mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 03:25:34 +00:00
@ -22,14 +22,16 @@
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/allocator_avl.h>
#include <base/env.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <base/registry.h>
#include <base/log.h>
#include <base/slab.h>
#include <dataspace/client.h>
#include <io_mem_session/connection.h>
#include <io_port_session/connection.h>
#include <irq_session/connection.h>
#include <legacy/x86/platform_device/client.h>
#include <legacy/x86/platform_session/connection.h>
#include <platform_session/device.h>
#include <platform_session/dma_buffer.h>
#include <rm_session/connection.h>
#include <region_map/client.h>
#include <timer_session/connection.h>
@ -43,8 +45,8 @@
/* DDE support includes */
#include <dde_ipxe/support.h>
using namespace Genode;
static Genode::Entrypoint *_global_ep;
static Genode::Env *_global_env;
static Genode::Allocator *_global_alloc;
@ -52,7 +54,6 @@ static Genode::Allocator *_global_alloc;
void dde_support_init(Genode::Env &env, Genode::Allocator &alloc)
_global_env = &env;
_global_ep = &env.ep();
_global_alloc = &alloc;
@ -142,145 +143,118 @@ extern "C" void dde_mdelay(unsigned long msecs)
** PCI handling **
struct Range { addr_t start; size_t size; };
using Io_mem = Platform::Device::Mmio;
using Io_port = Platform::Device::Io_port_range;
struct Pci_driver
enum {
CLASS_MASK = 0xff0000,
enum { BACKING_STORE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 };
Genode::Region_map &_rm;
Env & _env;
Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Platform::Connection _pci { _env };
Platform::Device _dev { _pci };
Platform::Device::Irq _irq { _dev };
Platform::Dma_buffer _dma { _pci, BACKING_STORE_SIZE, CACHED };
Constructible<Io_mem> _mmio {};
Constructible<Io_port> _io_port {};
Platform::Connection _pci;
Platform::Device_capability _cap;
Platform::Device_capability _last_cap;
Io_signal_handler<Pci_driver> _io_handler { _env.ep(), *this,
&Pci_driver::_irq_handle };
struct Region
typedef void (*irq_handler)(void*);
irq_handler _irq_handler { nullptr };
void * _irq_data { nullptr };
String<16> _name;
dde_pci_device_t _pci_info;
void _device_handle() {} /* just ignore changes here */
void _irq_handle()
Genode::addr_t base;
Genode::addr_t mapped_base;
} _region;
template <typename T>
Platform::Device::Access_size _access_size(T t)
switch (sizeof(T)) {
case 1: return Platform::Device::ACCESS_8BIT;
case 2: return Platform::Device::ACCESS_16BIT;
default: return Platform::Device::ACCESS_32BIT;
if (_irq_handler) _irq_handler(_irq_data);
void _bus_address(int *bus, int *dev, int *fun)
Pci_driver(Genode::Env &env) : _env(env)
Platform::Device_client client(_cap);
unsigned char b, d, f;
client.bus_address(&b, &d, &f);
_pci.with_xml([&] (Xml_node node) {
node.with_optional_sub_node("device", [&] (Xml_node node)
node.with_optional_sub_node("pci-config", [&] (Xml_node node)
_name = node.attribute_value("name", String<16>());
_pci_info.vendor = node.attribute_value("vendor_id", 0U);
_pci_info.device = node.attribute_value("device_id", 0U);
_pci_info.class_code = node.attribute_value("class", 0U);
_pci_info.revision = node.attribute_value("revision", 0U);
_pci_info.name = _name.string();
*bus = b;
*dev = d;
*fun = f;
node.with_optional_sub_node("io_mem", [&] (Xml_node node)
_pci_info.io_mem_addr = (addr_t)_mmio->local_addr<void>();
node.with_optional_sub_node("io_port", [&] (Xml_node node)
_pci_info.io_port_start = 0x10;
Pci_driver(Genode::Env &env, Genode::Region_map &rm)
: _rm(rm), _pci(env) { }
template <typename T>
void config_read(unsigned int devfn, T *val)
Platform::Device_client client(_cap);
*val = client.config_read(devfn, _access_size(*val));
switch (devfn) {
case 0x4: /* CMD */
*val = 0x7;
*val = 0;
template <typename T>
void config_write(unsigned int devfn, T val)
Platform::Device_client client(_cap);
void config_write(unsigned int devfn, T val) { }
_pci.with_upgrade([&] () {
client.config_write(devfn, val, _access_size(val)); });
dde_pci_device_t device() { return _pci_info; }
Range dma() {
return { (addr_t)_dma.local_addr<void>(), BACKING_STORE_SIZE }; }
Genode::addr_t virt_to_dma(Genode::addr_t virt) {
return virt - (addr_t)_dma.local_addr<void>() + _dma.dma_addr(); }
void irq(irq_handler handler, void * data)
_irq_handler = handler;
_irq_data = data;
int first_device(int *bus, int *dev, int *fun)
_cap = _pci.with_upgrade([&] () {
return _pci.first_device(CLASS_NETWORK, CLASS_MASK); });
if (!_cap.valid())
return -1;
_bus_address(bus, dev, fun);
return 0;
int next_device(int *bus, int *dev, int *fun)
int result = -1;
_last_cap = _cap;
_cap = _pci.with_upgrade([&] () {
return _pci.next_device(_cap, CLASS_NETWORK, CLASS_MASK); });
if (_cap.valid()) {
_bus_address(bus, dev, fun);
result = 0;
if (_last_cap.valid())
return result;
Genode::addr_t alloc_dma_memory(Genode::size_t size)
try {
using namespace Genode;
size_t donate = size;
Ram_dataspace_capability ram_cap =
[&] () {
return retry<Out_of_caps>(
[&] () { return _pci.alloc_dma_buffer(size, UNCACHED); },
[&] () { _pci.upgrade_caps(2); });
[&] () {
donate = donate * 2 > size ? 4096 : donate * 2;
_region.mapped_base = _rm.attach(ram_cap);
_region.base = _pci.dma_addr(ram_cap);
return _region.mapped_base;
} catch (...) {
Genode::error("failed to allocate dma memory");
return 0;
Genode::addr_t virt_to_phys(Genode::addr_t virt) {
return virt - _region.mapped_base + _region.base; }
template <typename FN>
void with_io_port(FN const & fn) {
if (_io_port.constructed()) fn(*_io_port); }
static Pci_driver& pci_drv()
static Pci_driver _pci_drv { *_global_env , _global_env->rm() };
static Pci_driver _pci_drv { *_global_env };
return _pci_drv;
extern "C" int dde_pci_first_device(int *bus, int *dev, int *fun) {
return pci_drv().first_device(bus, dev, fun); }
extern "C" int dde_pci_next_device(int *bus, int *dev, int *fun) {
return pci_drv().next_device(bus, dev, fun); }
extern "C" dde_pci_device_t dde_pci_device() { return pci_drv().device(); }
extern "C" void dde_pci_readb(int pos, dde_uint8_t *val) {
@ -311,69 +285,22 @@ extern "C" void dde_pci_writel(int pos, dde_uint32_t val) {
** Interrupt handling **
struct Irq_handler
Genode::Irq_session_client irq;
Genode::Signal_handler<Irq_handler> dispatcher;
typedef void (*irq_handler)(void*);
irq_handler handler;
void *priv;
void handle()
Irq_handler(Genode::Entrypoint &ep, Genode::Irq_session_capability cap,
irq_handler handler, void *priv)
irq(cap), dispatcher(ep, *this, &Irq_handler::handle),
handler(handler), priv(priv)
/* intial ack so that we will receive IRQ signals */
extern "C" int dde_interrupt_attach(void(*handler)(void *), void *priv)
static Genode::Constructible<Irq_handler> _irq_handler;
if (_irq_handler.constructed()) {
Genode::error("Irq_handler already registered");
return -1;
try {
Platform::Device_client device(pci_drv()._cap);
_irq_handler.construct(*_global_ep, device.irq(0), handler, priv);
} catch (...) { return -1; }
return 0;
extern "C" void dde_interrupt_attach(void(*handler)(void *), void *priv) {
pci_drv().irq(handler, priv); }
** Support for aligned and DMA memory allocation **
enum { BACKING_STORE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 };
struct Backing_store
Genode::Allocator_avl _avl;
Backing_store (Genode::Allocator &alloc) : _avl(&alloc)
Genode::addr_t base = pci_drv().alloc_dma_memory(BACKING_STORE_SIZE);
/* add to allocator */
_avl.add_range(base, BACKING_STORE_SIZE);
Range r = pci_drv().dma();
_avl.add_range(r.start, r.size);
@ -407,55 +334,43 @@ extern "C" void dde_dma_free(void *p, dde_size_t size) {
extern "C" dde_addr_t dde_dma_get_physaddr(void *virt) {
return pci_drv().virt_to_phys((Genode::addr_t)virt); }
return pci_drv().virt_to_dma((Genode::addr_t)virt); }
** I/O port **
static Genode::Constructible<Genode::Io_port_session_client> & io_port()
extern "C" dde_uint8_t dde_inb(dde_addr_t port)
static Genode::Constructible<Genode::Io_port_session_client> _io_port;
return _io_port;
dde_uint8_t v;
pci_drv().with_io_port([&] (Io_port & iop) { v = iop.inb(port); });
return v;
extern "C" void dde_request_io(dde_uint8_t virt_bar_ioport)
extern "C" dde_uint16_t dde_inw(dde_addr_t port)
using namespace Genode;
if (io_port().constructed()) { io_port().destruct(); }
Platform::Device_client device(pci_drv()._cap);
Io_port_session_capability cap = device.io_port(virt_bar_ioport);
dde_uint16_t v;
pci_drv().with_io_port([&] (Io_port & iop) { v = iop.inw(port); });
return v;
extern "C" dde_uint8_t dde_inb(dde_addr_t port) {
return io_port()->inb(port); }
extern "C" dde_uint16_t dde_inw(dde_addr_t port) {
return io_port()->inw(port); }
extern "C" dde_uint32_t dde_inl(dde_addr_t port) {
return io_port()->inl(port); }
extern "C" dde_uint32_t dde_inl(dde_addr_t port)
dde_uint32_t v;
pci_drv().with_io_port([&] (Io_port & iop) { v = iop.inl(port); });
return v;
extern "C" void dde_outb(dde_addr_t port, dde_uint8_t data) {
io_port()->outb(port, data); }
pci_drv().with_io_port([&] (Io_port & iop) { iop.outb(port, data); }); }
extern "C" void dde_outw(dde_addr_t port, dde_uint16_t data) {
io_port()->outw(port, data); }
pci_drv().with_io_port([&] (Io_port & iop) { iop.outw(port, data); }); }
extern "C" void dde_outl(dde_addr_t port, dde_uint32_t data) {
io_port()->outl(port, data); }
pci_drv().with_io_port([&] (Io_port & iop) { iop.outl(port, data); }); }
@ -671,74 +586,15 @@ extern "C" void dde_slab_free(void *p) {
** I/O memory **
struct Io_memory
Genode::Io_mem_session_client _mem;
Genode::Io_mem_dataspace_capability _mem_ds;
Genode::addr_t _vaddr;
Io_memory(Genode::Region_map &rm,
Genode::addr_t base, Genode::Io_mem_session_capability cap)
if (!_mem_ds.valid())
throw Genode::Exception();
_vaddr = rm.attach(_mem_ds);
_vaddr |= base & 0xfff;
Genode::addr_t vaddr() const { return _vaddr; }
static Genode::Constructible<Io_memory> & io_mem()
static Genode::Constructible<Io_memory> _io_mem;
return _io_mem;
extern "C" int dde_request_iomem(dde_addr_t start, dde_addr_t *vaddr)
if (io_mem().constructed()) {
Genode::error("Io_memory already requested");
return -1;
Platform::Device_client device(pci_drv()._cap);
Genode::Io_mem_session_capability cap;
Genode::uint8_t virt_iomem_bar = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Platform::Device::NUM_RESOURCES; i++) {
Platform::Device::Resource res = device.resource(i);
if (res.type() == Platform::Device::Resource::MEMORY) {
if (res.base() == start) {
cap = device.io_mem(virt_iomem_bar);
virt_iomem_bar ++;
if (!cap.valid()) { return -1; }
try {
io_mem().construct(_global_env->rm(), start, cap);
} catch (...) { return -1; }
*vaddr = io_mem()->vaddr();
* We just return the virtual address as physical one,
* because io_mem address announced was already a virtual one
*vaddr = start;
return 0;
extern "C" int dde_release_iomem(dde_addr_t start, dde_size_t size)
try {
return 0;
} catch (...) { return -1; }
extern "C" int dde_release_iomem(dde_addr_t start, dde_size_t size) { return 0; }
@ -72,15 +72,26 @@ void dde_lock_leave(void);
** Interrupt handling **
int dde_interrupt_attach(void (*handler)(void *), void *priv);
void dde_interrupt_attach(void (*handler)(void *), void *priv);
** PCI handling **
int dde_pci_first_device(int *, int *, int *);
int dde_pci_next_device(int *, int *, int *);
struct dde_pci_device_info
const char * name;
unsigned short vendor;
unsigned short device;
unsigned int class_code;
unsigned int revision;
unsigned long io_mem_addr;
unsigned short io_port_start;
typedef struct dde_pci_device_info dde_pci_device_t;
dde_pci_device_t dde_pci_device(void);
void dde_pci_readb(int, dde_uint8_t *);
void dde_pci_readw(int, dde_uint16_t *);
@ -94,8 +105,6 @@ void dde_pci_writel(int, dde_uint32_t);
** I/O port **
void dde_request_io(dde_uint8_t);
dde_uint8_t dde_inb(dde_addr_t);
dde_uint16_t dde_inw(dde_addr_t);
dde_uint32_t dde_inl(dde_addr_t);
@ -54,34 +54,6 @@ static struct pci_driver *pci_drivers[] = {
* Update BARs of PCI device
static void pci_read_bases(struct pci_device *pci_dev)
uint32_t bar;
int reg;
uint8_t virt_bar_ioport = 0;
for (reg = PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0; reg <= PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_5; reg += 4) {
pci_read_config_dword(pci_dev, reg, &bar);
if (!pci_dev->ioaddr) {
pci_dev->ioaddr = bar & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_IO_MASK;
virt_bar_ioport ++;
} else {
if (!pci_dev->membase)
pci_dev->membase = bar & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_MASK;
/* Skip next BAR if 64-bit */
reg += 4;
* Probe one PCI device
@ -125,52 +97,34 @@ enum { NO_DEVICE_FOUND = ~0U };
static unsigned scan_pci(void)
int ret, bus = 0, dev = 0, fun = 0;
for (ret = dde_pci_first_device(&bus, &dev, &fun);
ret == 0;
ret = dde_pci_next_device(&bus, &dev, &fun)) {
dde_pci_device_t dev = dde_pci_device();
struct pci_device *pci_dev = zalloc(sizeof(*pci_dev));
dde_uint32_t class_code;
dde_pci_readl(PCI_CLASS_REVISION, &class_code);
class_code >>= 8;
LOG("Found: %s %04x:%04x (rev %02x)",
dev.name, dev.vendor, dev.device, dev.revision);
dde_uint16_t vendor, device;
dde_pci_readw(PCI_VENDOR_ID, &vendor);
dde_pci_readw(PCI_DEVICE_ID, &device);
dde_uint8_t rev, irq;
dde_pci_readb(PCI_REVISION_ID, &rev);
dde_pci_readb(PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, &irq);
LOG("Found: " FMT_BUSDEVFN " %04x:%04x (rev %02x) IRQ %02x",
bus, dev, fun, vendor, device, rev, irq);
pci_dev->busdevfn = PCI_BUSDEVFN(0, 1, 0);
pci_dev->vendor = dev.vendor;
pci_dev->device = dev.device;
pci_dev->class = dev.class_code;
pci_dev->membase = dev.io_mem_addr;
pci_dev->ioaddr = dev.io_port_start;
pci_dev->irq = 32;
struct pci_device *pci_dev = zalloc(sizeof(*pci_dev));
pci_dev->dev.desc.bus_type = BUS_TYPE_PCI;
pci_dev->dev.desc.location = pci_dev->busdevfn;
pci_dev->dev.desc.vendor = pci_dev->vendor;
pci_dev->dev.desc.device = pci_dev->device;
pci_dev->dev.desc.class = pci_dev->class;
pci_dev->dev.desc.ioaddr = pci_dev->ioaddr;
pci_dev->dev.desc.irq = pci_dev->irq;
pci_dev->busdevfn = PCI_BUSDEVFN(bus, dev, fun);
pci_dev->vendor = vendor;
pci_dev->device = device;
pci_dev->class = class_code;
pci_dev->irq = irq;
pci_dev->dev.desc.bus_type = BUS_TYPE_PCI;
pci_dev->dev.desc.location = pci_dev->busdevfn;
pci_dev->dev.desc.vendor = pci_dev->vendor;
pci_dev->dev.desc.device = pci_dev->device;
pci_dev->dev.desc.class = pci_dev->class;
pci_dev->dev.desc.ioaddr = pci_dev->ioaddr;
pci_dev->dev.desc.irq = pci_dev->irq;
/* we found our device -> break loop */
if (!probe_pci_device(pci_dev))
return pci_dev->dev.desc.location;
/* free device if no driver was found */
/* we found our device -> break loop */
if (!probe_pci_device(pci_dev))
return pci_dev->dev.desc.location;
/* free device if no driver was found */
@ -348,11 +302,7 @@ int dde_ipxe_nic_init()
/* initialize IRQ handler */
int err = dde_interrupt_attach(irq_handler, 0);
if (err) {
LOG("attaching to IRQ %02x failed", net_dev->dev->desc.irq);
return 0;
dde_interrupt_attach(irq_handler, 0);
netdev_irq(net_dev, 1);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user