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synced 2025-02-20 17:52:52 +00:00
intel_fb_drv: make buffering mandatory
Instead of providing a buffer to the client and blitting from that to the "real" framebuffer as an option, with this commit we always do so. Thereby its possible to immediately destroy the old framebuffer used by hardware when a configuration change is done, and a new framebuffer is used. This also simplifies the modesetting. Moreover, this commit fixes an issue when not using the connector reporting. Until now the initial mode detection of connectors was only done when the report was created. this is a regression that entered the driver when upgrading to the recent Linux kernel version. Ref #1997
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ append config {
<inline name="fb_drv.config">
<config buffered="yes">
<report connectors="yes"/>
@ -26,15 +26,6 @@ this case it will also change the current virtual resolution to the maximum of
the configured resolutions in width and height, and it will inform its client
about the change in resolution.
It is possible to run the driver in 'buffered' mode, which means it does not
export the framebuffer memory directly to the client, but provides a simple RAM
dataspace instead. The copying from the RAM dataspace to the framebuffer memory
is done by the framebuffer driver when triggered by a refresh operation. This
option can alleviate tearing effects, and has to be enabled via the
configuration like this:
! <config buffered="yes"/>
If you experience problems like hotplugging of connectors does not work, you
can force the driver to poll frequently for hotplug events by defining a period
in milliseconds like this:
@ -42,18 +42,20 @@ class Framebuffer::Driver
struct Configuration {
int height = 16;
int width = 64;
unsigned bpp = 2;
Genode::Dataspace_capability cap;
void * addr = nullptr;
Genode::size_t size = 0;
drm_framebuffer * lx_obj = nullptr;
} _config;
Session_component &_session;
Timer::Connection _timer;
Genode::Signal_handler<Driver> _poll_handler;
int _height = 0;
int _width = 0;
static constexpr unsigned _bytes_per_pixel = 2;
void *_new_fb_ds_base = nullptr;
void *_cur_fb_ds_base = nullptr;
Genode::uint64_t _cur_fb_ds_size = 0;
drm_framebuffer *_new_fb = nullptr;
drm_framebuffer *_cur_fb = nullptr;
unsigned long _poll_ms = false;
unsigned long _poll_ms = 0;
drm_display_mode * _preferred_mode(drm_connector *connector);
@ -65,19 +67,16 @@ class Framebuffer::Driver
: _session(session), _timer(env),
_poll_handler(env.ep(), *this, &Driver::_poll) {}
int width() const { return _width; }
int height() const { return _height; }
unsigned bpp() const { return _bytes_per_pixel; }
Genode::size_t size() const {
return _width * _height * _bytes_per_pixel; }
int width() const { return _config.width; }
int height() const { return _config.height; }
int bpp() const { return _config.bpp; }
Genode::Dataspace_capability dataspace() const {
return _config.cap; }
void finish_initialization();
void set_polling(unsigned long poll);
bool mode_changed();
void update_mode();
void generate_report();
void free_framebuffer();
Genode::Dataspace_capability dataspace();
@ -91,45 +90,20 @@ class Framebuffer::Session_component : public Genode::Rpc_object<Session>
Genode::Attached_rom_dataspace &_config;
Genode::Signal_context_capability _mode_sigh;
Timer::Connection _timer;
bool _buffered;
Lazy<Genode::Attached_dataspace> _fb_ds;
Lazy<Genode::Attached_ram_dataspace> _bb_ds;
bool _in_update = false;
bool _buffered_from_config() {
return _config.xml().attribute_value("buffered", false); }
Genode::Ram_session &_ram;
Genode::Attached_ram_dataspace _bb_ds;
bool _in_mode_change = true;
unsigned long _polling_from_config() {
return _config.xml().attribute_value<unsigned long>("poll", 0); }
void _refresh_buffered(int x, int y, int w, int h)
using namespace Genode;
int width = _driver.width(), height = _driver.height();
unsigned bpp = _driver.bpp();
/* clip specified coordinates against screen boundaries */
int x2 = min(x + w - 1, width - 1),
y2 = min(y + h - 1, height - 1);
int x1 = max(x, 0),
y1 = max(y, 0);
if (x1 > x2 || y1 > y2) return;
/* copy pixels from back buffer to physical frame buffer */
char *src = _bb_ds->local_addr<char>() + bpp*(width*y1 + x1),
*dst = _fb_ds->local_addr<char>() + bpp*(width*y1 + x1);
blit(src, bpp*width, dst, bpp*width,
bpp*(x2 - x1 + 1), y2 - y1 + 1);
Session_component(Genode::Env &env,
Genode::Attached_rom_dataspace &config)
: _driver(env, *this), _config(config), _timer(env),
_buffered(_buffered_from_config()) {}
_ram(env.ram()), _bb_ds(env.ram(), env.rm(), 0) {}
Driver & driver() { return _driver; }
@ -138,13 +112,19 @@ class Framebuffer::Session_component : public Genode::Rpc_object<Session>
if (!_config.valid()) return;
_in_update = true;
_buffered = _buffered_from_config();
if (_driver.mode_changed() && _mode_sigh.valid())
_in_mode_change = true;
if (_driver.dataspace().valid())
_in_update = false;
if (_mode_sigh.valid())
Genode::Xml_node config() { return _config.xml(); }
@ -156,28 +136,9 @@ class Framebuffer::Session_component : public Genode::Rpc_object<Session>
Genode::Dataspace_capability dataspace() override
_in_update = false;
if (_fb_ds.constructed())
if (!_fb_ds.is_constructed())
PERR("framebuffer dataspace not initialized");
if (_buffered) {
if (_bb_ds.is_constructed())
_bb_ds.construct(Genode::env()->ram_session(), _driver.size());
if (!_bb_ds.is_constructed()) {
PERR("buffered mode enabled, but buffer not initialized");
return Genode::Dataspace_capability();
return _bb_ds->cap();
return _fb_ds->cap();
_bb_ds.realloc(&_ram, _driver.width()*_driver.height()*_driver.bpp());
_in_mode_change = false;
return _bb_ds.cap();
Mode mode() const override {
@ -192,8 +153,32 @@ class Framebuffer::Session_component : public Genode::Rpc_object<Session>
void refresh(int x, int y, int w, int h) override {
if (_buffered && !_in_update) _refresh_buffered(x, y, w, h); }
void refresh(int x, int y, int w, int h) override
using namespace Genode;
if (!_fb_ds.constructed() ||
!_bb_ds.local_addr<void>() ||
_in_mode_change) return;
int width = _driver.width();
int height = _driver.height();
unsigned bpp = _driver.bpp();
/* clip specified coordinates against screen boundaries */
int x2 = min(x + w - 1, width - 1),
y2 = min(y + h - 1, height - 1);
int x1 = max(x, 0),
y1 = max(y, 0);
if (x1 > x2 || y1 > y2) return;
/* copy pixels from back buffer to physical frame buffer */
char *src = _bb_ds.local_addr<char>() + bpp*(width*y1 + x1),
*dst = _fb_ds->local_addr<char>() + bpp*(width*y1 + x1);
blit(src, bpp*width, dst, bpp*width,
bpp*(x2 - x1 + 1), y2 - y1 + 1);
@ -165,120 +165,82 @@ void Framebuffer::Driver::set_polling(unsigned long poll)
bool Framebuffer::Driver::mode_changed()
void Framebuffer::Driver::update_mode()
using namespace Genode;
int width = 0, height = 0;
Configuration old = _config;
_config = Configuration();
dde_for_each_connector(dde_drm_device, [&] (drm_connector *c) {
drm_display_mode * mode = _preferred_mode(c);
if (!mode) return;
if (mode->hdisplay > width) width = mode->hdisplay;
if (mode->vdisplay > height) height = mode->vdisplay;
if (mode->hdisplay > _config.width) _config.width = mode->hdisplay;
if (mode->vdisplay > _config.height) _config.height = mode->vdisplay;
if (width == _width && height == _height) return false;
_config.lx_obj =
dde_c_allocate_framebuffer(_config.width, _config.height, &_config.addr,
(uint64_t*)&_config.size, dde_drm_device);
_config.cap = _config.addr ? Lx::ioremap_lookup((addr_t)_config.addr, _config.size)
: Genode::Dataspace_capability();
drm_framebuffer *fb =
dde_c_allocate_framebuffer(width, height, &_new_fb_ds_base,
&_cur_fb_ds_size, dde_drm_device);
if (!fb) {
Genode::error("failed to allocate framebuffer ", width, "x", height);
return false;
Drm_guard guard(dde_drm_device);
dde_for_each_connector(dde_drm_device, [&] (drm_connector *c) {
dde_c_set_mode(dde_drm_device, c, _config.lx_obj,
_preferred_mode(c)); });
Drm_guard guard(dde_drm_device);
dde_for_each_connector(dde_drm_device, [&] (drm_connector *c) {
dde_c_set_mode(dde_drm_device, c, fb,
_preferred_mode(c)); });
_new_fb = fb;
_width = width;
_height = height;
return true;
void Framebuffer::Driver::free_framebuffer()
_cur_fb_ds_base = nullptr;
void dde_run_fb_destroy(void * data)
Framebuffer::Driver * drv = (Framebuffer::Driver*) data;
while (true) Lx::scheduler().current()->block_and_schedule();
Genode::Dataspace_capability Framebuffer::Driver::dataspace()
using namespace Genode;
if (_cur_fb_ds_base) {
Lx::Task task(dde_run_fb_destroy, this, "fb_destroy",
Lx::Task::PRIORITY_3, Lx::scheduler());
while (_cur_fb_ds_base) Lx::scheduler().schedule();
_cur_fb = _new_fb;
_cur_fb_ds_base = _new_fb_ds_base;
return Lx::ioremap_lookup((addr_t)_cur_fb_ds_base,
if (old.addr) Lx::iounmap(old.addr);
if (old.lx_obj) old.lx_obj->funcs->destroy(old.lx_obj);
void Framebuffer::Driver::generate_report()
static Genode::Reporter reporter("connectors");
Drm_guard guard(dde_drm_device);
/* detect mode information per connector */
struct drm_connector *c;
list_for_each_entry(c, &dde_drm_device->mode_config.connector_list,
if (list_empty(&c->modes)) c->funcs->fill_modes(c, 0, 0);
/* check for report configuration option */
static Genode::Reporter reporter("connectors");
try {
.attribute_value(reporter.name().string(), false));
} catch (...) {
if (!reporter.is_enabled()) return;
/* write new report */
try {
Genode::Reporter::Xml_generator xml(reporter, [&] ()
struct drm_device *dev = dde_drm_device;
struct drm_connector *connector;
struct list_head panel_list;
Drm_guard guard(dev);
list_for_each_entry(connector, &dev->mode_config.connector_list, head) {
struct drm_connector *c;
list_for_each_entry(c, &dde_drm_device->mode_config.connector_list,
head) {
xml.node("connector", [&] ()
if (list_empty(&connector->modes))
connector->funcs->fill_modes(connector, 0, 0);
bool connected = connector->status == connector_status_connected;
xml.attribute("name", connector->name);
bool connected = c->status == connector_status_connected;
xml.attribute("name", c->name);
xml.attribute("connected", connected);
if (!connected) return;
struct drm_display_mode *mode;
struct list_head mode_list;
list_for_each_entry(mode, &connector->modes, head) {
list_for_each_entry(mode, &c->modes, head) {
xml.node("mode", [&] ()
xml.attribute("width", mode->hdisplay);
xml.attribute("width", mode->hdisplay);
xml.attribute("height", mode->vdisplay);
xml.attribute("hz", mode->vrefresh);
xml.attribute("hz", mode->vrefresh);
@ -289,6 +251,7 @@ void Framebuffer::Driver::generate_report()
extern "C" {
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ dde_c_allocate_framebuffer(int width, int height, void ** base,
r->pixel_format = DRM_FORMAT_RGB565;
r->pitches[0] = width * 2;
fb = dde_c_intel_framebuffer_create(dev, r, obj);
if (!fb) goto err2;
if (IS_ERR(fb)) goto err2;
if (intel_pin_and_fence_fb_obj(NULL, fb, NULL, NULL, NULL))
goto err1;
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ dde_c_allocate_framebuffer(int width, int height, void ** base,
fb = NULL;
fb = NULL;
@ -68,8 +68,7 @@ struct Main
void announce() {
Genode::env()->parent()->announce(ep.manage(root)); }
void announce() { env.parent().announce(ep.manage(root)); }
@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ void Framebuffer_controller::update_fb_config(Xml_node & report)
static char buf[4096];
Xml_generator xml(buf, sizeof(buf), "config", [&] {
xml.attribute("buffered", "yes");
xml.node("report", [&] {
xml.attribute("connectors", "yes");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user