sculpt: supplement build info as boot module

This allows us to reflect the information about the running image to the

Issue #4744
This commit is contained in:
Norman Feske 2023-01-19 16:55:08 +01:00 committed by Christian Helmuth
parent 2986d46fd3
commit 4de71549d4

View File

@ -770,6 +770,38 @@ close $fd
file copy [initial_config_file VERSION] [run_dir]/genode/VERSION
# Generate build info as boot module
proc build_date { } { return [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y-%m-%d] }
proc genode_version { } {
if {[have_installed git] && [file exists [file join [genode_dir] .git]]} {
return [exec [installed_command git] -C [genode_dir] describe \
{--dirty= <local changes>} 2> /dev/null] }
set fh [open [file join [genode_dir] VERSION] "RDONLY"]
set version [read $fh]
close $fh
regsub -all {\s} $version "" version
return $version
set build_info "<build_info"
append build_info " genode_version=\"[genode_version]\""
append build_info " date=\"[build_date]\""
append build_info " depot_user=\"[depot_user]\""
append build_info " board=\"$board_var\"/"
append build_info ">"
set fd [open [run_dir]/genode/build_info w]
puts $fd $build_info
close $fd
# Return list of 'pkg' attribute values found in 'type' nodes in an XML file