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synced 2025-02-01 00:45:29 +00:00
Improvements of parse_cxx tool
This patch improves the C++ parser to accommodate the tools for generating the functional specification from source code: * Added support for class definitions prefixed with a namespace as promoted by Genode's coding style. * Improves robustness of the parsing of function arguments by considering nameless arguments in function declarations, default values, varargs. * Consider const qualfiers in return types. * Added support for the override, constexpr keywords. * Parsing of overloaded operators. * Improved handling of type definitions. * Added parsing of template arguments. * Handling of template constructors.
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,16 +45,6 @@ if {[catch {
# do not stop parsing (this variable is only used for debugging)
set stop 0
# Detect occurence of magic characters that we
# use to mark substitutions in the syntax tree.
if {[regexp {[§³°]} $txt(0) magic_char]} {
puts stderr "Error: Source code contains reserved character '$magic_char'."
puts stderr " The following characters are reserved: '§', '³', '°'"
exit -1;
# Replace all '&' characters from the original input
# because they cause trouble with the regexp command.
@ -336,7 +326,7 @@ foreach keyword {
using namespace class struct union enum template
const inline static virtual friend explicit
volatile case default operator new throw
try catch continue sizeof asm
try catch continue sizeof asm override typename constexpr
@ -365,55 +355,55 @@ extract tplargs {<[^<>{}]*>$} {content block parenblk}
extract tplargs {<[^<>{}]*>(?=[^>])} {content block parenblk}
# extract special characters
extract equal {==} {content block parenblk}
extract assignopplus {\+=} {content block parenblk}
extract assignopminus {\-=} {content block parenblk}
extract assignopmult {\*=} {content block parenblk}
extract assignopdiv {\/=} {content block parenblk}
extract assignopmod {%=} {content block parenblk}
extract assignopbitor {\|=} {content block parenblk}
extract assignopbitand {³=} {content block parenblk}
extract assignopbitxor {\^=} {content block parenblk}
extract assignopneq {\!=} {content block parenblk}
extract assignoplshift {<<=} {content block parenblk}
extract assignoprshift {>>=} {content block parenblk}
extract incr {\+\+} {content block parenblk}
extract decr {\-\-} {content block parenblk}
extract doublecolon {::} {content block parenblk}
extract or {\|\|} {content block parenblk}
extract bitor {\|} {content block parenblk}
extract and {³³} {content block parenblk}
extract amper {³} {content block parenblk}
extract plus {\+} {content block parenblk}
extract div {\/} {content block parenblk}
extract star {\*} {content block parenblk}
extract notequal {\!=} {content block parenblk}
extract not {\!} {content block parenblk}
extract deref {\->} {content block parenblk}
extract dot {\.} {content block parenblk}
extract tilde {~} {content block parenblk}
extract lshift {<<} {content block parenblk}
extract rshift {>>} {content block parenblk}
extract greaterequal {>=} {content block parenblk}
extract lessequal {<=} {content block parenblk}
extract greater {>} {content block parenblk}
extract less {<} {content block parenblk}
extract minus {\-} {content block parenblk}
extract mod {%} {content block parenblk}
extract xor {\^} {content block parenblk}
extract question {\?} {content block parenblk}
extract comma {,} {content block parenblk}
extract assign {=} {content block parenblk}
extract equal {==} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract assignopplus {\+=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract assignopminus {\-=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract assignopmult {\*=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract assignopdiv {\/=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract assignopmod {%=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract assignopbitor {\|=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract assignopbitand {³=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract assignopbitxor {\^=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract assignopneq {\!=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract assignoplshift {<<=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract assignoprshift {>>=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract incr {\+\+} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract decr {\-\-} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract doublecolon {::} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract or {\|\|} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract bitor {\|} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract and {³³} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract amper {³} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract plus {\+} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract div {\/} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract star {\*} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract notequal {\!=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract not {\!} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract deref {\->} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract dot {\.} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract tilde {~} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract lshift {<<} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract rshift {>>} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract greaterequal {>=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract lessequal {<=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract greater {>} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract less {<} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract minus {\-} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract mod {%} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract xor {\^} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract question {\?} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract comma {,} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract assign {=} {content block parenblk tplargs}
extract attribute {__attribute__\s*§parenblk\d+°} {content block parenblk}
# extract identifiers
extract identifier {([\w_][\w\d_]*)+(?=[^°]*(§|$))} {content parenblk block}
extract identifier {([\w_][\w\d_]*)+(?=[^°]*(§|$))} {content parenblk block tplargs}
extract identifier {§quotedchar\d+°} {content parenblk block}
extract identifier {§quotedchar\d+°} {content parenblk block tplargs}
# merge template arguments with the predecessing identifier
extract identifier {§identifier\d+°\s*§tplargs\d+°} {content block parenblk}
extract identifier {§identifier\d+°\s*§tplargs\d+°} {content block parenblk tplargs}
# extract using namespace
extract using {§keyusing\d+°\s*§keynamespace\d+°\s*§identifier\d+°\s*;} {content block}
@ -426,10 +416,10 @@ extract identifier {
# extract namespaced identifiers
extract identifier {§identifier\d+°\s*§doublecolon\d+°\s*§identifier\d+°} block
extract identifier {§identifier\d+°\s*§doublecolon\d+°\s*§identifier\d+°} {content block}
# extract identifiers in the root namespace
extract identifier {§doublecolon\d+°\s*§identifier\d+°} block
extract identifier {§doublecolon\d+°\s*§identifier\d+°} {content block}
extract whilecond {§keywhile\d+°\s*§parenblk\d+°} block
extract forcond {§keyfor\d+°\s*§parenblk\d+°} block
@ -503,12 +493,13 @@ extract operatorfunction {
extract funcptr {§parenblk\d+°\s*§parenblk\d+°(\s*§attribute\d+°)?} {content classblock block identifier parenblk}
extract function {§identifier\d+°\s*§parenblk\d+°(\s*§attribute\d+°)?} {content classblock block initializer}
extract operator {§keyoperator\d+°\s*§[^ ]+\d+°} operatorfunction
extract destfunction {(§identifier\d+°§doublecolon\d+°)?§tilde\d+°§identifier\d+°\s*§parenblk\d+°} {content classblock}
extract identifier {(§identifier\d+°§doublecolon\d+°)?§tilde\d+°§identifier\d+°} destfunction
extract identifier {§identifier\d+°\s*§parenblk\d+°} {parenblk block identifier initializer}
extract identifier {§identifier\d+°\s*§parenblk\d+°} {parenblk block identifier initializer tplargs}
extract identifier {§parenblk\d+°} {parenblk block}
#extract_operations parenblk
# extract arrays
extract array {(§identifier\d+°\s*)(§arrayindex\d+°\s*)+} {content classblock block}
@ -530,18 +521,15 @@ extract identifier {
extract return {§keyreturn\d+°[^;]*} {block}
# extract modifiers
extract modifier {(§key(extern|externc|const|static|inline|virtual|volatile)\d+°\s*)+} {content classblock block}
extract modifier {(§key(extern|externc|constexpr|static|inline|virtual|volatile)\d+°\s*)+} {content classblock block}
# extract function declarations
extract funcdecl {(§mlcomment\d+° *\n[ \t]*)?(§(modifier|keyunsigned)\d+°\s*)*§(identifier|keyunsigned)\d+°(\s|(§amper\d+°)|(§star\d+°))*§(operator)?function\d+°\s*(§modifier\d+°\s*)*(§assign\d+°\s*§identifier\d+°)?\s*;} {content block classblock}
extract funcdecl {(§mlcomment\d+° *\n[ \t]*)?(§(modifier|keyunsigned|keyconst)\d+°\s*)*§(identifier|keyunsigned|keyconst)\d+°(\s|(§amper\d+°)|(§star\d+°))*§(operator)?function\d+°\s*(§(keyconst|keyoverride)\d+°\s*)*(§assign\d+°\s*§identifier\d+°)?\s*;} {content block classblock}
# extract function implementations
extract funcimpl {(§mlcomment\d+° *\n[ \t]*)?(§(modifier|keyunsigned)\d+°\s*)?§(identifier|keyunsigned)\d+°(\s|(§amper\d+°)|(§star\d+°))*§(operator)?function\d+°\s*(§modifier\d+°\s*)?§block\d+°[;\t ]*} {content block classblock}
extract funcimpl {(§mlcomment\d+° *\n[ \t]*)?(§(modifier|keyunsigned|keyconst)\d+°\s*)*(§(identifier|keyunsigned|keyconst)\d+°\s*)+(\s|(§amper\d+°)|(§star\d+°))*§(operator)?function\d+°\s*(§(keyconst|keyoverride)\d+°\s*)*§block\d+°[;\t ]*} {content block classblock}
extract funcimpl {(§mlcomment\d+° *\n[ \t]*)?§operatorfunction\d+°\s*(§modifier\d+°\s*)?§block\d+°[;\t ]*} {content block classblock}
# extract function implementations
extract funcimpl {(§mlcomment\d+° *\n[ \t]*)?(§(modifier|keyunsigned)\d+°\s*)?§(identifier|keyunsigned)\d+°(\s|(§amper\d+°)|(§star\d+°))*§(operator)?function\d+°\s*(§modifier\d+°\s*)?§block\d+°[;\t ]*} {content block classblock}
# extract template functions
extract tplfunc {(§mlcomment\d+° *\n[ \t]*)?§keytemplate\d+°\s*§tplargs\d+°\s*§funcimpl\d+°} {content block classblock}
@ -555,6 +543,9 @@ refine_sub_tokens destimpl destfunction function
# extract constructor implementations
extract constimpl {(§mlcomment\d+° *\n[ \t]*)?(§(modifier|keyexplicit)\d+°\s*)*§function\d+°\s*(§initializer\d+°\s*)?\s*§block\d+°[;\t ]*} {content classblock}
# extract template constructors
extract tplfunc {(§mlcomment\d+° *\n[ \t]*)?§keytemplate\d+°\s*§tplargs\d+°\s*§constimpl\d+°} {content block classblock}
# extract destructor declarations
extract destdecl {(§mlcomment\d+° *\n[ \t]*)?(§modifier\d+°\s*)?§tilde\d+°§function\d+°\s*(§assign\d+°\s+§identifier\d+°)?\s*;} {classblock}
@ -568,29 +559,43 @@ extract frienddecl {
foreach env_type [list destdecl constdecl destimpl constimpl funcimpl funcdecl] {
refine_sub_tokens $env_type function funcsignature }
refine_sub_tokens funcsignature parenblk argparenblk
refine_sub_tokens operatorfunction parenblk argparenblk
extract_operations parenblk
extract modifier {(§key(const|volatile)\d+°\s*)+} {argparenblk}
extract argmodifier {(§key(const|volatile)\d+°\s*)+} {argparenblk}
# extract pure-virtual assignments
extract virtassign {§assign\d+°\s+§identifier\d+°} funcdecl
# extract return values
extract retval {(§keyunsigned\d+°\s*)*(§(identifier|keyunsigned)\d+°)(\s|(§amper\d+°)|(§star\d+°))*} {funcdecl funcimpl}
extract identifier {§keyunsigned\d+°\s*(§identifier\d+°)?} {retval}
extract retval {(§(identifier|keyunsigned|keyconst|star|amper)\d+°\s*)+(?=§funcsignature)} {funcdecl funcimpl}
extract retval {(§(identifier|keyunsigned|keyconst|star|amper)\d+°\s*)+(?=§operatorfunction)} {funcdecl funcimpl}
extract identifier {§(keyunsigned|keyconst)\d+°\s*(§identifier\d+°)?} {retval}
# extract single argument declarations within argument-parenthesis blocks
extract argdecl {(§(modifier|keyunsigned)\d+°\s*)*(§(identifier|keyunsigned)\d+°)(\s|(§amper\d+°)|(§star\d+°))*(§modifier\d+°\s*)*§identifier\d+°} {argparenblk tplargs}
# extract argument declarations separated by commas
refine_sub_tokens tplargs greater closeparen
refine_sub_tokens tplargs less openparen
extract varargs {(§dot\d+°){3}} {argparenblk tplargs}
extract keytypename {§keytypename\d+°\s*§varargs\d+°} tplargs
extract argname {§identifier\d+°$} {argdecl}
extract argtype {^(§(modifier|keyunsigned)\d+°\s*)*(§(identifier|keyunsigned)\d+°)(\s|(§amper\d+°)|(§star\d+°))*(§modifier\d+°\s*)*} {argdecl}
extract argdecl {(§(argmodifier|keytypename|keyunsigned|identifier|tilde|minus|amper|star|and|varargs|assign|string)\d+°\s*)+(?=§comma)} {argparenblk tplargs}
extract argdecl {(§(argmodifier|keytypename|keyunsigned|identifier|tilde|minus|amper|star|and|varargs|assign|string)\d+°\s*)+(?=§closeparen)} {argparenblk tplargs}
extract argdefault {§assign\d+°.*} argdecl
# extract argument-declaration types
extract argdecltype {^§(identifier|keyunsigned)\d+°(\s|(§amper\d+°)|(§star\d+°))*} argdecl
extract argname {§identifier\d+°\s*(?=§argdefault)} {argdecl}
# there may be just a type and no name
extract argtype {^\s*§identifier\d+°\s*$} {argdecl}
# the last identifier is the name
extract argname {§identifier\d+°\s*$} {argdecl}
extract argtype {^(§(argmodifier|keyunsigned)\d+°\s*)*(§(identifier|keytypename|varargs|keyunsigned)\d+°)(\s*|(§(amper|and|argmodifier)\d+°)|(§star\d+°))*(§argmodifier\d+°\s*)*(§varargs\d+°)?} argdecl
# extract typedefs
extract typedef {(§mlcomment\d+° *\n[ \t]*)?§keytypedef\d+°(\s*§identifier\d+°)+\s*;} {content classblock block}
extract typedef {(§mlcomment\d+° *\n[ \t]*)?§keytypedef\d+°(\s*§(identifier|keyunsigned)\d+°)+\s*;} {content classblock block}
extract typename {§identifier\d+°(?=;)} typedef
extract identifier {(\s*§(identifier|keyunsigned)\d+°){2,}} typedef
extract identifier {\s*§keyunsigned\d+°} typedef
# extract function pointers
extract vardecl {(§(modifier|keyunsigned)\d+°\s*)*(§(identifier|keyunsigned)\d+°)((\s|(§amper\d+°)|(§star\d+°))*(§modifier\d+°\s*)*(§funcptr\d+°)\s*(:\s*§identifier\d+°)?\s*(§assign\d+°[^;]*?)?\s*(§comma\d+°)?\s*)+;} {content classblock block}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user