depot/publish: let gpg overwrite .sig files

Without this change gpg aborted with

  gpg: Sorry, no terminal at all requested - can't get input

and after adding --batch onlye with

  gpg: signing failed: File exists
This commit is contained in:
Christian Helmuth 2023-10-09 08:45:07 +02:00
parent 794b178032
commit 66c2c74147

@ -126,7 +126,8 @@ MISSING_PUBKEY_FILES := $(sort \
$(if $(call pubkey_path,$A),,\
$(call pubkey_filename,$A))))
_gpg_sign_target = $(GPG) --detach-sign --digest-algo SHA256 --no-tty --use-agent \
_gpg_sign_target = $(GPG) --detach-sign --digest-algo SHA256 \
--batch --yes --no-tty --use-agent \
--local-user $(call pubkey_id,$*) --output $@ < $< || \
( rm -f $@; false )