diff --git a/repos/libports/run/sntp_client.run b/repos/libports/run/sntp_client.run
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..854d03df4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/run/sntp_client.run
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+assert_spec x86
+if { [have_spec linux] } {
+ puts "Run script is not supported on this platform."
+ exit 0
+import_from_depot [depot_user]/pkg/[drivers_nic_pkg]
+build { core init timer app/sntp_client server/report_rom }
+append config {
+install_config $config
+build_boot_image { core ld.lib.so init timer sntp_client report_rom }
+proc qemu_nic_model {} {
+ if [have_spec x86] { return e1000 }
+ if [have_spec lan9118] { return lan9118 }
+ if [have_spec zynq] { return cadence_gem }
+ return nic_model_missing
+append qemu_args " -nographic "
+append qemu_args " -netdev user,id=net0 "
+append qemu_args " -net nic,model=[qemu_nic_model],netdev=net0 "
+set done_string "report_rom]
+This is a short description of the tags and attributes:
+ Optional. IP address and subnet of the component. If not set, the component
+ requests and maintains the IP configuration via DHCP.
+ Optional. IP address of the gateway of the IP subnet.
+ Mandatory. IP address of the target host.
+ Optional. Length of send interval in seconds.
+ Optional. Toggles wether the component shall log debugging information.
+ Optional. After how many successful pings the component exits successfully.
+ Optional. Destination port resp. ICMP query ID to use.
+ Optional. Protocol to ping with. Can be one of 'icmp', 'udp'.
+This is an overview of the sessions required and provided by the
+component apart from the environment sessions:
+* Requires one Timer session.
+Examples of how to use the ping component can be found in the test scripts
+'os/run/ping.run' and 'os/run/ping_nic_router.run'.
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/config.xsd b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/config.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f8cc65a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/config.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/dhcp_client.cc b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/dhcp_client.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9daa5cf9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/dhcp_client.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ * \brief DHCP client state model
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2016-08-24
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+/* local includes */
+/* Genode includes */
+enum { PKT_SIZE = 1024 };
+struct Send_buffer_too_small : Genode::Exception { };
+struct Bad_send_dhcp_args : Genode::Exception { };
+using namespace Genode;
+using namespace Net;
+using Message_type = Dhcp_packet::Message_type;
+using Dhcp_options = Dhcp_packet::Options_aggregator;
+ ** Utilities **
+ ***************/
+void append_param_req_list(Dhcp_options &dhcp_opts)
+ dhcp_opts.append_param_req_list([&] (Dhcp_options::Parameter_request_list_data &data) {
+ data.append_param_req();
+ data.append_param_req();
+ data.append_param_req();
+ data.append_param_req();
+ data.append_param_req();
+ data.append_param_req();
+ });
+ ** Dhcp_client **
+ *****************/
+Dhcp_client::Dhcp_client(Genode::Allocator &alloc,
+ Timer::Connection &timer,
+ Nic &nic,
+ Dhcp_client_handler &handler)
+ _alloc (alloc),
+ _timeout (timer, *this, &Dhcp_client::_handle_timeout),
+ _nic (nic),
+ _handler (handler)
+ _discover();
+void Dhcp_client::_discover()
+ _set_state(State::SELECT, _discover_timeout);
+ _send(Message_type::DISCOVER, Ipv4_address(), Ipv4_address(),
+ Ipv4_address());
+void Dhcp_client::_rerequest(State next_state)
+ _set_state(next_state, _rerequest_timeout(2));
+ Ipv4_address const client_ip = _handler.ip_config().interface.address;
+ _send(Message_type::REQUEST, client_ip, Ipv4_address(), client_ip);
+void Dhcp_client::_set_state(State state, Microseconds timeout)
+ _state = state;
+ _timeout.schedule(timeout);
+Microseconds Dhcp_client::_rerequest_timeout(unsigned lease_time_div_log2)
+ /* FIXME limit the time because of shortcomings in timeout framework */
+ enum { MAX_TIMEOUT_SEC = 3600 };
+ uint64_t timeout_sec = _lease_time_sec >> lease_time_div_log2;
+ if (timeout_sec > MAX_TIMEOUT_SEC) {
+ timeout_sec = MAX_TIMEOUT_SEC;
+ warning("Had to prune the state timeout of DHCP client");
+ }
+ return Microseconds(timeout_sec * 1000 * 1000);
+void Dhcp_client::_handle_timeout(Duration)
+ switch (_state) {
+ case State::BOUND: _rerequest(State::RENEW); break;
+ case State::RENEW: _rerequest(State::REBIND); break;
+ default: _discover();
+ }
+void Dhcp_client::handle_eth(Ethernet_frame ð, Size_guard &size_guard)
+ if (eth.dst() != _nic.mac() &&
+ eth.dst() != Mac_address(0xff))
+ {
+ throw Drop_packet_inform("DHCP client expects Ethernet targeting the router");
+ }
+ Ipv4_packet &ip = eth.data(size_guard);
+ if (ip.protocol() != Ipv4_packet::Protocol::UDP) {
+ throw Drop_packet_inform("DHCP client expects UDP packet"); }
+ Udp_packet &udp = ip.data(size_guard);
+ if (!Dhcp_packet::is_dhcp(&udp)) {
+ throw Drop_packet_inform("DHCP client expects DHCP packet"); }
+ Dhcp_packet &dhcp = udp.data(size_guard);
+ if (dhcp.op() != Dhcp_packet::REPLY) {
+ throw Drop_packet_inform("DHCP client expects DHCP reply"); }
+ if (dhcp.client_mac() != _nic.mac()) {
+ throw Drop_packet_inform("DHCP client expects DHCP targeting the router"); }
+ try { _handle_dhcp_reply(dhcp); }
+ catch (Dhcp_packet::Option_not_found) {
+ throw Drop_packet_inform("DHCP client misses DHCP option"); }
+void Dhcp_client::_handle_dhcp_reply(Dhcp_packet &dhcp)
+ Message_type const msg_type =
+ dhcp.option().value();
+ switch (_state) {
+ case State::SELECT:
+ if (msg_type != Message_type::OFFER) {
+ throw Drop_packet_inform("DHCP client expects an offer");
+ }
+ _set_state(State::REQUEST, _request_timeout);
+ _send(Message_type::REQUEST, Ipv4_address(),
+ dhcp.option().value(),
+ dhcp.yiaddr());
+ break;
+ case State::REQUEST:
+ {
+ if (msg_type != Message_type::ACK) {
+ throw Drop_packet_inform("DHCP client expects an acknowledgement");
+ }
+ _lease_time_sec = dhcp.option().value();
+ _set_state(State::BOUND, _rerequest_timeout(1));
+ Ipv4_address dns_server;
+ try { dns_server = dhcp.option().value(); }
+ catch (Dhcp_packet::Option_not_found) { }
+ Ipv4_config ip_config(
+ Ipv4_address_prefix(
+ dhcp.yiaddr(),
+ dhcp.option().value()),
+ dhcp.option().value(),
+ dns_server);
+ _handler.ip_config(ip_config);
+ break;
+ }
+ case State::RENEW:
+ case State::REBIND:
+ if (msg_type != Message_type::ACK) {
+ throw Drop_packet_inform("DHCP client expects an acknowledgement");
+ }
+ _set_state(State::BOUND, _rerequest_timeout(1));
+ _lease_time_sec = dhcp.option().value();
+ break;
+ default: throw Drop_packet_inform("DHCP client doesn't expect a packet");
+ }
+void Dhcp_client::_send(Message_type msg_type,
+ Ipv4_address client_ip,
+ Ipv4_address server_ip,
+ Ipv4_address requested_ip)
+ _nic.send(PKT_SIZE, [&] (void *pkt_base, Size_guard &size_guard) {
+ /* create ETH header of the request */
+ Ethernet_frame ð = Ethernet_frame::construct_at(pkt_base, size_guard);
+ eth.dst(Mac_address(0xff));
+ eth.src(_nic.mac());
+ eth.type(Ethernet_frame::Type::IPV4);
+ /* create IP header of the request */
+ enum { IPV4_TIME_TO_LIVE = 64 };
+ size_t const ip_off = size_guard.head_size();
+ Ipv4_packet &ip = eth.construct_at_data(size_guard);
+ ip.header_length(sizeof(Ipv4_packet) / 4);
+ ip.version(4);
+ ip.time_to_live(IPV4_TIME_TO_LIVE);
+ ip.protocol(Ipv4_packet::Protocol::UDP);
+ ip.src(client_ip);
+ ip.dst(Ipv4_address(0xff));
+ /* create UDP header of the request */
+ size_t const udp_off = size_guard.head_size();
+ Udp_packet &udp = ip.construct_at_data(size_guard);
+ udp.src_port(Port(Dhcp_packet::BOOTPC));
+ udp.dst_port(Port(Dhcp_packet::BOOTPS));
+ /* create mandatory DHCP fields of the request */
+ size_t const dhcp_off = size_guard.head_size();
+ Dhcp_packet &dhcp = udp.construct_at_data(size_guard);
+ dhcp.op(Dhcp_packet::REQUEST);
+ dhcp.htype(Dhcp_packet::Htype::ETH);
+ dhcp.hlen(sizeof(Mac_address));
+ dhcp.ciaddr(client_ip);
+ dhcp.client_mac(_nic.mac());
+ dhcp.default_magic_cookie();
+ /* append DHCP option fields to the request */
+ Dhcp_options dhcp_opts(dhcp, size_guard);
+ dhcp_opts.append_option(msg_type);
+ switch (msg_type) {
+ case Message_type::DISCOVER:
+ append_param_req_list(dhcp_opts);
+ dhcp_opts.append_option(_nic.mac());
+ dhcp_opts.append_option(PKT_SIZE - dhcp_off);
+ break;
+ case Message_type::REQUEST:
+ append_param_req_list(dhcp_opts);
+ dhcp_opts.append_option(_nic.mac());
+ dhcp_opts.append_option(PKT_SIZE - dhcp_off);
+ if (_state == State::REQUEST) {
+ dhcp_opts.append_option(requested_ip);
+ dhcp_opts.append_option(server_ip);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw Bad_send_dhcp_args();
+ }
+ dhcp_opts.append_option();
+ /* fill in header values that need the packet to be complete already */
+ udp.length(size_guard.head_size() - udp_off);
+ udp.update_checksum(ip.src(), ip.dst());
+ ip.total_length(size_guard.head_size() - ip_off);
+ ip.update_checksum();
+ });
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/dhcp_client.h b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/dhcp_client.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1bbd2ee9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/dhcp_client.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * \brief DHCP client state model
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2016-08-24
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+#ifndef _DHCP_CLIENT_H_
+#define _DHCP_CLIENT_H_
+/* Genode includes */
+namespace Net {
+ /* external definition */
+ class Nic_peer;
+ class Ipv4_config;
+ class Ethernet_frame;
+ /* local definition */
+ class Dhcp_client;
+ class Dhcp_client_handler;
+ class Drop_packet_inform;
+struct Net::Drop_packet_inform : Genode::Exception
+ char const *msg;
+ Drop_packet_inform(char const *msg) : msg(msg) { }
+class Net::Dhcp_client_handler
+ public:
+ virtual void ip_config(Ipv4_config const &ip_config) = 0;
+ virtual Ipv4_config const &ip_config() const = 0;
+ virtual ~Dhcp_client_handler() { }
+class Net::Dhcp_client
+ private:
+ enum class State
+ {
+ INIT = 0, SELECT = 1, REQUEST = 2, BOUND = 3, RENEW = 4, REBIND = 5
+ };
+ enum { DISCOVER_TIMEOUT_SEC = 2 };
+ enum { REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SEC = 2 };
+ Genode::Allocator &_alloc;
+ State _state { State::INIT };
+ Timer::One_shot_timeout _timeout;
+ unsigned long _lease_time_sec = 0;
+ Genode::Microseconds const _discover_timeout { (Genode::uint64_t)DISCOVER_TIMEOUT_SEC * 1000 * 1000 };
+ Genode::Microseconds const _request_timeout { (Genode::uint64_t)REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SEC * 1000 * 1000 };
+ Nic &_nic;
+ Dhcp_client_handler &_handler;
+ void _handle_dhcp_reply(Dhcp_packet &dhcp);
+ void _handle_timeout(Genode::Duration);
+ void _rerequest(State next_state);
+ Genode::Microseconds _rerequest_timeout(unsigned lease_time_div_log2);
+ void _set_state(State state, Genode::Microseconds timeout);
+ void _send(Dhcp_packet::Message_type msg_type,
+ Ipv4_address client_ip,
+ Ipv4_address server_ip,
+ Ipv4_address requested_ip);
+ void _discover();
+ public:
+ Dhcp_client(Genode::Allocator &alloc,
+ Timer::Connection &timer,
+ Nic &nic,
+ Dhcp_client_handler &handler);
+ void handle_eth(Ethernet_frame ð,
+ Size_guard &size_guard);
+#endif /* _DHCP_CLIENT_H_ */
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/ipv4_address_prefix.cc b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/ipv4_address_prefix.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf46d115e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/ipv4_address_prefix.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * \brief Ipv4 address combined with a subnet prefix length
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2017-10-12
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+/* local includes */
+using namespace Genode;
+using namespace Net;
+Ipv4_address Ipv4_address_prefix::subnet_mask() const
+ Ipv4_address result;
+ if (prefix >= 8) {
+ result.addr[0] = 0xff;
+ if (prefix >= 16) {
+ result.addr[1] = 0xff;
+ if (prefix >= 24) {
+ result.addr[2] = 0xff;
+ result.addr[3] = 0xff << (32 - prefix);
+ } else {
+ result.addr[2] = 0xff << (24 - prefix);
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.addr[1] = 0xff << (16 - prefix);
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.addr[0] = 0xff << (8 - prefix);
+ }
+ return result;
+void Ipv4_address_prefix::print(Genode::Output &output) const
+ Genode::print(output, address, "/", prefix);
+bool Ipv4_address_prefix::prefix_matches(Ipv4_address const &ip) const
+ uint8_t prefix_left = prefix;
+ uint8_t byte = 0;
+ for (; prefix_left >= 8; prefix_left -= 8, byte++) {
+ if (ip.addr[byte] != address.addr[byte]) {
+ return false; }
+ }
+ if (prefix_left == 0) {
+ return true; }
+ uint8_t const mask = ~(0xff >> prefix_left);
+ return !((ip.addr[byte] ^ address.addr[byte]) & mask);
+Ipv4_address Ipv4_address_prefix::broadcast_address() const
+ Ipv4_address result = address;
+ Ipv4_address const mask = subnet_mask();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ result.addr[i] |= ~mask.addr[i];
+ }
+ return result;
+Ipv4_address_prefix::Ipv4_address_prefix(Ipv4_address address,
+ Ipv4_address subnet_mask)
+ address(address), prefix(0)
+ Genode::uint8_t rest;
+ if (subnet_mask.addr[0] != 0xff) {
+ rest = subnet_mask.addr[0];
+ prefix = 0;
+ } else if (subnet_mask.addr[1] != 0xff) {
+ rest = subnet_mask.addr[1];
+ prefix = 8;
+ } else if (subnet_mask.addr[2] != 0xff) {
+ rest = subnet_mask.addr[2];
+ prefix = 16;
+ } else {
+ rest = subnet_mask.addr[3];
+ prefix = 24;
+ }
+ for (Genode::uint8_t mask = 1 << 7; rest & mask; mask >>= 1)
+ prefix++;
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/ipv4_address_prefix.h b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/ipv4_address_prefix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fb378332c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/ipv4_address_prefix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ * \brief Ipv4 address combined with a subnet prefix length
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2017-10-12
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+/* Genode includes */
+namespace Net { class Ipv4_address_prefix; }
+struct Net::Ipv4_address_prefix
+ Ipv4_address address { };
+ Genode::uint8_t prefix;
+ Ipv4_address_prefix(Ipv4_address address,
+ Ipv4_address subnet_mask);
+ Ipv4_address_prefix() : prefix(32) { }
+ bool valid() const { return address.valid() || prefix == 0; }
+ void print(Genode::Output &output) const;
+ bool prefix_matches(Ipv4_address const &ip) const;
+ Ipv4_address subnet_mask() const;
+ Ipv4_address broadcast_address() const;
+ bool operator != (Ipv4_address_prefix const &other) const
+ {
+ return prefix != other.prefix ||
+ address != other.address;
+ }
+namespace Genode {
+ inline size_t ascii_to(char const *s, Net::Ipv4_address_prefix &result);
+Genode::size_t Genode::ascii_to(char const *s, Net::Ipv4_address_prefix &result)
+ /* read the leading IPv4 address, fail if there's no address */
+ Net::Ipv4_address_prefix buf;
+ size_t read_len = ascii_to(s, buf.address);
+ if (!read_len) {
+ return 0; }
+ /* check for the following slash */
+ s += read_len;
+ if (*s != '/') {
+ return 0; }
+ read_len++;
+ s++;
+ /* read the prefix, fail if there's no prefix */
+ size_t prefix_len = ascii_to_unsigned(s, buf.prefix, 10);
+ if (!prefix_len) {
+ return 0; }
+ /* fill result and return read length */
+ result = buf;
+ return read_len + prefix_len;
+#endif /* _IPV4_ADDRESS_PREFIX_H_ */
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/ipv4_config.cc b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/ipv4_config.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5aea166f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/ipv4_config.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * \brief IPv4 peer configuration
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2016-08-19
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+/* Genode includes */
+/* local includes */
+using namespace Genode;
+using namespace Net;
+Ipv4_config::Ipv4_config(Ipv4_address_prefix interface,
+ Ipv4_address gateway,
+ Ipv4_address dns_server)
+ interface(interface), gateway(gateway), dns_server(dns_server)
+ if (!valid && (interface_valid || gateway_valid)) {
+ error("Bad IP configuration");
+ }
+void Ipv4_config::print(Genode::Output &output) const
+ Genode::print(output, "interface ", interface);
+ if (gateway.valid()) {
+ Genode::print(output, ", gateway ", gateway); }
+ if (dns_server.valid()) {
+ Genode::print(output, ", DNS server ", dns_server); }
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/ipv4_config.h b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/ipv4_config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b3f011074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/ipv4_config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * \brief IPv4 peer configuration
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2016-08-19
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+#ifndef _IPV4_CONFIG_H_
+#define _IPV4_CONFIG_H_
+/* local includes */
+namespace Net { class Ipv4_config; }
+struct Net::Ipv4_config
+ Ipv4_address_prefix const interface { };
+ bool const interface_valid { interface.valid() };
+ Ipv4_address const gateway { };
+ bool const gateway_valid { gateway.valid() };
+ Ipv4_address const dns_server { };
+ bool const valid { interface_valid &&
+ (!gateway_valid ||
+ interface.prefix_matches(gateway)) };
+ Ipv4_config(Ipv4_address_prefix interface,
+ Ipv4_address gateway,
+ Ipv4_address dns_server);
+ Ipv4_config() { }
+ bool operator != (Ipv4_config const &other) const
+ {
+ return interface != other.interface ||
+ gateway != other.gateway ||
+ dns_server != other.dns_server;
+ }
+ void print(Genode::Output &output) const;
+#endif /* _IPV4_CONFIG_H_ */
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/main.cc b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/main.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecbfe8d1a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/main.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+ * \brief Test the reachability of a host on an IP network
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2018-03-27
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+/* local includes */
+/* Genode includes */
+using namespace Net;
+using namespace Genode;
+Microseconds read_min_attr(Xml_node const node,
+ char const *name,
+ uint64_t const default_sec)
+ enum { MAX_MINUTES = (~(uint64_t)0) / 1000 / 1000 / 60 };
+ uint64_t min = node.attribute_value(name, (uint64_t)0);
+ if (!min) {
+ min = default_sec;
+ }
+ if (min > MAX_MINUTES) {
+ warning("minutes value exceeds maximum");
+ min = MAX_MINUTES;
+ }
+ return Microseconds(min * 60 * 1000 * 1000);
+class Main : public Nic_handler,
+ public Dhcp_client_handler
+ private:
+ using Periodic_timeout = Timer::Periodic_timeout;
+ enum { IPV4_TIME_TO_LIVE = 64 };
+ enum { DEFAULT_PERIOD_MIN = 60 };
+ enum { SRC_PORT = 50000 };
+ Env &_env;
+ Attached_rom_dataspace _config_rom { _env, "config" };
+ Xml_node _config { _config_rom.xml() };
+ Timer::Connection _timer { _env };
+ Microseconds _period_us { read_min_attr(_config, "period_min", (uint64_t)DEFAULT_PERIOD_MIN) };
+ Constructible _period { };
+ Heap _heap { &_env.ram(), &_env.rm() };
+ bool const _verbose { _config.attribute_value("verbose", false) };
+ Net::Nic _nic { _env, _heap, *this, _verbose };
+ Ipv4_address const _dst_ip { _config.attribute_value("dst_ip", Ipv4_address()) };
+ Mac_address _dst_mac { };
+ Constructible _dhcp_client { };
+ Reconstructible _ip_config { _config.attribute_value("interface", Ipv4_address_prefix()),
+ _config.attribute_value("gateway", Ipv4_address()),
+ Ipv4_address() };
+// Rtc::Connection _rtc { _env };
+ Reporter reporter { _env, "set_rtc" };
+ Sntp_timestamp _rtc_ts_to_sntp_ts(Rtc::Timestamp const rtc_ts)
+ {
+ struct tm tm { (int)rtc_ts.second, (int)rtc_ts.minute,
+ (int)rtc_ts.hour, (int)rtc_ts.day,
+ (int)rtc_ts.month - 1, (int)rtc_ts.year - 1900,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr };
+ return Sntp_timestamp::from_unix_timestamp(tm_to_secs(&tm));
+ }
+ Rtc::Timestamp _sntp_ts_to_rtc_ts(Sntp_timestamp const sntp_ts)
+ {
+ struct tm tm { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr };
+ if (secs_to_tm(sntp_ts.to_unix_timestamp(), &tm)) {
+ warning("failed to convert timestamp");
+ return Rtc::Timestamp();
+ }
+ return {
+ 0, (unsigned)tm.tm_sec, (unsigned)tm.tm_min,
+ (unsigned)tm.tm_hour, (unsigned)tm.tm_mday,
+ (unsigned)tm.tm_mon + 1, (unsigned)tm.tm_year + 1900 };
+ }
+ void _handle_ip(Ethernet_frame ð,
+ Size_guard &size_guard);
+ void _handle_udp(Ipv4_packet &ip,
+ Size_guard &size_guard);
+ void _handle_arp(Ethernet_frame ð,
+ Size_guard &size_guard);
+ void _broadcast_arp_request(Ipv4_address const &ip);
+ void _send_arp_reply(Ethernet_frame &req_eth,
+ Arp_packet &req_arp);
+ void _send_sntp_request(Duration not_used = Duration(Microseconds(0)));
+ public:
+ struct Invalid_arguments : Exception { };
+ Main(Env &env);
+ /*****************
+ ** Nic_handler **
+ *****************/
+ void handle_eth(Ethernet_frame ð,
+ Size_guard &size_guard) override;
+ /*************************
+ ** Dhcp_client_handler **
+ *************************/
+ void ip_config(Ipv4_config const &ip_config) override;
+ Ipv4_config const &ip_config() const override { return *_ip_config; }
+void Main::ip_config(Ipv4_config const &ip_config)
+ if (_verbose) {
+ log("IP config: ", ip_config); }
+ _ip_config.construct(ip_config);
+ _period.construct(_timer, *this, &Main::_send_sntp_request, _period_us);
+Main::Main(Env &env) : _env(env)
+ /* exit unsuccessful if parameters are invalid */
+ if (_dst_ip == Ipv4_address()) {
+ throw Invalid_arguments(); }
+ /* if there is a static IP config, start sending pings periodically */
+ if (ip_config().valid) {
+ _period.construct(_timer, *this, &Main::_send_sntp_request, _period_us); }
+ /* else, start the DHCP client for requesting an IP config */
+ else {
+ _dhcp_client.construct(_heap, _timer, _nic, *this); }
+ reporter.enabled(true);
+void Main::handle_eth(Ethernet_frame ð,
+ Size_guard &size_guard)
+ try {
+ /* print receipt message */
+ if (_verbose) {
+ log("rcv ", eth); }
+ if (!ip_config().valid) {
+ _dhcp_client->handle_eth(eth, size_guard); }
+ /* drop packet if ETH does not target us */
+ if (eth.dst() != _nic.mac() &&
+ eth.dst() != Ethernet_frame::broadcast())
+ {
+ if (_verbose) {
+ log("bad ETH destination"); }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* select ETH sub-protocol */
+ switch (eth.type()) {
+ case Ethernet_frame::Type::ARP: _handle_arp(eth, size_guard); break;
+ case Ethernet_frame::Type::IPV4: _handle_ip(eth, size_guard); break;
+ default: ; }
+ }
+ catch (Drop_packet_inform exception) {
+ if (_verbose) {
+ log("drop packet: ", exception.msg); }
+ }
+void Main::_handle_ip(Ethernet_frame ð,
+ Size_guard &size_guard)
+ /* drop packet if IP does not target us */
+ Ipv4_packet &ip = eth.data(size_guard);
+ if (ip.dst() != ip_config().interface.address &&
+ ip.dst() != Ipv4_packet::broadcast())
+ {
+ if (_verbose) {
+ log("bad IP destination"); }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* drop packet if IP checksum is invalid */
+ if (ip.checksum_error()) {
+ if (_verbose) {
+ log("bad IP checksum"); }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* select IP sub-protocol */
+ switch (ip.protocol()) {
+ case Ipv4_packet::Protocol::UDP: _handle_udp(ip, size_guard); break;
+ default: ; }
+void Main::_handle_udp(Ipv4_packet &ip,
+ Size_guard &size_guard)
+ /* drop packet if UDP checksum is invalid */
+ Udp_packet &udp = ip.data(size_guard);
+ if (udp.checksum_error(ip.src(), ip.dst())) {
+ if (_verbose) {
+ log("bad UDP checksum"); }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* drop packet if UDP source port is invalid */
+ if (udp.src_port().value != Sntp_packet::UDP_PORT) {
+ if (_verbose) {
+ log("bad UDP source port"); }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* drop packet if UDP destination port is invalid */
+ if (udp.dst_port().value != SRC_PORT) {
+ if (_verbose) {
+ log("bad UDP destination port"); }
+ return;
+ }
+ Sntp_packet &sntp = udp.data(size_guard);
+ if (sntp.version_number() != Sntp_packet::VERSION_NUMBER) {
+ if (_verbose) {
+ log("bad SNTP version number"); }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (sntp.mode() != Sntp_packet::MODE_SERVER) {
+ if (_verbose) {
+ log("bad SNTP mode"); }
+ return;
+ }
+ Rtc::Timestamp rtc_ts { _sntp_ts_to_rtc_ts(sntp.transmit_timestamp()) };
+ Reporter::Xml_generator xml(reporter, [&] () {
+ xml.attribute("year", rtc_ts.year);
+ xml.attribute("month", rtc_ts.month);
+ xml.attribute("day", rtc_ts.day);
+ xml.attribute("hour", rtc_ts.hour);
+ xml.attribute("minute", rtc_ts.minute);
+ xml.attribute("second", rtc_ts.second);
+ });
+void Main::_handle_arp(Ethernet_frame ð,
+ Size_guard &size_guard)
+ /* check ARP protocol- and hardware address type */
+ Arp_packet &arp = eth.data(size_guard);
+ if (!arp.ethernet_ipv4()) {
+ error("ARP for unknown protocol"); }
+ /* check ARP operation */
+ switch (arp.opcode()) {
+ case Arp_packet::REPLY:
+ /* check whether we waited for this ARP reply */
+ if (_dst_mac != Mac_address()) {
+ return; }
+ if (ip_config().interface.prefix_matches(_dst_ip)) {
+ if (arp.src_ip() != _dst_ip) {
+ return; }
+ } else {
+ if (arp.src_ip() != ip_config().gateway) {
+ return; }
+ }
+ /* set destination MAC address and retry to ping */
+ _dst_mac = arp.src_mac();
+ _send_sntp_request();
+ return;
+ case Arp_packet::REQUEST:
+ /* check whether the ARP request targets us */
+ if (arp.dst_ip() != ip_config().interface.address) {
+ return; }
+ _send_arp_reply(eth, arp);
+ default: ; }
+void Main::_send_arp_reply(Ethernet_frame &req_eth,
+ Arp_packet &req_arp)
+ _nic.send(sizeof(Ethernet_frame) + sizeof(Arp_packet),
+ [&] (void *pkt_base, Size_guard &size_guard)
+ {
+ /* write Ethernet header */
+ Ethernet_frame ð = Ethernet_frame::construct_at(pkt_base, size_guard);
+ eth.dst(req_eth.src());
+ eth.src(_nic.mac());
+ eth.type(Ethernet_frame::Type::ARP);
+ /* write ARP header */
+ Arp_packet &arp = eth.construct_at_data(size_guard);
+ arp.hardware_address_type(Arp_packet::ETHERNET);
+ arp.protocol_address_type(Arp_packet::IPV4);
+ arp.hardware_address_size(sizeof(Mac_address));
+ arp.protocol_address_size(sizeof(Ipv4_address));
+ arp.opcode(Arp_packet::REPLY);
+ arp.src_mac(_nic.mac());
+ arp.src_ip(ip_config().interface.address);
+ arp.dst_mac(req_eth.src());
+ arp.dst_ip(req_arp.src_ip());
+ });
+void Main::_broadcast_arp_request(Ipv4_address const &dst_ip)
+ _nic.send(sizeof(Ethernet_frame) + sizeof(Arp_packet),
+ [&] (void *pkt_base, Size_guard &size_guard)
+ {
+ /* write Ethernet header */
+ Ethernet_frame ð = Ethernet_frame::construct_at(pkt_base, size_guard);
+ eth.dst(Mac_address(0xff));
+ eth.src(_nic.mac());
+ eth.type(Ethernet_frame::Type::ARP);
+ /* write ARP header */
+ Arp_packet &arp = eth.construct_at_data(size_guard);
+ arp.hardware_address_type(Arp_packet::ETHERNET);
+ arp.protocol_address_type(Arp_packet::IPV4);
+ arp.hardware_address_size(sizeof(Mac_address));
+ arp.protocol_address_size(sizeof(Ipv4_address));
+ arp.opcode(Arp_packet::REQUEST);
+ arp.src_mac(_nic.mac());
+ arp.src_ip(ip_config().interface.address);
+ arp.dst_mac(Mac_address(0xff));
+ arp.dst_ip(dst_ip);
+ });
+void Main::_send_sntp_request(Duration)
+ /* if we do not yet know the Ethernet destination, request it via ARP */
+ if (_dst_mac == Mac_address()) {
+ if (ip_config().interface.prefix_matches(_dst_ip)) {
+ _broadcast_arp_request(_dst_ip); }
+ else {
+ _broadcast_arp_request(ip_config().gateway); }
+ return;
+ }
+ _nic.send(sizeof(Ethernet_frame) + sizeof(Ipv4_packet) +
+ sizeof(Udp_packet) + sizeof(Sntp_packet),
+ [&] (void *pkt_base, Size_guard &size_guard)
+ {
+ /* create ETH header */
+ Ethernet_frame ð = Ethernet_frame::construct_at(pkt_base, size_guard);
+ eth.dst(_dst_mac);
+ eth.src(_nic.mac());
+ eth.type(Ethernet_frame::Type::IPV4);
+ /* create IP header */
+ size_t const ip_off = size_guard.head_size();
+ Ipv4_packet &ip = eth.construct_at_data(size_guard);
+ ip.header_length(sizeof(Ipv4_packet) / 4);
+ ip.version(4);
+ ip.time_to_live(IPV4_TIME_TO_LIVE);
+ ip.src(ip_config().interface.address);
+ ip.dst(_dst_ip);
+ /* adapt IP header to UDP */
+ ip.protocol(Ipv4_packet::Protocol::UDP);
+ /* create UDP header */
+ size_t const udp_off = size_guard.head_size();
+ Udp_packet &udp = ip.construct_at_data(size_guard);
+ udp.src_port(Port(SRC_PORT));
+ udp.dst_port(Port(Sntp_packet::UDP_PORT));
+ /* create SNTP header */
+ Sntp_packet &sntp = udp.construct_at_data(size_guard);
+ sntp.version_number(Sntp_packet::VERSION_NUMBER);
+ sntp.mode(Sntp_packet::MODE_CLIENT);
+ /* finish UDP header */
+ udp.length(size_guard.head_size() - udp_off);
+ udp.update_checksum(ip.src(), ip.dst());
+ /* finish IP header */
+ ip.total_length(size_guard.head_size() - ip_off);
+ ip.update_checksum();
+ });
+void Component::construct(Env &env) { static Main main(env); }
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/nic.cc b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/nic.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd835d63e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/nic.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * \brief NIC connection wrapper for a more convenient interface
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2018-04-16
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+/* local includes */
+using namespace Net;
+using namespace Genode;
+void Net::Nic::_ready_to_ack()
+ while (_source().ack_avail()) {
+ _source().release_packet(_source().get_acked_packet()); }
+void Net::Nic::_ready_to_submit()
+ while (_sink().packet_avail()) {
+ Packet_descriptor const pkt = _sink().get_packet();
+ if (!pkt.size()) {
+ continue; }
+ Size_guard size_guard(pkt.size());
+ _handler.handle_eth(Ethernet_frame::cast_from(_sink().packet_content(pkt), size_guard),
+ size_guard);
+ if (!_sink().ready_to_ack()) {
+ error("ack state FULL");
+ return;
+ }
+ _sink().acknowledge_packet(pkt);
+ }
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/nic.h b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/nic.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f29d337c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/nic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ * \brief NIC connection wrapper for a more convenient interface
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2018-04-16
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+#ifndef _NIC_H_
+#define _NIC_H_
+/* Genode includes */
+namespace Genode {
+ class Env;
+namespace Net {
+ struct Nic_handler;
+ class Nic;
+ using Packet_descriptor = ::Nic::Packet_descriptor;
+ using Packet_stream_sink = ::Nic::Packet_stream_sink< ::Nic::Session::Policy>;
+ using Packet_stream_source = ::Nic::Packet_stream_source< ::Nic::Session::Policy>;
+struct Net::Nic_handler
+ virtual void handle_eth(Ethernet_frame ð,
+ Size_guard &size_guard) = 0;
+ virtual ~Nic_handler() { }
+class Net::Nic
+ private:
+ using Signal_handler = Genode::Signal_handler;
+ enum { PKT_SIZE = ::Nic::Packet_allocator::DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE };
+ enum { BUF_SIZE = ::Nic::Session::QUEUE_SIZE * PKT_SIZE };
+ Genode::Env &_env;
+ Genode::Allocator &_alloc;
+ Nic_handler &_handler;
+ bool const &_verbose;
+ ::Nic::Packet_allocator _pkt_alloc { &_alloc };
+ ::Nic::Connection _nic { _env, &_pkt_alloc, BUF_SIZE, BUF_SIZE };
+ Signal_handler _sink_ack { _env.ep(), *this, &Nic::_ack_avail };
+ Signal_handler _sink_submit { _env.ep(), *this, &Nic::_ready_to_submit };
+ Signal_handler _source_ack { _env.ep(), *this, &Nic::_ready_to_ack };
+ Signal_handler _source_submit { _env.ep(), *this, &Nic::_packet_avail };
+ Mac_address const _mac { _nic.mac_address() };
+ Net::Packet_stream_sink &_sink() { return *_nic.rx(); }
+ Net::Packet_stream_source &_source() { return *_nic.tx(); }
+ /***********************************
+ ** Packet-stream signal handlers **
+ ***********************************/
+ void _ready_to_submit();
+ void _ack_avail() { }
+ void _ready_to_ack();
+ void _packet_avail() { }
+ public:
+ Nic(Genode::Env &env,
+ Genode::Allocator &alloc,
+ Nic_handler &handler,
+ bool const &verbose)
+ :
+ _env (env),
+ _alloc (alloc),
+ _handler (handler),
+ _verbose (verbose)
+ {
+ /* install packet stream signals */
+ _nic.rx_channel()->sigh_ready_to_ack(_sink_ack);
+ _nic.rx_channel()->sigh_packet_avail(_sink_submit);
+ _nic.tx_channel()->sigh_ack_avail(_source_ack);
+ _nic.tx_channel()->sigh_ready_to_submit(_source_submit);
+ }
+ template
+ void send(Genode::size_t pkt_size,
+ FUNC && write_to_pkt)
+ {
+ try {
+ Packet_descriptor pkt = _source().alloc_packet(pkt_size);
+ void *pkt_base = _source().packet_content(pkt);
+ Size_guard size_guard(pkt_size);
+ write_to_pkt(pkt_base, size_guard);
+ _source().submit_packet(pkt);
+ if (_verbose) {
+ Size_guard size_guard(pkt_size);
+ try { Genode::log("snd ", Ethernet_frame::cast_from(pkt_base, size_guard)); }
+ catch (Size_guard::Exceeded) { Genode::log("snd ?"); }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Net::Packet_stream_source::Packet_alloc_failed) {
+ Genode::warning("failed to allocate packet"); }
+ }
+ /***************
+ ** Accessors **
+ ***************/
+ Mac_address const &mac() const { return _mac; }
+#endif /* _NIC_H_ */
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/protocol.h b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/protocol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03e774d8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/protocol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * \brief Supported protocols
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2018-03-27
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+#ifndef __PROTOCOL_H_
+#define __PROTOCOL_H_
+/* Genode includes */
+namespace Genode { enum class Protocol : uint16_t { ICMP, UDP }; }
+namespace Genode
+ inline size_t ascii_to(char const *s, Protocol &result)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(s, "icmp", 4)) { result = Protocol::ICMP; return 4; }
+ if (!strcmp(s, "udp", 3)) { result = Protocol::UDP; return 3; }
+ return 0;
+ }
+#endif /* __PROTOCOL_H_ */
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/target.mk b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/target.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe0e2f35b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/target.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+TARGET = sntp_client
+LIBS += base net
+SRC_CC += main.cc dhcp_client.cc xml_node.cc ipv4_address_prefix.cc
+SRC_CC += nic.cc ipv4_config.cc
+CONFIG_XSD = config.xsd
+# musl-libc contrib sources
+MUSL_TM = $(REP_DIR)/src/lib/musl_tm
+SRC_C = secs_to_tm.c tm_to_secs.c
+vpath %.c $(MUSL_TM)
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/xml_node.cc b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/xml_node.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2dbee1552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/xml_node.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * \brief Genode XML nodes plus local utilities
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2016-08-19
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+/* local includes */
+using namespace Genode;
+Microseconds Genode::read_sec_attr(Xml_node const node,
+ char const *name,
+ uint64_t const default_sec)
+ uint64_t sec = node.attribute_value(name, (uint64_t)0);
+ if (!sec) {
+ sec = default_sec;
+ }
+ return Microseconds(sec * 1000 * 1000);
diff --git a/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/xml_node.h b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/xml_node.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33cf34647c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/libports/src/app/sntp_client/xml_node.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * \brief Genode XML nodes plus local utilities
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2016-08-19
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+#ifndef _XML_NODE_H_
+#define _XML_NODE_H_
+/* Genode includes */
+namespace Genode {
+ Microseconds read_sec_attr(Xml_node const node,
+ char const *name,
+ uint64_t const default_sec);
+#endif /* _XML_NODE_H_ */
diff --git a/repos/os/include/net/sntp.h b/repos/os/include/net/sntp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..250df5ad62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/os/include/net/sntp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * \brief Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4 (RFC 4330)
+ * \author Martin Stein
+ * \date 2019-07-11
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Genode Labs GmbH
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
+ * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
+ */
+#ifndef _NET__SNTP_H_
+#define _NET__SNTP_H_
+/* Genode includes */
+namespace Net
+ class Sntp_timestamp;
+ class Sntp_packet;
+class Net::Sntp_timestamp
+ private:
+ using uint32_t = Genode::uint32_t;
+ using uint64_t = Genode::uint64_t;
+ enum { UNIX_TS_OFFSET_SEC = 2208988800 };
+ uint32_t const _seconds;
+ uint32_t const _seconds_fraction;
+ public:
+ Sntp_timestamp(uint64_t const plain_value)
+ :
+ _seconds { (uint32_t)(plain_value >> 32) },
+ _seconds_fraction { (uint32_t)(plain_value) }
+ { }
+ uint64_t to_unix_timestamp() const
+ {
+ return _seconds - UNIX_TS_OFFSET_SEC;
+ }
+ static Sntp_timestamp from_unix_timestamp(uint64_t const unix_ts)
+ {
+ return unix_ts + UNIX_TS_OFFSET_SEC;
+ }
+ /***************
+ ** Accessors **
+ ***************/
+ uint32_t seconds() const { return _seconds; }
+ uint32_t seconds_fraction() const { return _seconds_fraction; }
+class Net::Sntp_packet
+ private:
+ Genode::uint8_t _byte_0;
+ Genode::uint8_t _stratum;
+ Genode::uint8_t _poll;
+ Genode::uint8_t _precision;
+ Genode::uint32_t _root_delay;
+ Genode::uint32_t _root_dispersion;
+ Genode::uint32_t _reference_identifier;
+ Genode::uint64_t _reference_timestamp;
+ Genode::uint64_t _originate_timestamp;
+ Genode::uint64_t _receive_timestamp;
+ Genode::uint64_t _transmit_timestamp;
+ struct Byte_0 : Genode::Register<8> {
+ struct Mode : Bitfield<0, 3> { };
+ struct Version_number : Bitfield<3, 3> { };
+ };
+ public:
+ enum { UDP_PORT = 123 };
+ enum { VERSION_NUMBER = 4 };
+ enum { MODE_CLIENT = 3 };
+ enum { MODE_SERVER = 4 };
+ /***************
+ ** Accessors **
+ ***************/
+ void version_number(Genode::uint8_t v) { Byte_0::Version_number::set(_byte_0, v); }
+ void mode (Genode::uint8_t v) { Byte_0::Mode ::set(_byte_0, v); }
+ Byte_0::access_t version_number() const { return Byte_0::Version_number::get(_byte_0); }
+ Byte_0::access_t mode() const { return Byte_0::Mode::get(_byte_0); }
+ Genode::uint64_t transmit_timestamp() const { return host_to_big_endian(_transmit_timestamp); }
+ Genode::uint64_t receive_timestamp() const { return host_to_big_endian(_receive_timestamp); }
+ Genode::uint64_t originate_timestamp() const { return host_to_big_endian(_originate_timestamp); }
+} __attribute__((packed));
+#endif /* _NET__SNTP_H_ */
diff --git a/tool/autopilot.list b/tool/autopilot.list
index fcd994e981..905b81fa5d 100644
--- a/tool/autopilot.list
+++ b/tool/autopilot.list
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ seoul-auto