mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 12:35:41 +00:00
cpu_load_display: enable strict conversions
Besides raising the warning level, the patch updates the coding style ('with_' pattern, using, type safety, constness).
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,33 +25,35 @@
namespace Cpu_load_display {
using namespace Genode;
class Timeline;
class Cpu;
class Cpu_registry;
template <typename> class Scene;
typedef Genode::Xml_node Xml_node;
typedef Genode::Color Color;
using Genode::max;
struct Subject_id { unsigned value; };
struct Activity { uint64_t value; };
class Cpu_load_display::Timeline : public Genode::List<Timeline>::Element
class Cpu_load_display::Timeline : public List<Timeline>::Element
enum { HISTORY_LEN = 32 };
static constexpr unsigned HISTORY_LEN = 32;
typedef Genode::String<160> Label;
using Label = String<160>;
struct Index { unsigned value; };
unsigned const _subject_id = 0;
Subject_id const _subject_id;
unsigned _activity[HISTORY_LEN];
Activity _activity[HISTORY_LEN] { };
unsigned _sum_activity = 0;
Activity _sum_activity { };
Label _label;
@ -65,45 +67,40 @@ class Cpu_load_display::Timeline : public Genode::List<Timeline>::Element
* to a hash function.
unsigned int const a = 1588635695, q = 2, r = 1117695901;
return (a*(_subject_id % q) - r*(_subject_id / q)) & 255;
return (a*(_subject_id.value % q) - r*(_subject_id.value / q)) & 255;
Timeline(unsigned subject_id, Label const &label)
Timeline(Subject_id subject_id, Label const &label)
_subject_id(subject_id), _label(label)
Genode::memset(_activity, 0, sizeof(_activity));
{ }
void activity(unsigned long recent_activity, unsigned now)
void activity(Activity recent_activity, unsigned now)
unsigned const i = now % HISTORY_LEN;
_sum_activity -= _activity[i];
_sum_activity.value -= _activity[i].value;
_activity[i] = recent_activity;
_sum_activity += recent_activity;
_sum_activity.value += recent_activity.value;
unsigned long activity(unsigned i) const
Activity activity(Index const i) const
return _activity[i % HISTORY_LEN];
return _activity[i.value % HISTORY_LEN];
bool has_subject_id(unsigned subject_id) const
bool has_subject_id(Subject_id const subject_id) const
return _subject_id == subject_id;
return _subject_id.value == subject_id.value;
bool idle() const { return _sum_activity == 0; }
bool idle() const { return _sum_activity.value == 0; }
bool kernel() const
return _label == Label("kernel");
bool kernel() const { return _label == Label("kernel"); }
enum Color_type { COLOR_TOP, COLOR_BOTTOM };
@ -119,58 +116,58 @@ class Cpu_load_display::Timeline : public Genode::List<Timeline>::Element
class Cpu_load_display::Cpu : public Genode::List<Cpu>::Element
class Cpu_load_display::Cpu : public List<Cpu>::Element
using Affinity = Point<>;
Genode::Allocator &_heap;
Genode::Point<> const _pos;
Genode::List<Timeline> _timelines { };
Allocator &_heap;
Affinity const _pos;
List<Timeline> _timelines { };
Timeline *_lookup_timeline(Xml_node subject)
void _with_timeline(Xml_node const &subject, auto const &fn)
unsigned long const subject_id = subject.attribute_value("id", 0UL);
Subject_id const subject_id { subject.attribute_value("id", 0U) };
Timeline::Label const label =
subject.attribute_value("label", Timeline::Label());
for (Timeline *t = _timelines.first(); t; t = t->next()) {
if (t->has_subject_id(subject_id))
return t;
if (t->has_subject_id(subject_id)) {
return; } }
/* add new timeline */
Timeline *t = new (_heap) Timeline(subject_id, label);
return t;
Timeline &t = *new (_heap) Timeline(subject_id, label);
unsigned long _activity(Xml_node subject)
Activity _activity(Xml_node const &subject)
try {
Xml_node activity = subject.sub_node("activity");
return activity.attribute_value("recent", 0UL);
} catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_sub_node) { }
Activity result { };
subject.with_optional_sub_node("activity", [&] (Xml_node const &activity) {
result = { activity.attribute_value("recent", 0U) }; });
return 0;
return result;
Cpu(Genode::Allocator &heap, Genode::Point<> pos)
: _heap(heap), _pos(pos) { }
Cpu(Allocator &heap, Affinity pos) : _heap(heap), _pos(pos) { }
bool has_pos(Genode::Point<> pos) const
bool has_pos(Affinity const pos) const { return pos == _pos; }
void import_trace_subject(Xml_node const &subject, unsigned now)
return pos == _pos;
Activity const activity = _activity(subject);
void import_trace_subject(Xml_node subject, unsigned now)
unsigned long const activity = _activity(subject);
if (activity)
_lookup_timeline(subject)->activity(activity, now);
if (activity.value)
_with_timeline(subject, [&] (Timeline &timeline) {
timeline.activity(activity, now); });
void advance(unsigned now)
@ -180,28 +177,27 @@ class Cpu_load_display::Cpu : public Genode::List<Cpu>::Element
next = t->next();
t->activity(0, now);
t->activity({ 0 }, now);
if (t->idle()) {
Genode::destroy(_heap, t);
destroy(_heap, t);
unsigned long activity_sum(unsigned i) const
Activity activity_sum(Timeline::Index const i) const
unsigned long sum = 0;
uint64_t sum = 0;
for (Timeline const *t = _timelines.first(); t; t = t->next())
sum += t->activity(i);
sum += t->activity(i).value;
return sum;
return { sum };
template <typename FN>
void for_each_timeline(FN const &fn) const
void for_each_timeline(auto const &fn) const
for (Timeline const *t = _timelines.first(); t; t = t->next())
@ -213,55 +209,51 @@ class Cpu_load_display::Cpu_registry
Genode::Allocator &_heap;
Allocator &_heap;
Genode::List<Cpu> _cpus { };
List<Cpu> _cpus { };
static Genode::Point<> _cpu_pos(Xml_node subject)
static Cpu::Affinity _cpu_pos(Xml_node const &subject)
try {
Xml_node affinity = subject.sub_node("affinity");
return Genode::Point<>(affinity.attribute_value("xpos", 0UL),
affinity.attribute_value("ypos", 0UL));
} catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_sub_node) { }
Cpu::Affinity result { 0, 0 };
subject.with_optional_sub_node("affinity", [&] (Xml_node const &affinity) {
result = Cpu::Affinity::from_xml(affinity); });
return Genode::Point<>(0, 0);
return result;
Cpu *_lookup_cpu(Xml_node subject)
void _with_cpu(Xml_node const &subject, auto const &fn)
/* find CPU that matches the affinity of the subject */
Genode::Point<> cpu_pos = _cpu_pos(subject);
Cpu::Affinity const cpu_pos = _cpu_pos(subject);
for (Cpu *cpu = _cpus.first(); cpu; cpu = cpu->next()) {
if (cpu->has_pos(cpu_pos))
return cpu;
if (cpu->has_pos(cpu_pos)) {
return; } }
/* add new CPU */
Cpu *cpu = new (_heap) Cpu(_heap, cpu_pos);
return cpu;
Cpu &cpu = *new (_heap) Cpu(_heap, cpu_pos);
void _import_trace_subject(Xml_node subject, unsigned now)
void _import_trace_subject(Xml_node const &subject, unsigned now)
Cpu *cpu = _lookup_cpu(subject);
cpu->import_trace_subject(subject, now);
_with_cpu(subject, [&] (Cpu &cpu) {
cpu.import_trace_subject(subject, now); });
Cpu_registry(Genode::Allocator &heap) : _heap(heap) { }
Cpu_registry(Allocator &heap) : _heap(heap) { }
void import_trace_subjects(Xml_node node, unsigned now)
void import_trace_subjects(Xml_node const &node, unsigned now)
node.for_each_sub_node("subject", [&] (Xml_node subject) {
node.for_each_sub_node("subject", [&] (Xml_node const &subject) {
_import_trace_subject(subject, now); });
template <typename FN>
void for_each_cpu(FN const &fn) const
void for_each_cpu(auto const &fn) const
for (Cpu const *cpu = _cpus.first(); cpu; cpu = cpu->next())
@ -280,21 +272,21 @@ class Cpu_load_display::Scene : public Nano3d::Scene<PT>
Genode::Env &_env;
Env &_env;
Gui::Area const _size;
Genode::Attached_rom_dataspace _config { _env, "config" };
Attached_rom_dataspace _config { _env, "config" };
void _handle_config() { _config.update(); }
Genode::Signal_handler<Scene> _config_handler;
Signal_handler<Scene> _config_handler;
Genode::Attached_rom_dataspace _trace_subjects { _env, "trace_subjects" };
Attached_rom_dataspace _trace_subjects { _env, "trace_subjects" };
unsigned _now = 0;
Genode::Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Cpu_registry _cpu_registry { _heap };
@ -307,17 +299,14 @@ class Cpu_load_display::Scene : public Nano3d::Scene<PT>
try {
Xml_node subjects(_trace_subjects.local_addr<char>());
_cpu_registry.import_trace_subjects(subjects, _now);
} catch (...) { Genode::error("failed to import trace subjects"); }
_cpu_registry.import_trace_subjects(_trace_subjects.xml(), _now);
Genode::Signal_handler<Scene> _trace_subjects_handler;
Signal_handler<Scene> _trace_subjects_handler;
Scene(Genode::Env &env, Genode::uint64_t update_rate_ms,
Scene(Env &env, uint64_t update_rate_ms,
Gui::Point pos, Gui::Area size)
Nano3d::Scene<PT>(env, update_rate_ms, pos, size),
@ -335,19 +324,18 @@ class Cpu_load_display::Scene : public Nano3d::Scene<PT>
Polygon::Shaded_painter _shaded_painter { _heap, _size.h };
long _activity_sum[Timeline::HISTORY_LEN];
long _y_level[Timeline::HISTORY_LEN];
long _y_curr[Timeline::HISTORY_LEN];
static constexpr unsigned HISTORY_LEN = Timeline::HISTORY_LEN;
void _plot_cpu(Genode::Surface<PT> &pixel,
Genode::Surface<Genode::Pixel_alpha8> &alpha,
Activity _activity_sum [HISTORY_LEN];
int _y_level [HISTORY_LEN];
int _y_curr [HISTORY_LEN];
void _plot_cpu(Surface<PT> &pixel, Surface<Pixel_alpha8> &alpha,
Cpu const &cpu, Gui::Rect rect)
enum { HISTORY_LEN = Timeline::HISTORY_LEN };
/* calculate activity sum for each point in history */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < HISTORY_LEN; i++)
_activity_sum[i] = cpu.activity_sum(i);
_activity_sum[i] = cpu.activity_sum(Timeline::Index{i});
for (unsigned i = 0; i < HISTORY_LEN; i++)
_y_level[i] = 0;
@ -374,9 +362,11 @@ class Cpu_load_display::Scene : public Nano3d::Scene<PT>
unsigned const t = (_now - i - 0) % HISTORY_LEN;
unsigned const prev_t = (_now - i + 1) % HISTORY_LEN;
unsigned long const activity = timeline.activity(t);
uint64_t const activity = timeline.activity(Timeline::Index{t}).value;
int const dy = _activity_sum[t] ? (activity*h) / _activity_sum[t] : 0;
int const dy = _activity_sum[t].value
? int((activity*h) / _activity_sum[t].value)
: 0;
_y_curr[t] = _y_level[t] + dy;
@ -392,24 +382,29 @@ class Cpu_load_display::Scene : public Nano3d::Scene<PT>
int const y2 = rect.y1() + h - _y_level[prev_t];
int const y3 = rect.y1() + h - _y_level[t];
typedef Polygon::Shaded_painter::Point Point;
Point points[4];
points[0] = Point(x0, y0, top_color);
points[1] = Point(x1, y1, top_color);
points[2] = Point(x1, y2, y1 == y2 ? top_color : bottom_color);
points[3] = Point(x0, y3, y3 == y0 ? top_color : bottom_color);
_shaded_painter.paint(pixel, alpha, points, 4);
using Point = Polygon::Shaded_painter::Point;
Point const points[4] {
Point(x0, y0, top_color),
Point(x1, y1, top_color),
Point(x1, y2, y1 == y2 ? top_color : bottom_color),
Point(x0, y3, y3 == y0 ? top_color : bottom_color) };
_shaded_painter.paint(pixel, alpha, points, 4);
/* drop shadow */
Color const black (0, 0, 0, 100);
Color const translucent (0, 0, 0, 0);
Color const black (0, 0, 0, 100);
Color const translucent (0, 0, 0, 0);
Point const points[4] {
Point(x0, y3 - 5, translucent),
Point(x1, y2 - 5, translucent),
Point(x1, y2, black),
Point(x0, y3, black) };
points[0] = Point(x0, y3 - 5, translucent);
points[1] = Point(x1, y2 - 5, translucent);
points[2] = Point(x1, y2, black);
points[3] = Point(x0, y3, black);
_shaded_painter.paint(pixel, alpha, points, 4);
_shaded_painter.paint(pixel, alpha, points, 4);
first = false;
@ -417,7 +412,6 @@ class Cpu_load_display::Scene : public Nano3d::Scene<PT>
/* raise level by the values of the current timeline */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < HISTORY_LEN; i++)
_y_level[i] = _y_curr[i];
@ -426,22 +420,22 @@ class Cpu_load_display::Scene : public Nano3d::Scene<PT>
* Scene interface
void render(Genode::Surface<PT> &pixel,
Genode::Surface<Genode::Pixel_alpha8> &alpha) override
void render(Surface<PT> &pixel, Surface<Pixel_alpha8> &alpha) override
/* background */
Color const top_color = Color(10, 10, 10, 20);
Color const bottom_color = Color(10, 10, 10, 100);
Color const top_color { 10, 10, 10, 20 };
Color const bottom_color { 10, 10, 10, 100 };
unsigned const w = pixel.size().w;
unsigned const h = pixel.size().h;
typedef Polygon::Shaded_painter::Point Point;
Point points[4];
points[0] = Point(0, 0, top_color);
points[1] = Point(w - 1, 0, top_color);
points[2] = Point(w - 1, h - 1, bottom_color);
points[3] = Point(0, h - 1, bottom_color);
using Point = Polygon::Shaded_painter::Point;
Point const points[4] { Point(0, 0, top_color),
Point(w - 1, 0, top_color),
Point(w - 1, h - 1, bottom_color),
Point(0, h - 1, bottom_color) };
_shaded_painter.paint(pixel, alpha, points, 4);
/* determine number of CPUs */
@ -452,22 +446,21 @@ class Cpu_load_display::Scene : public Nano3d::Scene<PT>
/* plot graphs for the CPUs below each other */
enum { GAP = 8 };
int const GAP = 8;
Gui::Point const step(0, _size.h/num_cpus);
Gui::Area const size(_size.w, step.y - GAP);
Gui::Point point(0, GAP/2);
_cpu_registry.for_each_cpu([&] (Cpu const &cpu) {
_plot_cpu(pixel, alpha, cpu, Gui::Rect(point, size));
point = point + step;
point = point + step; });
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
enum { UPDATE_RATE_MS = 250 };
Genode::uint64_t const UPDATE_RATE_MS = 250;
static Cpu_load_display::Scene<Genode::Pixel_rgb888>
scene(env, UPDATE_RATE_MS,
@ -2,5 +2,3 @@ TARGET = cpu_load_display
SRC_CC = main.cc
LIBS = base
Reference in New Issue
Block a user