diff --git a/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/main.cc b/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/main.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91e10224d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/main.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ * \brief Timer driver for the base-hw kernel
+ * \author Norman Feske
+ * \date 2024-03-11
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2024 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+/* Genode includes */
+/* base-internal includes */
+/* base-hw includes */
+namespace Timer {
+ using namespace Genode;
+ struct Clock;
+ struct Device;
+ struct Alarm;
+ struct Root;
+ struct Session_component;
+ struct Main;
+ using Alarms = Alarm_registry;
+struct Timer::Clock
+ uint64_t us;
+ static constexpr uint64_t MASK = uint64_t(-1);
+ uint64_t value() const { return us; }
+ void print(Output &out) const { Genode::print(out, us/1000); }
+class Timer::Device : Noncopyable
+ public:
+ struct Wakeup_dispatcher : Interface
+ {
+ virtual void dispatch_device_wakeup() = 0;
+ };
+ struct Deadline : Clock { };
+ static constexpr Deadline infinite_deadline { uint64_t(-1) };
+ private:
+ Env &_env;
+ Kernel::time_t const _max_timeout_us = Kernel::timeout_max_us();
+ Wakeup_dispatcher &_dispatcher;
+ Signal_handler _handler { _env.ep(), *this, &Device::_handle_timeout };
+ Signal_context_capability const _handler_cap = _handler;
+ Kernel::capid_t const _sel = Kernel::capid_t(addr_t(_handler_cap.data()) & 0xffffu);
+ void _handle_timeout() { _dispatcher.dispatch_device_wakeup(); }
+ public:
+ Device(Env &env, Wakeup_dispatcher &dispatcher)
+ : _env(env), _dispatcher(dispatcher) { }
+ Clock now() const
+ {
+ return Clock { .us = Kernel::time() };
+ }
+ void update_deadline(Deadline const deadline)
+ {
+ uint64_t const now_us = now().us;
+ uint64_t const rel_us = (deadline.us > now_us)
+ ? min(_max_timeout_us, deadline.us - now_us)
+ : 0;
+ Kernel::timeout(Kernel::timeout_t(rel_us), _sel);
+ }
+struct Timer::Alarm : Alarms::Element
+ Session_component &session;
+ Alarm(Alarms &alarms, Session_component &session, Clock time)
+ :
+ Alarms::Element(alarms, *this, time), session(session)
+ { }
+ void print(Output &out) const;
+static Timer::Device::Deadline next_deadline(Timer::Alarms &alarms)
+ using namespace Timer;
+ return alarms.soonest(Clock { 0 }).convert(
+ [&] (Clock soonest) -> Device::Deadline {
+ /* scan alarms for a cluster nearby the soonest */
+ uint64_t const MAX_DELAY_US = 250;
+ Device::Deadline result { soonest.us };
+ alarms.for_each_in_range(soonest, Clock { soonest.us + MAX_DELAY_US },
+ [&] (Alarm const &alarm) {
+ result.us = max(result.us, alarm.time.us); });
+ return result;
+ },
+ [&] (Alarms::None) { return Device::infinite_deadline; });
+struct Timer::Session_component : Session_object
+ Alarms &_alarms;
+ Device &_device;
+ Signal_context_capability _sigh { };
+ Clock const _creation_time = _device.now();
+ uint64_t _local_now_us() const { return _device.now().us - _creation_time.us; }
+ struct Period { uint64_t us; };
+ Constructible _period { };
+ Constructible _alarm { };
+ Session_component(Env &env,
+ Resources const &resources,
+ Label const &label,
+ Diag const &diag,
+ Alarms &alarms,
+ Device &device)
+ :
+ Session_object(env.ep(), resources, label, diag),
+ _alarms(alarms), _device(device)
+ { }
+ /**
+ * Called by Device::Wakeup_dispatcher
+ */
+ void handle_wakeup()
+ {
+ if (_sigh.valid())
+ Signal_transmitter(_sigh).submit();
+ if (_period.constructed()) {
+ Clock const next = _alarm.constructed()
+ ? Clock { _alarm->time.us + _period->us }
+ : Clock { _device.now().us + _period->us };
+ _alarm.construct(_alarms, *this, next);
+ } else /* response of 'trigger_once' */ {
+ _alarm.destruct();
+ }
+ }
+ /******************************
+ ** Timer::Session interface **
+ ******************************/
+ void trigger_once(uint64_t rel_us) override
+ {
+ _period.destruct();
+ _alarm.destruct();
+ Clock const now = _device.now();
+ rel_us = max(rel_us, 250u);
+ _alarm.construct(_alarms, *this, Clock { now.us + rel_us });
+ _device.update_deadline(next_deadline(_alarms));
+ }
+ void trigger_periodic(uint64_t period_us) override
+ {
+ _period.destruct();
+ _alarm.destruct();
+ if (period_us) {
+ period_us = max(period_us, 1000u);
+ _period.construct(period_us);
+ handle_wakeup();
+ }
+ _device.update_deadline(next_deadline(_alarms));
+ }
+ void sigh(Signal_context_capability sigh) override { _sigh = sigh; }
+ uint64_t elapsed_ms() const override { return _local_now_us()/1000; }
+ uint64_t elapsed_us() const override { return _local_now_us(); }
+ void msleep(uint64_t) override { }
+ void usleep(uint64_t) override { }
+struct Timer::Root : public Root_component
+ private:
+ Env &_env;
+ Alarms &_alarms;
+ Device &_device;
+ protected:
+ Session_component *_create_session(const char *args) override
+ {
+ return new (md_alloc())
+ Session_component(_env,
+ session_resources_from_args(args),
+ session_label_from_args(args),
+ session_diag_from_args(args),
+ _alarms, _device);
+ }
+ void _upgrade_session(Session_component *s, const char *args) override
+ {
+ s->upgrade(ram_quota_from_args(args));
+ s->upgrade(cap_quota_from_args(args));
+ }
+ void _destroy_session(Session_component *session) override
+ {
+ Genode::destroy(md_alloc(), session);
+ }
+ public:
+ Root(Env &env, Allocator &md_alloc, Alarms &alarms, Device &device)
+ :
+ Root_component(&env.ep().rpc_ep(), &md_alloc),
+ _env(env), _alarms(alarms), _device(device)
+ { }
+void Timer::Alarm::print(Output &out) const { Genode::print(out, session.label()); }
+struct Timer::Main : Device::Wakeup_dispatcher
+ Env &_env;
+ Device _device { _env, *this };
+ Alarms _alarms { };
+ Sliced_heap _sliced_heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
+ Root _root { _env, _sliced_heap, _alarms, _device };
+ /**
+ * Device::Wakeup_dispatcher
+ */
+ void dispatch_device_wakeup() override
+ {
+ Clock const now = _device.now();
+ /* handle and remove pending alarms */
+ while (_alarms.with_any_in_range({ 0 }, now, [&] (Alarm &alarm) {
+ alarm.session.handle_wakeup(); }));
+ /* schedule next wakeup */
+ _device.update_deadline(next_deadline(_alarms));
+ }
+ Main(Genode::Env &env) : _env(env)
+ {
+ _env.parent().announce(_env.ep().manage(_root));
+ }
+void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env) { static Timer::Main inst(env); }
diff --git a/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/target.mk b/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/target.mk
index bd3672a2d8..238e61952a 100644
--- a/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/target.mk
+++ b/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/target.mk
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-TARGET = hw_timer_drv
-LIBS = syscall-hw
-SRC_CC += time_source.cc
-include $(call select_from_repositories,src/timer/target.inc)
+TARGET = hw_timer_drv
+LIBS = syscall-hw base
+REP_INC_DIR += src/include
+SRC_CC += main.cc
diff --git a/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/time_source.cc b/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/time_source.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index e95c2334d4..0000000000
--- a/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/time_source.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * \brief Time source that uses the timeout syscalls of the HW kernel
- * \author Martin Stein
- * \date 2012-05-03
- */
- * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
- *
- * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
- * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
- */
-/* Genode includes */
-/* local includes */
-using namespace Genode;
-enum { MIN_TIMEOUT_US = 1000 };
-Timer::Time_source::Time_source(Env &env)
- Signalled_time_source(env),
- _max_timeout_us(Kernel::timeout_max_us())
- if (_max_timeout_us < MIN_TIMEOUT_US) {
- error("minimum timeout greater then maximum timeout");
- throw Genode::Exception();
- }
-void Timer::Time_source::set_timeout(Microseconds duration,
- Timeout_handler &handler)
- Kernel::timeout_t duration_us = (Kernel::timeout_t)duration.value;
- if (duration_us < MIN_TIMEOUT_US) {
- duration_us = MIN_TIMEOUT_US; }
- if (duration_us > _max_timeout_us) {
- duration_us = (Kernel::timeout_t)_max_timeout_us; }
- _handler = &handler;
- Signal_context_capability cap = _signal_handler;
- Kernel::timeout(duration_us, (Kernel::capid_t)((addr_t)cap.data() & 0xffff));
-Duration Timer::Time_source::curr_time()
- /*
- * FIXME: the `Microseconds` constructor takes a machine-word as value
- * thereby limiting the possible value to something ~1.19 hours.
- * must be changed when the timeout framework internally does not use
- * machine-word wide microseconds values anymore.
- */
- return Duration(Microseconds(Kernel::time()));
diff --git a/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/time_source.h b/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/time_source.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 514c77e855..0000000000
--- a/repos/base-hw/src/timer/hw/time_source.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * \brief Time source that uses the timeout syscalls of the HW kernel
- * \author Martin Stein
- * \date 2012-05-03
- */
- * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
- *
- * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
- * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
- */
-#ifndef _TIME_SOURCE_H_
-#define _TIME_SOURCE_H_
-/* Genode includes */
-/* base-hw includes */
-/* local includes */
-namespace Timer {
- using Microseconds = Genode::Microseconds;
- using Duration = Genode::Duration;
- using Timeout_handler = Genode::Timeout_handler;
- class Time_source;
-class Timer::Time_source : public Genode::Signalled_time_source
- private:
- Kernel::time_t const _max_timeout_us;
- public:
- Time_source(Genode::Env &env);
- /*************************
- ** Genode::Time_source **
- *************************/
- Duration curr_time() override;
- void set_timeout(Microseconds duration, Timeout_handler &handler) override;
- Microseconds max_timeout() const override {
- return Microseconds(_max_timeout_us); };
-#endif /* _TIME_SOURCE_H_ */