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synced 2025-03-23 04:25:21 +00:00
Noux: dim naming noise using the Genode namespace
Because 'Noux::Child' implements several abstract Genode interfaces, the 'Genode::' prefix became almost ubiquitous, making the code harder to read. By importing the 'Genode' namespace into the 'Noux' namespace, this patch remedies this inconvenience.
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
namespace Noux {
using namespace Genode;
class Child;
bool is_init_process(Child *child);
@ -81,67 +83,67 @@ namespace Noux {
void dispatch()
PINF("execve cleanup dispatcher called");
Genode::destroy(Genode::env()->heap(), _child);
destroy(env()->heap(), _child);
class Child : private Genode::Child_policy,
public Genode::Rpc_object<Session>,
class Child : private Child_policy,
public Rpc_object<Session>,
public File_descriptor_registry
int const _pid;
Genode::Signal_receiver *_sig_rec;
Signal_receiver *_sig_rec;
* Semaphore used for implementing blocking syscalls, i.e., select
Genode::Semaphore _blocker;
Semaphore _blocker;
enum { MAX_NAME_LEN = 64 };
char _name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
Child_exit_dispatcher _exit_dispatcher;
Genode::Signal_context_capability _exit_context_cap;
Child_exit_dispatcher _exit_dispatcher;
Signal_context_capability _exit_context_cap;
Child_execve_cleanup_dispatcher _execve_cleanup_dispatcher;
Genode::Signal_context_capability _execve_cleanup_context_cap;
Child_execve_cleanup_dispatcher _execve_cleanup_dispatcher;
Signal_context_capability _execve_cleanup_context_cap;
Genode::Cap_session * const _cap_session;
Cap_session * const _cap_session;
enum { STACK_SIZE = 4*1024*sizeof(long) };
Genode::Rpc_entrypoint _entrypoint;
Rpc_entrypoint _entrypoint;
* Resources assigned to the child
struct Resources
struct Dataspace_info : Genode::Object_pool<Dataspace_info>::Entry
struct Dataspace_info : Object_pool<Dataspace_info>::Entry
Genode::size_t _size;
Genode::Dataspace_capability _ds_cap;
size_t _size;
Dataspace_capability _ds_cap;
Dataspace_info(Genode::Dataspace_capability ds_cap)
Dataspace_info(Dataspace_capability ds_cap)
{ }
Genode::size_t size() const { return _size; }
Genode::Dataspace_capability ds_cap() const { return _ds_cap; }
size_t size() const { return _size; }
Dataspace_capability ds_cap() const { return _ds_cap; }
struct Local_ram_session : Rpc_object<Genode::Ram_session>
struct Local_ram_session : Rpc_object<Ram_session>
Genode::Object_pool<Dataspace_info> _pool;
Genode::size_t _used_quota;
Object_pool<Dataspace_info> _pool;
size_t _used_quota;
* Constructor
@ -161,13 +163,13 @@ namespace Noux {
** Ram_session interface **
Genode::Ram_dataspace_capability alloc(Genode::size_t size)
Ram_dataspace_capability alloc(size_t size)
PINF("RAM alloc %zd", size);
Genode::Ram_dataspace_capability ds_cap = Genode::env()->ram_session()->alloc(size);
Ram_dataspace_capability ds_cap = env()->ram_session()->alloc(size);
Dataspace_info *ds_info = new (Genode::env()->heap())
Dataspace_info *ds_info = new (env()->heap())
_used_quota += ds_info->size();
@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ namespace Noux {
return ds_cap;
void free(Genode::Ram_dataspace_capability ds_cap)
void free(Ram_dataspace_capability ds_cap)
PINF("RAM free");
@ -191,28 +193,28 @@ namespace Noux {
_used_quota -= ds_info->size();
Genode::destroy(Genode::env()->heap(), ds_info);
destroy(env()->heap(), ds_info);
int ref_account(Genode::Ram_session_capability) { return 0; }
int transfer_quota(Genode::Ram_session_capability, Genode::size_t) { return 0; }
Genode::size_t quota() { return Genode::env()->ram_session()->quota(); }
Genode::size_t used() { return _used_quota; }
int ref_account(Ram_session_capability) { return 0; }
int transfer_quota(Ram_session_capability, size_t) { return 0; }
size_t quota() { return env()->ram_session()->quota(); }
size_t used() { return _used_quota; }
* Used to record all RM attachements
struct Local_rm_session : Rpc_object<Genode::Rm_session>
struct Local_rm_session : Rpc_object<Rm_session>
Genode::Rm_connection rm;
Rm_connection rm;
Local_addr attach(Genode::Dataspace_capability ds,
Genode::size_t size = 0, Genode::off_t offset = 0,
Local_addr attach(Dataspace_capability ds,
size_t size = 0, off_t offset = 0,
bool use_local_addr = false,
Local_addr local_addr = (Genode::addr_t)0)
Local_addr local_addr = (addr_t)0)
PINF("RM attach called");
@ -230,13 +232,13 @@ namespace Noux {
Genode::Pager_capability add_client(Genode::Thread_capability thread)
Pager_capability add_client(Thread_capability thread)
PINF("RM add client called");
return rm.add_client(thread);
void fault_handler(Genode::Signal_context_capability handler)
void fault_handler(Signal_context_capability handler)
PINF("RM fault handler called");
return rm.fault_handler(handler);
@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ namespace Noux {
return rm.state();
Genode::Dataspace_capability dataspace()
Dataspace_capability dataspace()
PINF("RM dataspace called");
return rm.dataspace();
@ -259,17 +261,17 @@ namespace Noux {
* Used to defer the execution of the process' main thread
struct Local_cpu_session : Rpc_object<Genode::Cpu_session>
struct Local_cpu_session : Rpc_object<Cpu_session>
bool forked;
Genode::Cpu_connection cpu;
Cpu_connection cpu;
Genode::Thread_capability main_thread;
Thread_capability main_thread;
Local_cpu_session(char const *label, bool forked)
: forked(forked), cpu(label) { }
Genode::Thread_capability create_thread(Name const &name)
Thread_capability create_thread(Name const &name)
* Prevent any attempt to create more than the main
@ -277,7 +279,7 @@ namespace Noux {
if (main_thread.valid()) {
PWRN("Invalid attempt to create a thread besides main");
return Genode::Thread_capability();
return Thread_capability();
main_thread = cpu.create_thread(name);
@ -285,20 +287,20 @@ namespace Noux {
return main_thread;
void kill_thread(Genode::Thread_capability thread) {
void kill_thread(Thread_capability thread) {
cpu.kill_thread(thread); }
Genode::Thread_capability first() {
Thread_capability first() {
return cpu.first(); }
Genode::Thread_capability next(Genode::Thread_capability curr) {
Thread_capability next(Thread_capability curr) {
return cpu.next(curr); }
int set_pager(Genode::Thread_capability thread,
Genode::Pager_capability pager) {
int set_pager(Thread_capability thread,
Pager_capability pager) {
return cpu.set_pager(thread, pager); }
int start(Genode::Thread_capability thread, Genode::addr_t ip, Genode::addr_t sp)
int start(Thread_capability thread, addr_t ip, addr_t sp)
if (forked) {
PINF("defer attempt to start thread at ip 0x%lx", ip);
@ -307,23 +309,23 @@ namespace Noux {
return cpu.start(thread, ip, sp);
void pause(Genode::Thread_capability thread) {
void pause(Thread_capability thread) {
cpu.pause(thread); }
void resume(Genode::Thread_capability thread) {
void resume(Thread_capability thread) {
cpu.resume(thread); }
void cancel_blocking(Genode::Thread_capability thread) {
void cancel_blocking(Thread_capability thread) {
cpu.cancel_blocking(thread); }
int state(Genode::Thread_capability thread, Genode::Thread_state *dst) {
int state(Thread_capability thread, Thread_state *dst) {
return cpu.state(thread, dst); }
void exception_handler(Genode::Thread_capability thread,
Genode::Signal_context_capability handler) {
void exception_handler(Thread_capability thread,
Signal_context_capability handler) {
cpu.exception_handler(thread, handler); }
void single_step(Genode::Thread_capability thread, bool enable) {
void single_step(Thread_capability thread, bool enable) {
cpu.single_step(thread, enable); }
@ -331,19 +333,19 @@ namespace Noux {
* Explicity start main thread, only meaningful when
* 'forked' is true
void start_main_thread(Genode::addr_t ip, Genode::addr_t sp)
void start_main_thread(addr_t ip, addr_t sp)
cpu.start(main_thread, ip, sp);
Genode::Rpc_entrypoint ep;
Rpc_entrypoint ep;
Local_ram_session ram;
Local_cpu_session cpu;
Local_rm_session rm;
Resources(char const *label, Genode::Rpc_entrypoint &ep, bool forked)
Resources(char const *label, Rpc_entrypoint &ep, bool forked)
cpu(label, forked)
@ -377,11 +379,11 @@ namespace Noux {
* ELF binary
Genode::Dataspace_capability const _binary_ds;
Dataspace_capability const _binary_ds;
Genode::Child _child;
Genode::Service_registry * const _parent_services;
Service_registry * const _parent_services;
Init::Child_policy_enforce_labeling _labeling_policy;
Init::Child_policy_provide_rom_file _binary_policy;
@ -391,22 +393,22 @@ namespace Noux {
enum { PAGE_SIZE = 4096, PAGE_MASK = ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1) };
enum { SYSIO_DS_SIZE = PAGE_MASK & (sizeof(Sysio) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) };
Genode::Attached_ram_dataspace _sysio_ds;
Sysio * const _sysio;
Attached_ram_dataspace _sysio_ds;
Sysio * const _sysio;
Session_capability const _noux_session_cap;
struct Local_noux_service : public Genode::Service
struct Local_noux_service : public Service
Session_capability _cap;
Genode::Session_capability _cap;
* Constructor
* \param cap capability to return on session requests
Local_noux_service(Session_capability cap)
: Genode::Service(service_name()), _cap(cap) { }
Local_noux_service(Genode::Session_capability cap)
: Service(service_name()), _cap(cap) { }
Genode::Session_capability session(const char *args) { return _cap; }
void upgrade(Genode::Session_capability, const char *args) { }
@ -441,16 +443,16 @@ namespace Noux {
* or children created via execve, or
* true if the child is a fork from another child
Child(char const *name,
int pid,
Genode::Signal_receiver *sig_rec,
Vfs *vfs,
Args const &args,
char const *env,
Genode::Cap_session *cap_session,
Genode::Service_registry *parent_services,
Genode::Rpc_entrypoint &resources_ep,
bool forked)
Child(char const *name,
int pid,
Signal_receiver *sig_rec,
Vfs *vfs,
Args const &args,
char const *env,
Cap_session *cap_session,
Service_registry *parent_services,
Rpc_entrypoint &resources_ep,
bool forked)
@ -478,7 +480,7 @@ namespace Noux {
Genode::strncpy(_name, name, sizeof(_name));
strncpy(_name, name, sizeof(_name));
@ -496,10 +498,10 @@ namespace Noux {
const char *name() const { return _name; }
Genode::Service *resolve_session_request(const char *service_name,
const char *args)
Service *resolve_session_request(const char *service_name,
const char *args)
Genode::Service *service = 0;
Service *service = 0;
/* check for local ROM file requests */
if ((service = _args_policy.resolve_session_request(service_name, args))
@ -508,14 +510,14 @@ namespace Noux {
return service;
/* check for locally implemented noux service */
if (Genode::strcmp(service_name, Session::service_name()) == 0)
if (strcmp(service_name, Session::service_name()) == 0)
return &_local_noux_service;
return _parent_services->find(service_name);
void filter_session_args(const char *service,
char *args, Genode::size_t args_len)
char *args, size_t args_len)
_labeling_policy.filter_session_args(service, args, args_len);
@ -523,10 +525,10 @@ namespace Noux {
void exit(int exit_value)
PINF("child %s exited with exit value %d", _name, exit_value);
Genode::Ram_session *ref_ram_session()
Ram_session *ref_ram_session()
return &_resources.ram;
@ -536,7 +538,7 @@ namespace Noux {
** Noux session interface **
Genode::Dataspace_capability sysio_dataspace()
Dataspace_capability sysio_dataspace()
return _sysio_ds.cap();
@ -455,16 +455,16 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* create init process */
static Genode::Signal_receiver sig_rec;
init_child = new Child(name_of_init_process(),
init_child = new Noux::Child(name_of_init_process(),
static Terminal::Connection terminal;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user