signal test: add stressful nested test

Ref #2284
This commit is contained in:
Martin Stein 2017-02-27 07:38:33 +01:00 committed by Christian Helmuth
parent 6712b071fc
commit dc415669aa

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@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ struct Many_contexts_test : Signal_test
* context of 'wait_and_dispatch_one_signal' here, which also caused dead locks
* in the past.
struct Wait_and_dispatch_test : Signal_test
struct Nested_test : Signal_test
static constexpr char const *brief = "wait and dispatch signals at entrypoint";
@ -494,20 +494,20 @@ struct Wait_and_dispatch_test : Signal_test
Env &env;
Entrypoint ep { env, 2048 * sizeof(long),
"wait_dispatch_ep" };
Signal_handler<Wait_and_dispatch_test> dispatcher { ep, *this,
&Wait_and_dispatch_test::handle };
Signal_handler<Nested_test> dispatcher { ep, *this,
&Nested_test::handle };
Wait_component wait { ep };
Capability<Wait_interface> wait_cap = ep.manage(wait);
Sender_thread thread { env, dispatcher };
bool nested { false };
Wait_and_dispatch_test(Env &env, int id) : Signal_test(id, brief), env(env)
Nested_test(Env &env, int id) : Signal_test(id, brief), env(env)
@ -526,8 +526,136 @@ struct Wait_and_dispatch_test : Signal_test
* Stress-test 'wait_and_dispatch_one_signal' implementation for entrypoints
* Let multiple entrypoints directly wait and dispatch signals in a
* highly nested manner and with multiple stressful senders.
struct Nested_stress_test : Signal_test
static constexpr char const *brief = "stressful wait and dispatch signals at entrypoint";
enum {
struct Sender : Thread
Signal_transmitter transmitter;
bool destruct { false };
Sender(Env &env, char const *name, Signal_context_capability cap)
: Thread(env, name, 1024 * sizeof(long)), transmitter(cap) { }
void entry()
/* send signals as fast as possible */
while (!destruct) { transmitter.submit(); }
struct Receiver
Entrypoint ep;
char const *name;
Signal_handler<Receiver> handler { ep, *this, &Receiver::handle };
unsigned count { 0 };
bool destruct { false };
Receiver(Env &env, char const *name)
: ep(env, 3 * 1024 * sizeof(long), name), name(name) { }
void handle()
* We have to get out of the nesting if the host wants to destroy
* us to avoid a deadlock at the lock in the signal handler.
if (destruct) {
return; }
/* raise call counter */
* Open a new nesting level with each signal until count module X
* gives zero, then unwind the whole nesting and start afresh.
if ((count & ((1 << UNWIND_COUNT_MOD_LOG2) - 1)) != 0) {
ep.wait_and_dispatch_one_signal(); }
Env &env;
Timer::Connection timer { env };
Receiver receiver_1 { env, "receiver-1" };
Receiver receiver_2 { env, "receiver-2" };
Receiver receiver_3 { env, "receiver-3" };
Sender sender_1 { env, "sender-1", receiver_1.handler };
Sender sender_2 { env, "sender-2", receiver_2.handler };
Sender sender_3 { env, "sender-3", receiver_3.handler };
Signal_transmitter done;
Signal_handler<Nested_stress_test> poll
{ env.ep(), *this, &Nested_stress_test::handle_poll };
Nested_stress_test(Env &env, int id, Signal_context_capability done)
: Signal_test(id, brief), env(env), done(done)
/* let senders start sending signals like crazy */
/* initialize polling for the receiver counts */
/* let senders stop burning our CPU time */
sender_1.destruct = true;
sender_2.destruct = true;
sender_3.destruct = true;
/* let receivers unwind their nesting and stop with the next signal */
receiver_1.destruct = true;
receiver_2.destruct = true;
receiver_3.destruct = true;
* Send final signals ourselves because otherwise we would have to
* synchronize with the senders.
void handle_poll()
/* print counter status */
log(, " received ", receiver_1.count, " times");
log(, " received ", receiver_2.count, " times");
log(, " received ", receiver_3.count, " times");
/* request to end the test if receiver counts are all high enough */
if (receiver_1.count > COUNTER_GOAL &&
receiver_2.count > COUNTER_GOAL &&
receiver_3.count > COUNTER_GOAL)
{ done.submit(); }
struct Main
Env &env;
Signal_handler<Main> test_9_done { env.ep(), *this, &Main::handle_test_9_done };
Constructible<Fast_sender_test> test_1;
Constructible<Multiple_handlers_test> test_2;
Constructible<Stress_test> test_3;
@ -535,9 +663,16 @@ struct Main
Constructible<Context_management_test> test_5;
Constructible<Synchronized_destruction_test> test_6;
Constructible<Many_contexts_test> test_7;
Constructible<Wait_and_dispatch_test> test_8;
Constructible<Nested_test> test_8;
Constructible<Nested_stress_test> test_9;
Main(Env &env)
void handle_test_9_done()
log("--- Signalling test finished ---");
Main(Env &env) : env(env)
log("--- Signalling test ---");
test_1.construct(env, 1); test_1.destruct();
@ -548,7 +683,7 @@ struct Main
test_6.construct(env, 6); test_6.destruct();
test_7.construct(env, 7); test_7.destruct();
test_8.construct(env, 8); test_8.destruct();
log("--- Signalling test finished ---");
test_9.construct(env, 9, test_9_done);