nitpicker: deliver press events to global key receiver

Fixes the following misbehavior: If a global key is pressed (e.g., Caps
Lock in Sculpt) and the mouse is clicked before release, the global-keys
handler receives the global-key press but no further events of the
sequence, especially *no Caps-Lock release*.

A more reasonable fix may address the "else branch" that deletes the
_input_receiver in case of mouse events without a hovered client too,
which is beyond the narrow scope of this fix.
This commit is contained in:
Christian Helmuth 2024-08-15 12:37:54 +02:00
parent ca47280ce9
commit 4a6c506f37

View File

@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ void User_state::_handle_input_event(Input::Event ev)
if (!_input_receiver)
if (!_mouse_button(key)
if (!_mouse_button(key) || _global_key_sequence
|| (_hovered
&& (_hovered->has_focusable_domain()
|| _hovered->has_same_domain(_focused))))