mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 15:04:20 +00:00
sd_card & imx53: refactor and clean-up
Move ADMA2 stuff to extra header and unit. Move ESDHCv2 implementations to extra unit. Use exceptions instead of error codes. Clean-up documentation. Ref #1497
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
* \brief Advanced DMA 2
* \author Martin Stein
* \date 2015-02-05
* Copyright (C) 2015 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
/* Genode includes */
#include <dataspace/client.h>
/* local includes */
#include <adma2.h>
using namespace Adma2;
_ds(env()->ram_session(), _ds_size, UNCACHED),
{ }
int Table::setup_request(size_t const size, addr_t const buffer_phys)
/* sanity check */
static size_t constexpr max_size = _max_desc * Desc::Length::max;
if (size > max_size) {
PERR("Block request too large");
return -1;
/* install new descriptors till they cover all requested bytes */
addr_t consumed = 0;
for (int index = 0; consumed < size; index++) {
/* clamp current request to maximum request size */
size_t const remaining = size - consumed;
size_t const curr = min(Desc::Length::max, remaining);
/* assemble new descriptor */
Desc::access_t desc = 0;
Desc::Address::set(desc, buffer_phys + consumed);
Desc::Length::set(desc, curr);
Desc::Act1::set(desc, 0);
Desc::Act2::set(desc, 1);
Desc::Valid::set(desc, 1);
/* let last descriptor generate transfer-complete signal */
if (consumed + curr == size) { Desc::End::set(desc, 1); }
/* install and account descriptor */
_base_virt[index] = desc;
consumed += curr;
/* ensure that all descriptor writes were actually executed */
asm volatile ("dsb");
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
* \brief Advanced DMA 2
* \author Martin Stein
* \date 2015-02-05
* Copyright (C) 2015 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
#ifndef _ADMA2_H_
#define _ADMA2_H_
/* Genode includes */
#include <util/register.h>
#include <os/attached_ram_dataspace.h>
namespace Adma2
using namespace Genode;
class Desc;
class Table;
* Descriptor layout
struct Adma2::Desc : Register<64>
struct Valid : Bitfield<0, 1> { };
struct End : Bitfield<1, 1> { };
struct Int : Bitfield<2, 1> { };
struct Act1 : Bitfield<4, 1> { };
struct Act2 : Bitfield<5, 1> { };
struct Length : Bitfield<16, 16>
* According to the 'SD Specifications, Part A2, SD Host
* Controller, Simplified Specification, Version 2.00, February 8,
* 2007, Table 1-10', a maximum length of 65536 bytes is achieved
* by value 0. However, if we do so, the completion host-signal
* times out now and then. Thus, we use the next lower possible
* value.
static constexpr addr_t align_log2 = 2;
static constexpr size_t max = (1 << WIDTH) - (1 << align_log2);
struct Address : Bitfield<32, 32> { };
* Descriptor table
class Adma2::Table
static size_t constexpr _max_desc = 1024;
static size_t constexpr _ds_size = _max_desc * sizeof(Desc::access_t);
Attached_ram_dataspace _ds;
Desc::access_t * const _base_virt;
addr_t const _base_phys;
* Marshal descriptors according to block request
* \param size request size in bytes
* \param buffer_phys physical base of transfer buffer
* \retval 0 success
* \retval -1 error
int setup_request(size_t const size, addr_t const buffer_phys);
* Accessors
addr_t base_phys() const { return _base_phys; }
#endif /* _ADMA2_H_ */
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
TARGET = sd_card_bench
REQUIRES = imx53
SRC_CC = main.cc
LIBS = base server
INC_DIR += $(REP_DIR)/src/drivers/sd_card/spec/imx53
INC_DIR += $(REP_DIR)/src/drivers/sd_card
TARGET = sd_card_bench
REQUIRES += imx53
SRC_CC += main.cc
SRC_CC += ../adma2.cc
SRC_CC += ../esdhcv2.cc
LIBS += base
LIBS += server
INC_DIR += $(PRG_DIR)/..
INC_DIR += $(PRG_DIR)/../../..
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
* \brief Freescale Enhanced Secured Digital Host Controller Version 2
* \author Martin Stein
* \date 2015-02-05
* Copyright (C) 2015 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
/* local includes */
#include <esdhcv2.h>
using namespace Sd_card;
using namespace Genode;
int Esdhcv2_controller::_wait_for_card_ready_mbw()
* Poll card status
* The maximum number of attempts and the delay between two attempts are
* freely chosen.
unsigned attempts = 5;
unsigned constexpr attempts_delay_us = 100000;
while (1) {
if (!attempts) {
PERR("Reading card status after multiblock write failed");
return -1;
/* assemble argument register value */
Send_status::Arg::access_t cmdarg = 0;
Send_status::Arg::Rca::set(cmdarg, _card_info.rca());
/* assemble command register value */
Xfertyp::access_t xfertyp = 0;
Xfertyp::Cmdinx::set(xfertyp, Send_status::INDEX);
Xfertyp::Cicen::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Cccen::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Rsptyp::set(xfertyp, Xfertyp::Rsptyp::_48BIT);
Xfertyp::Msbsel::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Bcen::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Dmaen::set(xfertyp, 1);
/* send command as soon as the host allows it */
if (_wait_for_cmd_allowed()) { return -1; }
/* wait for command completion */
if (_wait_for_cmd_complete()) { return -1; }
/* check for errors */
R1_response_0::access_t const resp = read<Cmdrsp0>();
if (R1_response_0::Error::get(resp)) {
PERR("Reading card status after multiblock write failed");
return -1;
/* if card is in a ready state, return success, retry otherwise */
if (R1_response_0::card_ready(resp)) { break; }
return 0;
int Esdhcv2_controller::_stop_transmission_mbw()
/* write argument register */
/* write command register */
Xfertyp::access_t xfertyp = 0;
Xfertyp::Cmdinx::set(xfertyp, Stop_transmission::INDEX);
Xfertyp::Cmdtyp::set(xfertyp, Xfertyp::Cmdtyp::ABORT_CMD12);
Xfertyp::Cccen::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Cicen::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Rsptyp::set(xfertyp, Xfertyp::Rsptyp::_48BIT_BUSY);
Xfertyp::Msbsel::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Bcen::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Dmaen::set(xfertyp, 1);
/* wait for command completion */
if (_wait_for_cmd_complete()) { return -1; }
return 0;
int Esdhcv2_controller::_wait_for_cmd_complete_mb(bool const r)
* The ESDHC signals on multi-block transfers seem to be broken.
* Synchronizing to "Transfer Complete" before returning from transfers
* and to "Command Inhibit" before sending further commands - as it is
* done with other controllers - isn't sufficient. Instead, both "Transfer
* Complete" and "Command Complete" must be gathered.
Irqstat::access_t constexpr irq_goal =
Irq::Cc::reg_mask() | Irq::Tc::reg_mask();
/* wait for a first signal */
Irqstat::access_t const irq = read<Irqstat>();
* Poll for missing signal because interrupts are edge-triggered
* and could thus got lost in the meantime.
if (irq != irq_goal) {
if (!wait_for<Irqstat>(irq_goal, _delayer)) {
PERR("Completion host signal timed out");
return -1;
/* acknowledge completion signals */
if (!r) {
* The "Auto Command 12" feature of the ESDHC seems to be
* broken for multi-block writes as it causes command-
* timeout errors sometimes. Thus, we stop such transfers
* manually.
if (_stop_transmission_mbw()) { return -1; }
* The manual termination of multi-block writes seems to leave
* the card in a busy state sometimes. This causes
* errors on subsequent commands. Thus, we have to synchronize
* manually with the card-internal state.
if (_wait_for_card_ready_mbw()) { return -1; }
return 0;
int Esdhcv2_controller::_wait_for_cmd_complete()
/* wait for "Command Completion" signal and acknowledge it */
if (read<Irqstat>() != Irqstat::Cc::reg_mask()) {
PERR("Received unexpected host signal");
return -1;
return 0;
bool Esdhcv2_controller::_issue_command(Command_base const & command)
/* detect if command is a multi-block transfer and whether it reads */
bool const r = command.transfer == TRANSFER_READ;
bool const mb =
command.index == Read_multiple_block::INDEX ||
command.index == Write_multiple_block::INDEX;
/* assemble command register value */
Xfertyp::access_t cmd = 0;
Xfertyp::Cmdinx::set(cmd, command.index);
if (command.transfer != TRANSFER_NONE) {
if (mb) {
* The "Auto Command 12" feature of the ESDHC seems to be
* broken for multi-block writes as it causes command-
* timeout errors sometimes.
if (r) { Xfertyp::Ac12en::set(cmd); }
if (_use_dma) { Xfertyp::Dmaen::set(cmd); }
r ? Xfertyp::Dtdsel::READ : Xfertyp::Dtdsel::WRITE);
typedef Xfertyp::Rsptyp Rsptyp;
Xfertyp::access_t rt = 0;
switch (command.rsp_type) {
case RESPONSE_NONE: rt = Rsptyp::_0BIT; break;
case RESPONSE_136_BIT: rt = Rsptyp::_136BIT; break;
case RESPONSE_48_BIT: rt = Rsptyp::_48BIT; break;
case RESPONSE_48_BIT_WITH_BUSY: rt = Rsptyp::_48BIT_BUSY; break;
Xfertyp::Rsptyp::set(cmd, rt);
/* send command as soon as the host allows it */
if (_wait_for_cmd_allowed()) { return false; }
/* wait for completion */
return mb ? !_wait_for_cmd_complete_mb(r) : !_wait_for_cmd_complete();
Cid Esdhcv2_controller::_read_cid()
Cid cid;
cid.raw_0 = read<Rsp136_0>();
cid.raw_1 = read<Rsp136_1>();
cid.raw_2 = read<Rsp136_2>();
cid.raw_3 = read<Rsp136_3>();
return cid;
Csd Esdhcv2_controller::_read_csd()
Csd csd;
csd.csd0 = read<Rsp136_0>();
csd.csd1 = read<Rsp136_1>();
csd.csd2 = read<Rsp136_2>();
csd.csd3 = read<Rsp136_3>();
return csd;
unsigned Esdhcv2_controller::_read_rca()
Cmdrsp0::access_t const rsp0 = read<Cmdrsp0>();
return Send_relative_addr::Response::Rca::get(rsp0);
bool Esdhcv2_controller::read_blocks(size_t, size_t, char *)
PERR("Block transfer without DMA not supported by now");
return false;
bool Esdhcv2_controller::write_blocks(size_t, size_t, char const *)
PERR("Block transfer without DMA not supported by now");
return false;
bool Esdhcv2_controller::read_blocks_dma(size_t blk_nr, size_t blk_cnt,
addr_t buf_phys)
if (_prepare_dma_mb(blk_cnt, buf_phys)) { return false; }
return issue_command(Read_multiple_block(blk_nr));
bool Esdhcv2_controller::write_blocks_dma(size_t blk_nr, size_t blk_cnt,
addr_t buf_phys)
if (_prepare_dma_mb(blk_cnt, buf_phys)) { return false; }
return issue_command(Write_multiple_block(blk_nr));
Esdhcv2_controller::Esdhcv2_controller(addr_t const base, unsigned const irq,
Delayer & delayer, bool const use_dma)
Esdhcv2(base), _irq(irq), _delayer(delayer), _card_info(_init()),
{ }
int Esdhcv2_controller::_prepare_dma_mb(size_t blk_cnt, addr_t buf_phys)
/* write ADMA2 table to DMA */
size_t const req_size = blk_cnt * BLOCK_SIZE;
if (_adma2_table.setup_request(req_size, buf_phys)) { return -1; }
/* configure DMA at host */
return 0;
int Esdhcv2_controller::_wait_for_cmd_allowed()
* At least after multi-block writes with the fix for the broken "Auto
* Command 12", waiting only for "Command Inhibit" isn't sufficient as
* "Data Line Active" and "Data Inhibit" may also be active.
if (!wait_for<Prsstat_lhw>(Prsstat_lhw::cmd_allowed(), _delayer)) {
PERR("Wait till issuing a new command is allowed timed out");
return -1;
return 0;
void Esdhcv2_controller::_wait_for_irq()
/* acknowledge IRQ first, to activate IRQ propagation initially */
Card_info Esdhcv2_controller::_init()
/* install IRQ signal */
/* configure host for initialization stage */
if (_reset(_delayer)) { _detect_err("Host reset failed"); }
/* check host version */
Hostver::access_t const hostver = read<Hostver>();
if (Hostver::Vvn::get(hostver) != 18) {
_detect_err("Unexpected Vendor Version Number"); }
if (Hostver::Svn::get(hostver) != 1) {
_detect_err("Unexpected Specification Version Number"); }
* We should check host capabilities at this point if we want to
* support other versions of the ESDHC. For the i.MX53 ESDHCv2 we
* know that the capabilities fit our requirements.
/* configure IRQs, bus width, and clock for initialization */
_clock(CLOCK_DIV_512, _delayer);
* Initialize card
* At this point we should do an SDIO card reset if we later want
* to detect the unwanted case of an SDIO card beeing inserted.
* The reset would be done via 2 differently configured
* Io_rw_direct commands.
if (!issue_command(Go_idle_state())) {
_detect_err("Go_idle_state command failed"); }
if (!issue_command(Send_if_cond())) {
_detect_err("Send_if_cond command failed"); }
if (read<Cmdrsp0>() != 0x1aa) {
_detect_err("Unexpected response of Send_if_cond command"); }
* At this point we could detect the unwanted case of an SDIO card
* beeing inserted by issuing 4 Io_send_op_cond commands at an
* interval of 10 ms (they should time out on SD).
if (!issue_command(Sd_send_op_cond(0, false))) {
_detect_err("Sd_send_op_cond command failed"); }
if (!issue_command(Go_idle_state())) {
_detect_err("Go_idle_state command failed"); }
if (!issue_command(Send_if_cond())) {
_detect_err("Send_if_cond failed"); }
if (read<Cmdrsp0>() != 0x1aa) {
_detect_err("Unexpected response of Send_if_cond command"); }
* Power on card
* We need to issue the same Sd_send_op_cond command multiple
* times. The first time, we receive the status information. On
* subsequent attempts, the response tells us that the card is
* busy. Usually, the command is issued twice. We give up if the
* card is not reaching busy state after one second.
int i = 1000;
for (; i > 0; --i) {
if (!issue_command(Sd_send_op_cond(0x200000, true))) {
_detect_err("Sd_send_op_cond command failed"); }
if (Ocr::Busy::get(read<Cmdrsp0>())) { break; }
if (!i) { _detect_err("Could not power-on SD card"); }
/* get basic information about the card */
Card_info card_info = _detect();
* Configure working clock of host
* Host and card may be driven with a higher clock rate but
* checks (maybe read SSR/SCR, read switch, try frequencies) are
* necessary for that.
_clock(CLOCK_DIV_8, _delayer);
* Configure card and host to use 4 data signals
* Host and card may be driven with a higher bus width but
* further checks (read SCR) are necessary for that.
if (!issue_command(Set_bus_width(Set_bus_width::Arg::Bus_width::FOUR_BITS),
_detect_err("Set_bus_width(FOUR_BITS) command failed");
/* configure card to use given block size */
if (!issue_command(Set_blocklen(BLOCK_SIZE))) {
_detect_err("Set_blocklen command failed"); }
/* configure host buffer */
Wml::access_t wml = read<Wml>();
Wml::Rd_wml::set(wml, WATERMARK_WORDS);
Wml::Rd_brst_len::set(wml, BURST_WORDS);
Wml::Wr_wml::set(wml, WATERMARK_WORDS);
Wml::Wr_brst_len::set(wml, BURST_WORDS);
/* configure ADMA */
/* configure interrupts for operational mode */
return card_info;
void Esdhcv2_controller::_detect_err(char const * const err)
PERR("%s", err);
throw Detection_failed();
int Esdhcv2_controller::_reset(Delayer & delayer)
/* start reset */
* The SDHC specification says that a software reset shouldn't
* have an effect on the the card detection circuit. The ESDHC
* clears Sysctl::Ipgen, Sysctl::Hcken, and Sysctl::Peren
* nonetheless which disables clocks that card detection relies
* on.
Sysctl::access_t sysctl = read<Sysctl>();
Sysctl::Ipgen::set(sysctl, 1);
Sysctl::Hcken::set(sysctl, 1);
Sysctl::Peren::set(sysctl, 1);
/* wait for reset completion */
if (!wait_for<Sysctl::Rsta>(0, delayer)) {
PERR("Reset timed out");
return -1;
return 0;
void Esdhcv2_controller::_disable_irqs()
void Esdhcv2_controller::_enable_irqs()
Irq::access_t irq = 0;
Irq::Cc::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Tc::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Dint::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Ctoe::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Cce::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Cebe::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Cie::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Dtoe::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Dce::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Debe::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Ac12e::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Dmae::set(irq, 1);
void Esdhcv2_controller::_bus_width(Bus_width bus_width)
switch (bus_width) {
case BUS_WIDTH_1: write<Proctl::Dtw>(Proctl::Dtw::_1BIT); break;
case BUS_WIDTH_4: write<Proctl::Dtw>(Proctl::Dtw::_4BIT); break;
void Esdhcv2_controller::_disable_clock()
Sysctl::access_t sysctl = read<Sysctl>();
Sysctl::Ipgen::set(sysctl, 0);
Sysctl::Hcken::set(sysctl, 0);
Sysctl::Peren::set(sysctl, 0);
Sysctl::Dvs::set(sysctl, Sysctl::Dvs::DIV1);
Sysctl::Sdclkfs::set(sysctl, Sysctl::Sdclkfs::DIV1);
void Esdhcv2_controller::_enable_clock(Clock_divider divider, Delayer &delayer)
Sysctl::access_t sysctl = read<Sysctl>();
Sysctl::Ipgen::set(sysctl, 1);
Sysctl::Hcken::set(sysctl, 1);
Sysctl::Peren::set(sysctl, 1);
switch (divider) {
case CLOCK_DIV_8:
Sysctl::Dvs::set(sysctl, Sysctl::Dvs::DIV4);
Sysctl::Sdclkfs::set(sysctl, Sysctl::Sdclkfs::DIV2);
case CLOCK_DIV_512:
Sysctl::Dvs::set(sysctl, Sysctl::Dvs::DIV16);
Sysctl::Sdclkfs::set(sysctl, Sysctl::Sdclkfs::DIV32);
void Esdhcv2_controller::_clock(enum Clock_divider divider, Delayer &delayer)
_enable_clock(divider, delayer);
@ -1,159 +1,45 @@
* \brief ESDHCv2 host controller
* \brief Freescale Enhanced Secured Digital Host Controller Version 2
* \author Martin Stein
* \date 2015-02-05
* Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Genode Labs GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2015 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
#ifndef _ESDHCV2_H_
#define _ESDHCV2_H_
/* Genode includes */
#include <util/mmio.h>
#include <os/attached_ram_dataspace.h>
#include <irq_session/connection.h>
#include <base/sleep.h>
/* local includes */
#include <sd_card.h>
#include <adma2.h>
namespace Adma2
namespace Genode
using namespace Genode;
* Descriptor layout
struct Desc : Register<64>
struct Valid : Bitfield<0, 1> { };
struct End : Bitfield<1, 1> { };
struct Int : Bitfield<2, 1> { };
struct Act1 : Bitfield<4, 1> { };
struct Act2 : Bitfield<5, 1> { };
struct Length : Bitfield<16, 16>
* According to the 'SD Specifications, Part A2, SD Host
* Controller, Simplified Specification, Version 2.00, February 8,
* 2007, Table 1-10', a maximum length of 65536 bytes is achieved
* by value 0. However, if we do so, the completion host-signal
* times out now and then. Thus, we use the next lower possible
* value.
static constexpr addr_t align_log2 = 2;
static constexpr size_t max = (1 << WIDTH) - (1 << align_log2);
struct Address : Bitfield<32, 32> { };
* Descriptor table
class Table
static size_t constexpr _max_desc = 1024;
static size_t constexpr _ds_size = _max_desc * sizeof(Desc::access_t);
Attached_ram_dataspace _ds;
Desc::access_t * const _base_virt;
addr_t const _base_phys;
* Constructor
Table() :
_ds(env()->ram_session(), _ds_size, UNCACHED),
{ }
* Marshal descriptors according to block request
* \param size request size in bytes
* \param buffer_phys physical base of transfer buffer
* \return true on success
bool setup_req(size_t const size, addr_t const buffer_phys)
* Sanity check
* FIXME An alternative to this sanity check would be to
* expose the maximum transfer size to the driver and let
* the driver partition large requests into ones that are
* supported.
static size_t constexpr max_size = _max_desc * Desc::Length::max;
if (size > max_size) {
PERR("Block request too large");
return false;
/* install new descriptors till they cover all requested bytes */
addr_t consumed = 0;
for (int index = 0; consumed < size; index++) {
/* clamp current request to maximum request size */
size_t const remaining = size - consumed;
size_t const curr = min(Desc::Length::max, remaining);
/* assemble new descriptor */
Desc::access_t desc = 0;
Desc::Address::set(desc, buffer_phys + consumed);
Desc::Length::set(desc, curr);
Desc::Act1::set(desc, 0);
Desc::Act2::set(desc, 1);
Desc::Valid::set(desc, 1);
/* let last descriptor generate transfer-complete signal */
if (consumed + curr == size) { Desc::End::set(desc, 1); }
/* install and account descriptor */
_base_virt[index] = desc;
consumed += curr;
/* ensure that all descriptor writes were actually executed */
asm volatile ("dsb");
return true;
* Accessors
addr_t base_phys() const { return _base_phys; }
struct Esdhcv2;
class Esdhcv2_controller;
* Freescale eSDHCv2 host MMIO
* MMIO structure of a Freescale ESDHCv2
struct Esdhcv2 : Genode::Mmio
struct Genode::Esdhcv2 : Mmio
typedef Genode::size_t size_t;
typedef Genode::addr_t addr_t;
* MMIO structure
struct Blkattr : Register<0x4, 32>
struct Blksize : Bitfield<0, 13> { };
struct Blkcnt : Bitfield<16, 16> { };
template <Genode::off_t OFFSET>
template <off_t OFFSET>
struct Cmdrsp_tpl : Register<OFFSET, 32>
struct Rsp136_8_24 : Register<OFFSET, 32>::template Bitfield<0, 24> { };
@ -164,10 +50,10 @@ struct Esdhcv2 : Genode::Mmio
struct Cmdrsp1 : Cmdrsp_tpl<0x14> { };
struct Cmdrsp2 : Cmdrsp_tpl<0x18> { };
struct Cmdrsp3 : Cmdrsp_tpl<0x1c> { };
struct Rsp136_0 : Genode::Bitset_2<Cmdrsp3::Rsp136_0_8, Cmdrsp0::Rsp136_8_24> { };
struct Rsp136_1 : Genode::Bitset_2<Cmdrsp0::Rsp136_0_8, Cmdrsp1::Rsp136_8_24> { };
struct Rsp136_2 : Genode::Bitset_2<Cmdrsp1::Rsp136_0_8, Cmdrsp2::Rsp136_8_24> { };
struct Rsp136_3 : Genode::Bitset_2<Cmdrsp2::Rsp136_0_8, Cmdrsp3::Rsp136_8_24> { };
struct Rsp136_0 : Bitset_2<Cmdrsp3::Rsp136_0_8, Cmdrsp0::Rsp136_8_24> { };
struct Rsp136_1 : Bitset_2<Cmdrsp0::Rsp136_0_8, Cmdrsp1::Rsp136_8_24> { };
struct Rsp136_2 : Bitset_2<Cmdrsp1::Rsp136_0_8, Cmdrsp2::Rsp136_8_24> { };
struct Rsp136_3 : Bitset_2<Cmdrsp2::Rsp136_0_8, Cmdrsp3::Rsp136_8_24> { };
struct Xfertyp : Register<0xc, 32>
struct Dmaen : Bitfield<0, 1> { };
@ -196,7 +82,7 @@ struct Esdhcv2 : Genode::Mmio
struct Cmdinx : Bitfield<24, 6> { };
struct Datport : Register<0x20, 32> { };
struct Prsstat : Register<0x24, 32> { };
struct Prsstat_lhw : Register<0x24, 16>
struct Sdstb : Bitfield<3, 1> { };
@ -233,12 +119,12 @@ struct Esdhcv2 : Genode::Mmio
struct Rstd : Bitfield<26, 1> { };
template <Genode::off_t OFFSET>
template <off_t OFFSET>
struct Irq_tpl : Register<OFFSET, 32>
struct Cc : Register<OFFSET, 32>::template Bitfield<0, 1> { };
struct Tc : Register<OFFSET, 32>::template Bitfield<1, 1> { };
struct Dint : Register<OFFSET, 32>::template Bitfield<03, 1> { };
struct Dint : Register<OFFSET, 32>::template Bitfield<3, 1> { };
struct Ctoe : Register<OFFSET, 32>::template Bitfield<16, 1> { };
struct Cce : Register<OFFSET, 32>::template Bitfield<17, 1> { };
struct Cebe : Register<OFFSET, 32>::template Bitfield<18, 1> { };
@ -268,157 +154,15 @@ struct Esdhcv2 : Genode::Mmio
struct Wr_brst_len : Bitfield<24, 5> { };
* Constructor
Esdhcv2(addr_t const mmio_base) : Genode::Mmio(mmio_base) { }
* Reset command line circuit of host controller
bool reset_command(Delayer & delayer)
if (!wait_for<Sysctl::Rstc>(0, delayer)) {
PERR("Reset of command circuit failed");
return false;
return true;
* Reset data circuit of host controller
bool reset_data(Delayer & delayer)
if (!wait_for<Sysctl::Rstd>(0, delayer)) {
PERR("Reset of data circuit failed");
return false;
return true;
* Full host reset
bool reset_all(Delayer & delayer)
/* start reset */
* The SDHC specification says that a software reset shouldn't
* have an effect on the the card detection circuit. The ESDHC
* clears Sysctl::Ipgen, Sysctl::Hcken, and Sysctl::Peren
* nonetheless which disables clocks that card detection relies
* on.
Sysctl::access_t sysctl = read<Sysctl>();
Sysctl::Ipgen::set(sysctl, 1);
Sysctl::Hcken::set(sysctl, 1);
Sysctl::Peren::set(sysctl, 1);
/* wait for reset completion */
return wait_for<Sysctl::Rsta>(0, delayer);
* Disable all interrupts
void disable_irqs()
* Enable desired interrupts
void enable_irqs()
Irq::access_t irq = 0;
Irq::Cc::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Tc::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Dint::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Ctoe::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Cce::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Cebe::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Cie::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Dtoe::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Dce::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Debe::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Ac12e::set(irq, 1);
Irq::Dmae::set(irq, 1);
enum Bus_width { BUS_WIDTH_1, BUS_WIDTH_4 };
* Set bus width
void bus_width(Bus_width bus_width)
switch (bus_width) {
case BUS_WIDTH_1: write<Proctl::Dtw>(Proctl::Dtw::_1BIT); break;
case BUS_WIDTH_4: write<Proctl::Dtw>(Proctl::Dtw::_4BIT); break;
* Disable host clock
void disable_clock()
Sysctl::access_t sysctl = read<Sysctl>();
Sysctl::Ipgen::set(sysctl, 0);
Sysctl::Hcken::set(sysctl, 0);
Sysctl::Peren::set(sysctl, 0);
Sysctl::Dvs::set(sysctl, Sysctl::Dvs::DIV1);
Sysctl::Sdclkfs::set(sysctl, Sysctl::Sdclkfs::DIV1);
enum Clock_divider { CLOCK_DIV_8, CLOCK_DIV_512 };
* Enable host clock and configure it to fullfill a given divider
void enable_clock(Clock_divider divider, Delayer &delayer)
Sysctl::access_t sysctl = read<Sysctl>();
Sysctl::Ipgen::set(sysctl, 1);
Sysctl::Hcken::set(sysctl, 1);
Sysctl::Peren::set(sysctl, 1);
switch (divider) {
case CLOCK_DIV_8:
Sysctl::Dvs::set(sysctl, Sysctl::Dvs::DIV4);
Sysctl::Sdclkfs::set(sysctl, Sysctl::Sdclkfs::DIV2);
case CLOCK_DIV_512:
Sysctl::Dvs::set(sysctl, Sysctl::Dvs::DIV16);
Sysctl::Sdclkfs::set(sysctl, Sysctl::Sdclkfs::DIV32);
* Set clock to fulfill a given divider
void clock(enum Clock_divider divider, Delayer &delayer)
enable_clock(divider, delayer);
Esdhcv2(addr_t const mmio_base) : Mmio(mmio_base) { }
struct Esdhcv2_controller : private Esdhcv2, public Sd_card::Host_controller
* Implementation of the SD host-controller interface for the ESDHCv2
struct Genode::Esdhcv2_controller
private Esdhcv2, public Sd_card::Host_controller
@ -428,404 +172,58 @@ struct Esdhcv2_controller : private Esdhcv2, public Sd_card::Host_controller
Genode::Irq_connection _irq;
Genode::Signal_receiver _irq_rec;
Genode::Signal_context _irq_ctx;
Delayer & _delayer;
Sd_card::Card_info _card_info;
bool const _use_dma;
Adma2::Table _adma2_table;
enum Bus_width { BUS_WIDTH_1, BUS_WIDTH_4 };
* Print 'err' and throw detection-error exception
void _detect_err(char const * const err)
PERR("%s", err);
throw Detection_failed();
enum Clock_divider { CLOCK_DIV_8, CLOCK_DIV_512 };
* Initialize host and card and return basic card information
Sd_card::Card_info _init()
/* install IRQ signal */
Irq_connection _irq;
Signal_receiver _irq_rec;
Signal_context _irq_ctx;
Delayer & _delayer;
Sd_card::Card_info _card_info;
bool const _use_dma;
Adma2::Table _adma2_table;
/* configure host for initialization stage */
using namespace Sd_card;
if (!reset_all(_delayer)) { _detect_err("Host reset failed"); }
void _detect_err(char const * const err);
void _disable_irqs();
void _enable_irqs();
void _bus_width(Bus_width bus_width);
void _disable_clock();
void _enable_clock(Clock_divider divider, Delayer &delayer);
void _clock(enum Clock_divider divider, Delayer &delayer);
void _wait_for_irq();
int _reset(Delayer & delayer);
int _wait_for_cmd_allowed();
int _wait_for_cmd_complete();
int _wait_for_card_ready_mbw();
int _stop_transmission_mbw();
int _wait_for_cmd_complete_mb(bool const r);
int _prepare_dma_mb(size_t blk_cnt, addr_t buf_phys);
/* check host version */
Hostver::access_t const hostver = read<Hostver>();
if (Hostver::Vvn::get(hostver) != 18) {
_detect_err("Unexpected Vendor Version Number"); }
if (Hostver::Svn::get(hostver) != 1) {
_detect_err("Unexpected Specification Version Number"); }
* We should check host capabilities at this point if we want to
* support other versions of the ESDHC. For the i.MX53 ESDHCv2 we
* know that the capabilities fit our requirements.
clock(CLOCK_DIV_512, _delayer);
* Initialize card
* At this point we should do an SDIO card reset if we later want
* to detect the unwanted case of an SDIO card beeing inserted.
* The reset would be done via 2 differently configured
* Io_rw_direct commands.
if (!issue_command(Go_idle_state())) {
_detect_err("Go_idle_state command failed"); }
if (!issue_command(Send_if_cond())) {
_detect_err("Send_if_cond command failed"); }
if (read<Cmdrsp0>() != 0x1aa) {
_detect_err("Unexpected response of Send_if_cond command"); }
* At this point we could detect the unwanted case of an SDIO card
* beeing inserted by issuing 4 Io_send_op_cond commands at an
* interval of 10 ms (they should time out on SD).
if (!issue_command(Sd_send_op_cond(0, false))) {
_detect_err("Sd_send_op_cond command failed"); }
if (!issue_command(Go_idle_state())) {
_detect_err("Go_idle_state command failed"); }
if (!issue_command(Send_if_cond())) {
_detect_err("Send_if_cond failed"); }
if (read<Cmdrsp0>() != 0x1aa) {
_detect_err("Unexpected response of Send_if_cond command"); }
* Power on card
* We need to issue the same Sd_send_op_cond command multiple
* times. The first time, we receive the status information. On
* subsequent attempts, the response tells us that the card is
* busy. Usually, the command is issued twice. We give up if the
* card is not reaching busy state after one second.
int i = 1000;
for (; i > 0; --i) {
if (!issue_command(Sd_send_op_cond(0x200000, true))) {
_detect_err("Sd_send_op_cond command failed"); }
if (Ocr::Busy::get(read<Cmdrsp0>())) { break; }
if (!i) { _detect_err("Could not power-on SD card"); }
/* get basic information about the card */
Card_info card_info = _detect();
* Configure working clock of host
* FIXME Host and card may be driven with a higher clock rate but
* checks (maybe read SSR/SCR, read switch, try frequencies) are
* necessary for that.
clock(CLOCK_DIV_8, _delayer);
* Configure card and host to use 4 data signals
* FIXME Host and card may be driven with a higher bus width but
* further checks (read SCR) are necessary for that.
if (!issue_command(
{ _detect_err("Set_bus_width(FOUR_BITS) command failed"); }
/* configure card to use our block size */
if (!issue_command(Set_blocklen(BLOCK_SIZE))) {
_detect_err("Set_blocklen command failed"); }
/* configure host buffer */
Wml::access_t wml = read<Wml>();
Wml::Rd_wml::set(wml, WATERMARK_WORDS);
Wml::Rd_brst_len::set(wml, BURST_WORDS);
Wml::Wr_wml::set(wml, WATERMARK_WORDS);
Wml::Wr_brst_len::set(wml, BURST_WORDS);
/* configure ADMA */
/* configure interrupts for operational mode */
return card_info;
* Wait until we received the IRQ signal
void _wait_for_irq()
* Acknowledge the IRQ first to implicitly activate
* receiving of further IRQ signals on the first usage
* of this method.
* Wait till sending a new command is allowed
* \return true on success
bool _wait_for_cmd_allowed()
* At least after multi-block writes with our
* "Broken Auto Command 12" fix, waiting only for Prsstat::Cihb
* isn't sufficient as Prsstat::Dla and Prsstat::Cdihb may also
* be active.
if (!wait_for<Prsstat_lhw>(Prsstat_lhw::cmd_allowed(), _delayer)) {
PERR("wait till issuing a new command is allowed timed out");
return false;
return true;
* Wait for the completion of a non-multiple-block command
* \return true on success
bool _wait_for_cmd_complete()
if (read<Irqstat>() != Irqstat::Cc::reg_mask()) {
PWRN("received unexpected host signal");
return false;
return true;
int _wait_for_card_ready_mbw()
* Poll card status
* The maximum number of attempts and the delay between two attempts are
* freely chosen.
using namespace Sd_card;
unsigned attempts = 5;
unsigned constexpr attempts_delay_us = 100000;
while (1) {
if (!attempts) {
PERR("Reading card status after multiblock write failed");
return -1;
/* assemble argument register value */
Send_status::Arg::access_t cmdarg = 0;
Send_status::Arg::Rca::set(cmdarg, _card_info.rca());
/* assemble command register value */
Xfertyp::access_t xfertyp = 0;
Xfertyp::Cmdinx::set(xfertyp, Send_status::INDEX);
Xfertyp::Cicen::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Cccen::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Rsptyp::set(xfertyp, Xfertyp::Rsptyp::_48BIT);
Xfertyp::Msbsel::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Bcen::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Dmaen::set(xfertyp, 1);
/* send command as soon as the host allows it */
if (_wait_for_cmd_allowed()) { return -1; }
/* wait for command completion */
if (_wait_for_cmd_complete()) { return -1; }
/* check for errors */
R1_response_0::access_t const resp = read<Cmdrsp0>();
if (R1_response_0::Error::get(resp)) {
PERR("Reading card status after multiblock write failed");
return -1;
/* if card is in a ready state, return success, retry otherwise */
if (R1_response_0::card_ready(resp)) { break; }
return 0;
* Abort transmission by manually issuing stop command
* \return true on success
bool _abort_transmission()
Xfertyp::access_t xfertyp = 0;
Xfertyp::Cmdinx::set(xfertyp, Sd_card::Stop_transmission::INDEX);
Xfertyp::Cmdtyp::set(xfertyp, Xfertyp::Cmdtyp::ABORT_CMD12);
Xfertyp::Cccen::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Cicen::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Rsptyp::set(xfertyp, Xfertyp::Rsptyp::_48BIT_BUSY);
Xfertyp::Msbsel::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Bcen::set(xfertyp, 1);
Xfertyp::Dmaen::set(xfertyp, 1);
return _wait_for_cmd_complete();
* Wait for the completion of a multiple-block command
* \param r wether the transfer reads from card to host
* \return true on success
bool _wait_for_mbc_complete(bool const r)
/* wait for a signal */
Irqstat::access_t const irq = read<Irqstat>();
* The ESDHC signals on multi-block transfers seem to be broken.
* Synchronizing to Irqstat::Tc before returning from transfer
* requests and to Prsstat::Cihb before sending the next command,
* as it is done with other SDHCs, isn't sufficient. Instead, both
* completion signals must be gathered while dealing with the fact
* that the interrupt triggers only on signal edges and we can
* therefore not wait for a second IRQ when we've received a
* single signal the first time.
Irqstat::access_t constexpr irq_goal =
Irq::Cc::reg_mask() | Irq::Tc::reg_mask();
/* poll for the missing signal */
if (irq != irq_goal) {
if (!wait_for<Irqstat>(irq_goal, _delayer)) {
PERR("completion host signal timed out");
return false;
/* acknowledge both completion signals */
if (!r) {
* The "Auto Command 12" feature of the ESDHC seems to be
* broken for multi-block writes as it causes command-
* timeout errors sometimes. Thus, we end such transfers
* manually.
if (!_abort_transmission()) { return false; }
if (_wait_for_card_ready_mbw()) { return false; }
return true;
* Prepare multi-block-transfer command with DMA
* \param blk_cnt number of transferred blocks block
* \param buf_phys physical base of transfer buffer
* \return true on success
bool _prepare_dma_mbc(size_t blk_cnt, addr_t buf_phys)
size_t const req_size = blk_cnt * BLOCK_SIZE;
if (!_adma2_table.setup_req(req_size, buf_phys)) {
PERR("Setup ADMA2 table failed");
return false;
return true;
Sd_card::Card_info _init();
** Sd_card::Host_controller interface **
Sd_card::Cid _read_cid()
Sd_card::Cid cid;
cid.raw_0 = read<Rsp136_0>();
cid.raw_1 = read<Rsp136_1>();
cid.raw_2 = read<Rsp136_2>();
cid.raw_3 = read<Rsp136_3>();
return cid;
Sd_card::Csd _read_csd()
Sd_card::Csd csd;
csd.csd0 = read<Rsp136_0>();
csd.csd1 = read<Rsp136_1>();
csd.csd2 = read<Rsp136_2>();
csd.csd3 = read<Rsp136_3>();
return csd;
unsigned _read_rca()
Cmdrsp0::access_t const rsp0 = read<Cmdrsp0>();
return Sd_card::Send_relative_addr::Response::Rca::get(rsp0);
Sd_card::Cid _read_cid();
Sd_card::Csd _read_csd();
unsigned _read_rca();
bool _issue_command(Sd_card::Command_base const & command);
* Constructor
* \param mmio_base local base address of MMIO registers
* \param base local base address of MMIO registers
* \param irq host-interrupt ID
* \param delayer delayer timing of MMIO accesses
* \param use_dma wether to use DMA or direct IO for transfers
Esdhcv2_controller(addr_t const mmio_base, unsigned const irq,
Delayer & delayer, bool const use_dma)
Esdhcv2(mmio_base), _irq(irq),
_delayer(delayer), _card_info(_init()), _use_dma(use_dma) { }
Esdhcv2_controller(addr_t const base, unsigned const irq,
Delayer & delayer, bool const use_dma);
~Esdhcv2_controller() { _irq_rec.dissolve(&_irq_ctx); }
@ -834,81 +232,12 @@ struct Esdhcv2_controller : private Esdhcv2, public Sd_card::Host_controller
** Sd_card::Host_controller interface **
bool _issue_command(Sd_card::Command_base const & command)
/* detect if command is a multi-block transfer and if it reads */
using namespace Sd_card;
bool const r = command.transfer == Sd_card::TRANSFER_READ;
bool const mb =
command.index == Sd_card::Read_multiple_block::INDEX ||
command.index == Sd_card::Write_multiple_block::INDEX;
/* assemble comsendcode */
Xfertyp::access_t cmd = 0;
Xfertyp::Cmdinx::set(cmd, command.index);
if (command.transfer != Sd_card::TRANSFER_NONE) {
if (mb) {
* The "Auto Command 12" feature of the ESDHC seems to be
* broken for multi-block writes as it causes command-
* timeout errors sometimes. Thus, we end such transfers
* manually.
if (r) { Xfertyp::Ac12en::set(cmd); }
if (_use_dma) { Xfertyp::Dmaen::set(cmd); }
r ? Xfertyp::Dtdsel::READ : Xfertyp::Dtdsel::WRITE);
typedef Xfertyp::Rsptyp Rsptyp;
Xfertyp::access_t rt = 0;
switch (command.rsp_type) {
case RESPONSE_NONE: rt = Rsptyp::_0BIT; break;
case RESPONSE_136_BIT: rt = Rsptyp::_136BIT; break;
case RESPONSE_48_BIT: rt = Rsptyp::_48BIT; break;
case RESPONSE_48_BIT_WITH_BUSY: rt = Rsptyp::_48BIT_BUSY; break;
Xfertyp::Rsptyp::set(cmd, rt);
/* send command as soon as the host allows it */
if (!_wait_for_cmd_allowed()) { return false; }
/* wait for completion */
return mb ? _wait_for_mbc_complete(r) : _wait_for_cmd_complete();
bool read_blocks(size_t, size_t, char *);
bool write_blocks(size_t, size_t, char const *);
bool read_blocks_dma(size_t blk_nr, size_t blk_cnt, addr_t buf_phys);
bool write_blocks_dma(size_t blk_nr, size_t blk_cnt, addr_t buf_phys);
Sd_card::Card_info card_info() const { return _card_info; }
bool read_blocks(size_t const block_number, size_t const block_count,
char * out_buffer_phys)
PERR("block transfer without DMA not supported by now");
return false;
bool write_blocks(size_t block_number, size_t block_count,
char const *buffer_phys)
PERR("block transfer without DMA not supported by now");
return false;
bool read_blocks_dma(size_t blk_nr, size_t blk_cnt, addr_t buf_phys)
if (!_prepare_dma_mbc(blk_cnt, buf_phys)) { return false; }
return issue_command(Sd_card::Read_multiple_block(blk_nr));
bool write_blocks_dma(size_t blk_nr, size_t blk_cnt, addr_t buf_phys)
if (!_prepare_dma_mbc(blk_cnt, buf_phys)) { return false; }
return issue_command(Sd_card::Write_multiple_block(blk_nr));
#endif /* _DRIVERS__SD_CARD__SPEC__IMX53__ESDHCV2_H_ */
#endif /* _ESDHCV2_H_ */
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
TARGET = sd_card_drv
REQUIRES = imx53
SRC_CC = main.cc
LIBS = base server
INC_DIR += $(PRG_DIR) $(REP_DIR)/src/drivers/sd_card
TARGET = sd_card_drv
REQUIRES += imx53
SRC_CC += main.cc
SRC_CC += adma2.cc
SRC_CC += esdhcv2.cc
LIBS += base
LIBS += server
INC_DIR += $(PRG_DIR)/../../
Reference in New Issue
Block a user