tool/run: read board-specific qemu args from file

Allow specifying additional qemu arguments for externally supported boards
(e.g. zynq_qemu) by adding a `qemu_args` file in the board-property directory.

The syntax of the qemu_args file is as follows:
- Arguments can appear in a single line or in multiple lines as the
  lines will be appended (separated by a whitespace) to the global
  qemu_args variable.
- If the line is prepended with a `foobar:` expression. The arguments
  are only added if the foobar spec is present.

Note, that a `-m` argument specified in the qemu_args file will
override the arguments provided by the run scripts.

This commit is contained in:
Johannes Schlatow 2021-08-18 16:17:03 +02:00 committed by Christian Helmuth
parent c0c2ed2bf5
commit 522a1cdc5b
7 changed files with 69 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
-m 768 -M realview-pbx-a9

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
-machine q35

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-m 128 -machine virt -cpu rv64,priv_spec=v1.10.0
-bios default

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
-M raspi3 -m 1024

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
-m 2048
-global virtio-mmio.force-legacy=false
-device virtio-mouse-device
-device virtio-keyboard-device
arm_v8a: -M virt,virtualization=true,gic-version=3 -cpu cortex-a53 -smp 4
arm_v7a: -M virt,virtualization=true -cpu cortex-a15 -smp 2

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@ -35,6 +35,42 @@ proc check_version {qemu_version qemu_min qemu_max} {
return [expr {($cmp_min < $cmp) && ($cmp < $cmp_max)}]
proc board_qemu_args { } {
set qemu_args_file [file join "board" [board] "qemu_args"]
set repo [repository_contains $qemu_args_file]
if {$repo == ""} {
return ""
set fh [open [file join $repo $qemu_args_file] "RDONLY"]
set file_content [read $fh]
close $fh
# Each line is appended to qemu_args.
# Arguments might be general or restricted to a particular spec as follows:
# general arguments
# arm_v7a: arguments for arm_v7a
set qemu_args ""
foreach line [split $file_content "\n"] {
if {[regexp {^([\w]+):(.*)$} $line dummy spec arg]} {
if {[have_spec $spec]} { append qemu_args " $arg" }
} else {
# general arguments
append qemu_args " $line"
return $qemu_args
# Execute scenario using Qemu
@ -43,6 +79,9 @@ proc run_power_on { } {
global qemu
global qemu_spawn_id
# save original qemu_args to support retrying
set original_qemu_args $qemu_args
# Back out on platforms w/o Qemu support
@ -93,35 +132,6 @@ proc run_power_on { } {
# tweak emulated platform for specific platforms
if {[have_board pbxa9]} {
# For PBXA9 qemu adjusts provided RAM chips to the -m arg. Thus we
# filter user values and force value that enables all chips that Genode
# expects to be available. Not doing so leads to inexplicable errors.
regsub -all {\-m ([0-9])+} $qemu_args "" qemu_args
append qemu_args " -m 768"
append qemu_args " -M realview-pbx-a9"
if {[have_board vpb926]} { append qemu_args " -M versatilepb -m 128 " }
if {[have_board zynq_qemu]} { append qemu_args " -M xilinx-zynq-a9 -cpu cortex-a9 -m 256 " }
if {[have_board rpi3]} { append qemu_args " -M raspi3 -m 512 " }
if {[have_board virt_qemu]} {
append qemu_args " -M virt,virtualization=true"
if {[have_spec arm_v8a]} {
append qemu_args ",gic-version=3 -cpu cortex-a53 -smp 4"
if {[have_spec arm_v7a]} {
append qemu_args " -cpu cortex-a15 -smp 2"
append qemu_args " -m 2048"
append qemu_args " -global virtio-mmio.force-legacy=false "
append qemu_args " -device virtio-mouse-device"
append qemu_args " -device virtio-keyboard-device"
# on x86, we support booting via pxe or iso/disk image
if {[have_board pc]} {
@ -174,21 +184,28 @@ proc run_power_on { } {
puts "Aborting, cannot execute Qemu without a ISO or disk image"
exit -4
} } } }
append qemu_args " -machine q35 "
if {[have_board riscv_qemu]} {
append qemu_args " -m 128 -machine virt -cpu rv64,priv_spec=v1.10.0 "
append qemu_args " -bios default "
# on ARM/RISC-V, we supply the boot image as kernel
if {[have_spec arm] || [have_spec arm_v8] || [have_spec riscv]} {
append qemu_args " -kernel [run_dir]/boot/image.elf " }
set board_qemu_args [board_qemu_args]
# remove any -m arguments from qemu args if specified by board_qemu_args
# note, that we must not match/remove -machine, but allow -m size=1G,slots=3,maxmem=4G
if {[regexp -- {-m\s+} $board_qemu_args dummy]} {
regsub -all {\-m\s+\S+} $qemu_args "" qemu_args }
# append custom board-specific qemu_args
append qemu_args " $board_qemu_args"
eval spawn $qemu $qemu_args
set qemu_spawn_id $spawn_id
# restore original qemu_args to support retrying
set qemu_args $original_qemu_args
return true

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@ -41,10 +41,12 @@ proc append_qemu_nic_args { { extra_netdev_args "" } } {
# Check whether Qemu support is available
# XXX should by removed in favor of [have_include "exec/qemu"]
proc is_qemu_available { } {
if {[have_board rpi] || [have_board linux]} {
set qemu_args_file [file join "board" [board] "qemu_args"]
set repo [repository_contains $qemu_args_file]
if {$repo == ""} {
puts stderr "skipping execution because platform is not supported by qemu"
return false