition by design.
If the picture is composed of multiple clients, the visual representation of
each client must be present in a consistent state.
The textures used as input of the compositing of the final picture are buffers
shared between server and client. Even though clients traditionally employ
double-buffering to hide intermediate drawing states, the final back-to-front
copy into the shared buffer violated the consistency of the buffer during
the client-side copy operation - when looking at the buffer from the server
side. To overcome this deficiency, we have now equipped the GUI server with
atomic blitting and panning operations, which support atomic updates in two
_Atomic back-to-front blitting_ allows GUI clients that partially update their
user interface - like regular application dialogs - to implement double
buffering by placing both the back buffer and front buffer within the GUI
session's shared buffer and configuring a view that shows only the front
buffer. The new blit operation ('Framebuffer::Session::blit') allows the client
to atomically flush pixels from the back buffer to the front buffer.
_Atomic buffer flipping_ allows GUI clients that always update all pixels -
like a media player or a game - to leverage panning
('Framebuffer::Session::panning') to atomically redirect the displayed pixels to
a different portion of the GUI session's shared buffer without any copy
operation needed. The buffer contains two frames, the displayed one and the
next one. Once the next frame is complete, the client changes the panning
position to the portion containing the next frame.
Almost all GUI clients of the Genode OS framework have been updated to use
these new facilities.
The vsync timing as the second precondition for tearing-free motion lies in
the hands of the display driver, which can in principle capture pixel updates
from the GUI server driven by vsync interrupts. In the presence of multiple
monitors with different vsync rates, a GUI client may deliberately select
a synchronization source ('Framebuffer::Session::sync_source'). That said,
even though the interfaces are in place, vsync timing is not yet provided by
the current display drivers.
Mirrored and panoramic monitor setups
A display driver interacts with the nitpicker GUI server as a capture client.
One can think of a display driver as a screen-capturing application.
Up until now, the nitpicker GUI server handed out the same picture to each
capture client. So each client obtained a mirror of the same picture. By
subjecting each client to a policy defining a window within a larger panorama,
a driver creating one capture session per monitor becomes able to display the
larger panorama spanning the connected displays. The assignment of capture
clients to different parts of the panorama follows Genode's established
label-based policy-selection approach as explained in the
[https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/blob/master/repos/os/src/server/nitpicker/README - documentation]
of the nitpicker GUI server.
Special care has been taken to ensure that the pointer is always visible. It
cannot be moved to any area that is not captured. Should the only capture
client displaying the pointer disappear, the pointer is warped to the center
of (any) remaining capture client.
A mirrored monitor setup can in principle be attained by placing multiple
capture clients at the same part of nitpicker's panorama. However, there is
a better way: Our Intel display-driver component supports both discrete and
merged output channels. The driver's configuration subsumes all connectors
listed within a '<merge>' node as a single encompassing capture session at the
GUI server. The mirroring of the picture is done by the hardware. Each
connector declared outside the '<merge>' node is handled as a discrete capture
session labeled after the corresponding connector. The driver's
[https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/blob/master/repos/pc/src/driver/framebuffer/intel/pc/README - documentation]
describes the configuration in detail.
Sculpt OS integration
All the changes described above are featured in the recently released
Sculpt OS version 24.10, which gives the user the ability to attain mirrored
or panoramic monitor setups or a combination thereof by the means of manual
configuration or by using interactive controls.
[image sculpt_24_10_intel_fb]
You can find the multi-monitor use of Sculpt OS covered by the
[https://genode.org/documentation/articles/sculpt-24-10#Multi-monitor_support - documentation].
Revised inter-component interfaces
Strict resource partitioning between GUI clients
Even though Genode gives server components the opportunity to strictly operate
on client-provided resources only, the two prominent GUI servers - nitpicker
and the window manager (wm) - did not leverage these mechanisms to full
extent. In particular the wm eschewed strict resource accounting by paying out
of its own pocket. This deficiency has been rectified by the current release,
thereby making the GUI stack much more robust against potential resource
denial-of-service issues. Both the nitpicker GUI server and the window manager
now account all allocations to the resource budgets of the respective clients.
This change has the effect that GUI clients must now be equipped with the
actual cap and RAM quotas needed.
Note that not all central parts of the GUI stack operate on client-provided
resources. In particular, a window decorator is a mere client of the window
manager despite playing a role transcending multiple applications. As the
costs needed for the decorations depend on the number of applications present
on screen, the resources of the decorator must be dimensioned with a sensible
upper bound. Fortunately, however, as the decorator is a plain client of the
window manager, it can be restarted, replaced, and upgraded without affecting
any application.
Structured mode information for applications
Up to now, GUI clients were able to request mode information via a plain
RPC call that returned the dimensions and color depth of the display.
Multi-monitor setups call for more flexibility, which prompted us to
replace the mode information by XML-structured information delivered as
an 'info' dataspace. This is in line with how meta information is handled
in other modern session interfaces like the platform or USB sessions.
The new representation gives us room to annotate information that could
previously not be exposed to GUI clients, in particular:
* The total panorama dimensions.
* Captured areas within the panorama, which can be used by multi-monitor
aware GUI clients as intelligence for placing GUI views.
* DPI information carried by 'width_mm' and 'height_mm' attributes.
This information is defined by the display driver and passed to the GUI
server as 'Capture::Connection::buffer' argument.
* The closed state of a window interactively closed by the user.
Note that the window manager (wm) virtualizes the information of the nitpicker
GUI server. Instead of exposing nitpicker's panorama to its clients, the wm
reports the logical screen hosting the client's window as panorama and the
window size as a single captured rectangle within the panorama.
Mouse grabbing
Since the inception of the nitpicker GUI server, its clients observed absolute
pointer positions only. The GUI server unconditionally translated relative
mouse-motion events to absolute motion events.
To accommodate applications like games or a VM emulating a relative pointer
device, we have now extended the GUI server(s) with the ability to selectively
expose relative motion events while locking the absolute pointer position.
This is usually called pointer grabbing. It goes without saying that the user
must always retain a way to forcefully reassert control over the pointer
without the cooperation of the application.
The solution is the enhancement of the 'Input::Session' interface by a new RPC
function that allows a client to request exclusive input. The nitpicker GUI
server grants this request if the application owns the focus. In scenarios
using the window manager (wm), the focus is always defined by the wm, which
happens to intercept all input sessions of GUI applications. Hence, the wm is
in the natural position of arbitrating the grabbing/ungrabbing of the pointer.
For each GUI client, the wm records whether the client is interested in
exclusive input but does not forward this request to nitpicker. Only if a GUI
client receives the focus and has requested exclusive input, the wm enables
exclusive input for this client at nitpicker when observing a mouse click on
the application window. Whenever the user presses the global wm key (super),
the wm forcefully releases the exclusive input at nitpicker until the user
clicks into the client window the next time.
Furthermore, an application may enable exclusive input transiently during a
key sequence, e.g., when dragging the mouse while holding the mouse button.
Transient exclusive input is revoked as soon as the last button/key is
released. It thereby would in principle allow for GUI controls like knobs to
lock the pointer position while the user adjusts the value by moving the mouse
while the mouse button is held. So the pointer retains its original position
at the knob.
While operating in exclusive input mode, there is no useful notion of an
absolute pointer position at the nitpicker GUI server. Hence, nitpicker hides
GUI domains that use the pointer position as coordinate origin. Thereby, the
mouse cursor automatically disappears while the pointer is grabbed.
Current state and ongoing work
All the advances described above are in full effect in the recently released
version 24.10 of [https://genode.org/download/sculpt - Sculpt OS]. All
components hosted in Genode's main and world repositories have been updated
accordingly, including Genode-specific components like the widget toolkit
used by the administrative user interface of Sculpt OS, window decorators,
over Qt5 and Qt6, to SDL and SDL2.
[image multiple_monitors]
Current work is underway to implement multi-monitor window management and to
make multiple monitors seamlessly available to guest OSes hosted in VirtualBox.
Furthermore, the Intel display driver is currently getting equipped with the
ability to use vsync interrupts for driving the interaction with the GUI
server, taking the final step to attain tearing-free motion.
Device drivers and platforms
Linux device-driver environment (DDE)
With our
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/24.08#Linux_device-driver_environment__DDE_ - recent]
update of the DDE Linux kernel to version 6.6 for PC platforms and as a
prerequisite to support the MNT Pocket Reform, we have adapted all drivers for
the i.MX5/6/7/8 platforms to Linux kernel version 6.6.47. The list of drivers
includes Wifi, NIC, display, GPU, USB and SD-card.
MNT Pocket Reform
The [https://shop.mntre.com/products/mnt-pocket-reform - MNT Pocket Reform] is
a Mini Laptop by MNT aiming to be modular, upgradable, and repairable while
being assembled completely using open-source hardware. Being modular implies
that a range of CPU modules is available for the MNT Pocket. Some of these
chips, like the Rockchip based modules, are not officially supported by
Genode, yet. But there is a choice of an i.MX8MP based module available which
fits nicely into Genode's i.MX infrastructure.
Genode already supports the MNT Reform 2 i.MX8MQ based
[https://genodians.org/skalk/2020-06-29-mnt-reform - laptop]. So an update from
MQ to MP doesn't sound like a big issue because only one letter changed,
right? It turns out that there are more changes to the platform than mere
adjustments of I/O resources and interrupt numbers. Additionally, the MNT
Reform team offers quite a large patch set for each supported Linux kernel
version. Luckily there is
[https://source.mnt.re/reform/reform-debian-packages/-/tree/main/linux/patches6.6?ref_type=heads - one]
for our just updated Linux 6.6 kernel. With this patch set, we were able to
produce a Linux source tree (imx_linux) that we now take as basis for driver
development on Genode. Note that these Linux kernel sources are shared by all
supported i.MX platforms. Of course, additional patch series were necessary to
include device-tree sources from other vendor kernels, for instance from
With the development environment in place and after putting lots of effort in,
we ultimately achieved initial Genode support for the MNT Pocket Reform with
Genode 24.11.
On the device-driver side of things, we did not have to port lots of new
drivers but were able to extend drivers already available for the i.MX8MQ
platform. In particular these drivers are for the wired network card, USB host
controller, display, and SD card.
For the wireless network device that is found on the i.MX8MP SoM in the MNT
Pocket Reform, we needed to port a new driver. It has a Qualcomm QCA9377
chipset and is attached via SDIO. Unfortunately the available _ath10k_ driver
in the vanilla kernel does not work properly with such a device and therefore
is also not used in the regular Linux kernel for the MNT Pocket Reform. A
slightly adapted external QCACLD2 reference driver is used instead. So we
followed suit by incorporating this particular driver in our _imx_linux_
source tree as well.
[image sculpt_mnt_pocket]
Sculpt OS running on the MNT Pocket Reform
Being the initial enablement, there are still some limitations.
For example, the display of the MNT Pocket is physically
[https://mntre.com/documentation/pocket-reform-handbook.pdf - rotated] by 90
degrees. So, we had to find a way to accommodate for that. Unfortunately,
there seems to be no hardware support other than using the GPU to perform
a fast rotation. With GPU support still missing on this system, we had to
resort to perform the rotation in software on the CPU, which is obviously
far from optimal.
Those early inefficiencies notwithstanding, Sculpt OS has become able to run
on the MNT Pocket Reform. We will provide a preview image that exercises the
available features soon.
Platform driver for i.MX 8M Plus
While enabling support for the MNT Pocket Reform (Section [MNT Pocket Reform]),
it was necessary to adjust the i.MX8MP specific platform driver, which was
originally introduced in the previous
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/24.08#Improvements_for_NXP_s_i.MX_family - release 24.08]
to drive the Compulab i.MX 8M Plus IOT Gateway.
Some of the I/O pin configurations necessary to set up the SoC properly are
statically compiled into this driver because they do not change at runtime.
However, the pin configuration is specific to the actual board. Therefore, the
i.MX8MP platform driver now needs to distinguish between different boards (IOT
Gateway and MNT Pocket) by evaluating the 'platform_info' ROM provided by
Moreover, while working on different drivers, we detected a few missing clocks
that were added to the platform driver. It turned out that some clocks that we
initially turned off to save energy, have to be enabled to ensure the
liveliness of the ARM Trusted Firmware (ATF) and thereby the platform. Also,
we had to adapt the communication in between ATF and our platform driver to
control power-domains. The first version of the i.MX8MP platform driver shared
the ATF power-domains protocol with the i.MX8MQ version. However, the
power-domain enumerations of the different firmwares varies also and we
adapted that.
Finally, the watchdog hardware is now served by the platform driver in a
recurrent way. Originally our driver used the watchdog only to implement reset
functionality. But in case of the MNT Pocket Reform, the watchdog hardware is
already armed by the bootloader. Therefore, it needs to get served in time, to
prevent the system from rebooting. As a consequence, the platform driver is
mandatory on this platform if it needs to run longer than a minute.
Wifi management rework
Our management interface in the wifi driver served us well over the years
and concealed the underlying complexity of the wireless stack. At the same
time it gained some complexity itself to satisfy a variety of use-cases.
Thus, we took the past release cycle as opportunity to rework the management
layer to reduce its complexity by streamlining the interaction between
various parts, like the manager layer itself, 'wpa_supplicant' as well as
the device driver in order to provide a sound foundation for future
Included is also an update of the 'wpa_supplicant' to version 2.11.
The following segments detail the changes made to the configuration options as
they were altered quite a bit to no longer mix different tasks (e.g. joining a
network and scanning for hidden networks) while removing obsolete options.
At the top-level '<wifi_config>' node, the following alterations were made:
* The 'log_level' attribute was added and configures the supplicant's
verbosity. Valid values correspond to levels used by the supplicant
and are as follows: 'excessive', 'msgdump', 'debug', 'info', 'warning',
and 'error'. The default value is 'error' and configures the least
amount of verbosity. This option was introduced to ease the investigation
of connectivity issues.
* The 'bgscan' attribute may be used to configure the way the
supplicant performs background-scanning to steer or rather optimize
roaming decision within the same network. The default value is set
to 'simple:30:-70:600'. The attribute is forwarded unmodified to the WPA
supplicant and thus provides the syntax supported by the supplicant
implementation. It can be disabled by specifying an empty value, e.g.
* The 'connected_scan_interval' attribute was removed as this functionality
is now covered by background scanning.
* The 'verbose_state' attribute was removed altogether and similar
functionality is now covered by the 'verbose' attribute.
The network management received the following changes:
* Every configured network, denoted by a '<network>' node, is now implicitly
considered an option for joining. The 'auto_connect' attribute was
removed and a '<network>' node must be renamed or removed to deactivate
automatic connection establishment.
* The intent to scan for a hidden network is now managed by the newly
introduced '<explicit_scan>' node that like the '<network>' node has
an 'ssid' attribute. If the specified SSID is valid, it is incorporated
into the scan request to actively probe for this network. As the node
requests explicit scanning only, a corresponding '<network>' node is
required to actually connect to the hidden network.
The 'explicit_scan' attribute of the '<network>' node has been removed.
The following exemplary configuration shows how to configure the driver
for attempting to join two different networks where one of them is hidden.
The initial scan interval is set 10 seconds and the signal quality will be
updated every 30 seconds while connected to a network.
!<wifi_config scan_interval="10" update_quality_interval="30">
! <explicit_scan ssid="Skynet"/>
! <network ssid="Zero" protection="WPA2" passphrase="allyourbase"/>
! <network ssid="Skynet" protection="WPA3" passphrase="illbeback"/>
For more information please consult the driver's
[https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/blob/master/repos/dde_linux/src/driver/wifi/README - documentation]
that now features a best-practices section explaining how the driver should be
operated at best, and highlights the difference between a managed (as used in
Sculpt OS) and a user-generated configuration.
Audio driver updated to OpenBSD 7.6
With this release, we updated our OpenBSD-based audio driver to a more recent
revision that correlates to version 7.6. It supports newer devices, e.g. Alder
Lake-N, and includes a fix for using message-signaled interrupts (MSI) with
HDA devices as found in AMD-based systems.
AVX and hardware-based AES in virtual machines
The current release adds support for requesting and transferring the AVX FPU
state via Genode's VM-session interface. With this prerequisite fulfilled, we
enabled the announcement of the AVX feature to guest VMs in our port of
Additionally, we enabled the announcement of AES and RDRAND CPU features to
guest VMs to further improve the utilization of the hardware.
Build system and tools
Extended depot-tool safeguards
When using the run tool's '--depot-auto-update' feature while switching
between different git topic branches with committed recipe hashes, a binary
archive present in the depot may accidentally not match its ingredients
because the depot/build tool's 'REBUILD=' mode - as used by the depot
auto-update mechanism - merely looks at the archive versions. This situation
is arguably rare. But when it occurs, its reach and effects are hard to
predict. To rule out this corner case early, the depot/build tool has now been
extended by recording the hashes of the ingredients of binary archives. When
skipping a rebuild because the desired version presumably already exists as a
binary archive, the recorded hashes are compared to the current state of the
ingredients (src and api archives). Thereby inconsistencies are promptly
reported to the user.
Users of the depot tool will notice .hash files appearing alongside src and
api archives. Those files contain the hash value of the content of the
respective archive. Each binary archive built is now also accompanied by a
.hash file, which contains a list of hash values of the ingredients that went
into the binary archive. Thanks to these .hash files, the consistency between
binaries and their ingredients can be checked quickly.
_As a note of caution, when switching to the Genode 24.11 with existing depot,_
_one will possibly need to remove existing depot archives (as listed by the_
_diagnostic messages) because the existing archives are not accompanied by
_.hash files yet._
Reference in New Issue
Block a user