diff --git a/repos/gems/run/depot_autopilot.run b/repos/gems/run/depot_autopilot.run
index 4e876df5c7..dacd9eaaf2 100644
--- a/repos/gems/run/depot_autopilot.run
+++ b/repos/gems/run/depot_autopilot.run
@@ -649,7 +649,6 @@ set default_test_pkgs {
- test-block
diff --git a/repos/os/recipes/pkg/test-block/README b/repos/os/recipes/pkg/test-block/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 46087c7275..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/recipes/pkg/test-block/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Block session tests
diff --git a/repos/os/recipes/pkg/test-block/archives b/repos/os/recipes/pkg/test-block/archives
deleted file mode 100644
index 45c9827b3e..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/recipes/pkg/test-block/archives
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/repos/os/recipes/pkg/test-block/hash b/repos/os/recipes/pkg/test-block/hash
deleted file mode 100644
index c440f70027..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/recipes/pkg/test-block/hash
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-2022-01-18 577ca2da21d29b23a8fd4f5ba9c7512371cc7fdb
diff --git a/repos/os/recipes/pkg/test-block/runtime b/repos/os/recipes/pkg/test-block/runtime
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f659b06cc..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/recipes/pkg/test-block/runtime
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- --- all tests finished ---
- test-block-client] Error:
diff --git a/repos/os/recipes/src/test-block/content.mk b/repos/os/recipes/src/test-block/content.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index fb25613fab..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/recipes/src/test-block/content.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-SRC_DIR = src/test/block
-include $(GENODE_DIR)/repos/base/recipes/src/content.inc
-MIRROR_FROM_REP_DIR := include/os
-content: $(MIRROR_FROM_REP_DIR)
- $(mirror_from_rep_dir)
diff --git a/repos/os/recipes/src/test-block/hash b/repos/os/recipes/src/test-block/hash
deleted file mode 100644
index 85acfe3aa4..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/recipes/src/test-block/hash
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-2022-01-18 ca54d93526f633ba06da899f089ffebef3ec168a
diff --git a/repos/os/recipes/src/test-block/used_apis b/repos/os/recipes/src/test-block/used_apis
deleted file mode 100644
index c684b3c7e7..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/recipes/src/test-block/used_apis
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/repos/os/run/ahci_bench.run b/repos/os/run/ahci_bench.run
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b46c63c07..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/run/ahci_bench.run
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-assert_spec x86
-set mke2fs [installed_command mke2fs]
-set dd [installed_command dd]
-# Build
-set build_components {
- core init timer
- drivers/ahci
- drivers/platform
- test/block/bench
-source ${genode_dir}/repos/base/run/platform_drv.inc
-build $build_components
-# Build EXT2-file-system image
-catch { exec $dd if=/dev/zero of=bin/ext2.raw bs=1M count=16 }
-catch { exec $mke2fs -F bin/ext2.raw }
-# Generate config
-set config {
-append config {
- }
-install_config $config
-# Boot modules
-set boot_modules { core init timer ahci_drv test-block-bench ld.lib.so }
-build_boot_image $boot_modules
-append qemu_args " -nographic "
-append qemu_args " -drive id=disk,file=bin/ext2.raw,format=raw,if=none -device ahci,id=ahci -device ide-hd,drive=disk,bus=ahci.0 -boot d"
-append qemu_args " -drive id=cd,file=[run_dir]/../ahci_bench.iso,if=none,media=cdrom -device ide-cd,drive=cd,bus=ahci.1"
-run_genode_until "Done.*\n" 100
-exec rm -f bin/ext2.raw
diff --git a/repos/os/src/test/block/bench/main.cc b/repos/os/src/test/block/bench/main.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index ec1fc72c0a..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/src/test/block/bench/main.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- * \brief Benchmark for block connection
- * \author Sebastian Sumpf
- * \author Stefan Kalkowski
- * \date 2015-03-24
- */
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
- *
- * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
- * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
- */
-using namespace Genode;
-enum {
- TEST_WRITE = false,
- TEST_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
- REQUEST_SIZE = 8 * 512,
-class Throughput
- private:
- typedef Genode::size_t size_t;
- Env & _env;
- Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
- Allocator_avl _alloc { &_heap };
- Block::Connection<> _session { _env, &_alloc, TX_BUFFER };
- Timer::Connection _timer { _env };
- Signal_handler _disp_ack { _env.ep(), *this,
- &Throughput::_ack };
- Signal_handler _disp_submit { _env.ep(), *this,
- &Throughput::_submit };
- bool _read_done = false;
- bool _write_done = false;
- uint64_t _start = 0;
- uint64_t _stop = 0;
- size_t _bytes = 0;
- Block::sector_t _current = 0;
- Block::Session::Info const _info { _session.info() };
- size_t const _blk_size { _info.block_size };
- Block::sector_t const _blk_count { _info.block_count };
- void _submit()
- {
- static size_t count = REQUEST_SIZE / _blk_size;
- if (_read_done && (_write_done || !TEST_WRITE))
- return;
- try {
- while (_session.tx()->ready_to_submit()) {
- Block::Packet_descriptor p(
- _session.alloc_packet(REQUEST_SIZE),
- !_read_done ? Block::Packet_descriptor::READ : Block::Packet_descriptor::WRITE,
- _current, count);
- _session.tx()->submit_packet(p);
- /* increment for next read */
- _current += count;
- if (_current + count >= _blk_count)
- _current = 0;
- }
- } catch (...) { }
- }
- void _ack()
- {
- while (_session.tx()->ack_avail()) {
- Block::Packet_descriptor p = _session.tx()->get_acked_packet();
- if (!p.succeeded())
- error("packet error: block: ", p.block_number(), " "
- "count: ", p.block_count());
- if (!_read_done || (_read_done && p.operation() == Block::Packet_descriptor::WRITE))
- _bytes += p.size();
- _session.tx()->release_packet(p);
- }
- if (_bytes >= TEST_SIZE) {
- _finish();
- return;
- }
- _submit();
- }
- void _finish()
- {
- if (_read_done && (_write_done || !TEST_WRITE))
- return;
- _stop = _timer.elapsed_ms();
- log(!_read_done ? "Read" : "Wrote", " ", _bytes / 1024, " KiB in ",
- _stop - _start, " ms (",
- ((double)_bytes / (1024 * 1024)) / ((double)(_stop - _start) / 1000),
- " MiB/s)");
- /* start write */
- if (!_read_done ) {
- _read_done = true;
- _start = _timer.elapsed_ms();
- _bytes = 0;
- _current = 0;
- _submit();
- else
- log("Done");
- } else if (!_write_done && TEST_WRITE) {
- _write_done = true;
- log("Done");
- }
- }
- public:
- Throughput(Env & env)
- : _env(env)
- {
- _session.tx_channel()->sigh_ack_avail(_disp_ack);
- _session.tx_channel()->sigh_ready_to_submit(_disp_submit);
- warning("block count ", _blk_count, " size ", _blk_size);
- log("read/write ", TEST_SIZE / 1024, " KiB ...");
- _start = _timer.elapsed_ms();
- _submit();
- }
-void Component::construct(Env &env) { static Throughput test(env); }
diff --git a/repos/os/src/test/block/bench/target.mk b/repos/os/src/test/block/bench/target.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index b6c6adaab5..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/src/test/block/bench/target.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-TARGET = test-block-bench
-SRC_CC = main.cc
-LIBS = base
diff --git a/repos/os/src/test/block/client/main.cc b/repos/os/src/test/block/client/main.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0205653c12..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/src/test/block/client/main.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
- * \brief Block session tests - client side.
- * \author Stefan Kalkowski
- * \date 2013-12-10
- */
-static Genode::size_t blk_sz; /* block size of the device */
-static Block::sector_t test_cnt; /* number test blocks */
-static Block::sector_t blk_cnt; /* number of blocks of device */
-static bool writeable;
- * Virtual base class of all test scenarios, provides basic signal handling
- */
-class Test : Genode::Interface
- public:
- struct Exception : private Genode::Exception, Genode::Interface
- {
- virtual void print_error() = 0;
- };
- class Block_exception : public Exception
- {
- protected:
- Block::sector_t _nr;
- Genode::size_t _cnt;
- bool _write;
- public:
- Block_exception(Block::sector_t nr, Genode::size_t cnt,
- bool write)
- : _nr(nr), _cnt(cnt), _write(write) {}
- void print_error() override
- {
- Genode::error("couldn't ", _write ? "write" : "read", " "
- "block ", _nr, " - ", _nr+_cnt);
- }
- };
- struct Submit_queue_full : Exception {
- void print_error() override {
- Genode::error("submit queue is full!"); } };
- struct Timeout : Exception {
- void print_error() override {
- Genode::error("test timed out!"); } };
- virtual void perform() = 0;
- virtual void ack_avail() = 0;
- protected:
- Genode::Entrypoint &_ep;
- Genode::Allocator_avl _alloc;
- Block::Connection<> _session;
- Genode::Io_signal_handler _disp_ack;
- Genode::Io_signal_handler _disp_submit;
- Genode::Io_signal_handler _disp_timeout;
- Timer::Connection _timer;
- bool _handle = false;
- Genode::size_t _shared_buffer_size(Genode::size_t bulk)
- {
- return bulk +
- sizeof(Block::Session::Tx_policy::Ack_queue) +
- sizeof(Block::Session::Tx_policy::Submit_queue) +
- (1 << Block::Packet_descriptor::PACKET_ALIGNMENT) - 1;
- }
- void _ack_avail() { ack_avail(); }
- void _ready_to_submit() { _handle = false; }
- void _timeout() { throw Timeout(); }
- Test(Genode::Env &env,
- Genode::Heap &heap,
- Genode::size_t bulk_buffer_size,
- Genode::uint64_t timeout_ms)
- : _ep(env.ep()),
- _alloc(&heap),
- _session(env, &_alloc, _shared_buffer_size(bulk_buffer_size)),
- _disp_ack(env.ep(), *this, &Test::_ack_avail),
- _disp_submit(env.ep(), *this, &Test::_ready_to_submit),
- _disp_timeout(env.ep(), *this, &Test::_timeout),
- _timer(env)
- {
- _session.tx_channel()->sigh_ack_avail(_disp_ack);
- _session.tx_channel()->sigh_ready_to_submit(_disp_submit);
- if (timeout_ms) {
- _timer.sigh(_disp_timeout);
- _timer.trigger_once(1000*timeout_ms);
- }
- }
- void _handle_signal()
- {
- _handle = true;
- while (_handle) _ep.wait_and_dispatch_one_io_signal();
- }
-struct Read_test : Test
- bool done;
- Read_test(Genode::Env &env, Genode::Heap &heap, Genode::uint64_t timeo_ms)
- : Test(env, heap, BULK_BLK_NR*blk_sz, timeo_ms), done(false) { }
- void perform() override
- {
- Genode::log("reading block 0 - ", test_cnt - 1, ", ", NR_PER_REQ,
- " per request");
- for (Block::sector_t nr = 0, cnt = NR_PER_REQ; nr < test_cnt;
- nr += cnt) {
- while (!_session.tx()->ready_to_submit())
- _handle_signal();
- cnt = Genode::min(NR_PER_REQ, test_cnt-nr);
- try {
- Block::Packet_descriptor p(
- _session.alloc_packet(cnt*blk_sz),
- Block::Packet_descriptor::READ, nr, cnt);
- _session.tx()->submit_packet(p);
- } catch(Block::Session::Tx::Source::Packet_alloc_failed) {
- cnt = 0; /* retry the current block number */
- _handle_signal();
- }
- }
- while (!done)
- _handle_signal();
- }
- void ack_avail() override
- {
- _handle = false;
- while (_session.tx()->ack_avail()) {
- Block::Packet_descriptor p = _session.tx()->get_acked_packet();
- if (!p.succeeded())
- throw Block_exception(p.block_number(), p.block_count(),
- false);
- if ((p.block_number() + p.block_count()) == test_cnt)
- done = true;
- _session.tx()->release_packet(p);
- }
- }
-struct Write_test : Test
- struct Invalid_dimensions : Exception {
- void print_error() override {
- Genode::error("invalid bulk buffer, or batch size!"); } };
- struct Integrity_exception : Block_exception
- {
- Integrity_exception(Block::sector_t nr, Genode::size_t cnt)
- : Block_exception(nr, cnt, false) {}
- void print_error() override
- {
- Genode::error("integrity check failed: block ", _nr, " - ",
- _nr+_cnt);
- }
- };
- typedef Genode::Ring_buffer Req_buffer;
- Req_buffer read_packets { };
- Req_buffer write_packets { };
- Write_test(Genode::Env &env, Genode::Heap &heap, Genode::uint64_t timeo_ms)
- : Test(env, heap, BULK_BLK_NR*blk_sz, timeo_ms)
- {
- BATCH > Block::Session::TX_QUEUE_SIZE ||
- throw Invalid_dimensions();
- }
- bool compare(Block::Packet_descriptor &r, Block::Packet_descriptor &w)
- {
- signed char *dst = (signed char*)_session.tx()->packet_content(w),
- *src = (signed char*)_session.tx()->packet_content(r);
- for (Genode::size_t i = 0; i < blk_sz; i++)
- if (dst[i] != src[i])
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- void compare()
- {
- while (!read_packets.empty()) {
- Block::Packet_descriptor r = read_packets.get();
- while (true) {
- Block::Packet_descriptor w = write_packets.get();
- if (r.block_number() == w.block_number()) {
- if (!compare(r,w))
- throw Integrity_exception(r.block_number(),
- r.block_count());
- _session.tx()->release_packet(w);
- break;
- }
- write_packets.add(w);
- }
- _session.tx()->release_packet(r);
- }
- }
- void write(signed char val)
- {
- while (!read_packets.empty()) {
- Block::Packet_descriptor r = read_packets.get();
- Block::Packet_descriptor w(_session.alloc_packet(r.block_count()*blk_sz),
- Block::Packet_descriptor::WRITE,
- r.block_number(), r.block_count());
- signed char *dst = (signed char*)_session.tx()->packet_content(w),
- *src = (signed char*)_session.tx()->packet_content(r);
- for (Genode::size_t i = 0; i < blk_sz; i++)
- dst[i] = src[i] + val;
- _session.tx()->submit_packet(w);
- _session.tx()->release_packet(r);
- }
- while (write_packets.avail_capacity())
- _handle_signal();
- }
- void read(Block::sector_t start, Block::sector_t end)
- {
- using namespace Block;
- for (sector_t nr = start, cnt = Genode::min(NR_PER_REQ, end - start); nr < end;
- nr += cnt,
- cnt = Genode::min(NR_PER_REQ, end-nr)) {
- Block::Packet_descriptor p(_session.alloc_packet(cnt*blk_sz),
- Block::Packet_descriptor::READ, nr, cnt);
- _session.tx()->submit_packet(p);
- }
- while (read_packets.avail_capacity())
- _handle_signal();
- }
- void batch(Block::sector_t start, Block::sector_t end, signed char val)
- {
- read(start, end);
- write(val);
- read(start, end);
- compare();
- }
- void perform() override
- {
- if (!writeable)
- return;
- Genode::log("read/write/compare block 0 - ", test_cnt - 1,
- ", ", NR_PER_REQ, " per request");
- for (Block::sector_t nr = 0, cnt = BATCH*NR_PER_REQ; nr < test_cnt;
- nr += cnt,
- cnt = Genode::min(BATCH*NR_PER_REQ, test_cnt-nr)) {
- batch(nr, nr + cnt, 1);
- batch(nr, nr + cnt, -1);
- }
- }
- void ack_avail() override
- {
- _handle = false;
- while (_session.tx()->ack_avail()) {
- Block::Packet_descriptor p = _session.tx()->get_acked_packet();
- bool write = p.operation() == Block::Packet_descriptor::WRITE;
- if (!p.succeeded())
- throw Block_exception(p.block_number(), p.block_count(), write);
- if (write)
- write_packets.add(p);
- else
- read_packets.add(p);
- }
- }
-struct Violation_test : Test
- struct Write_on_read_only : Exception {
- void print_error() override {
- Genode::error("write on read-only device succeeded!"); } };
- struct Range_check_failed : Block_exception
- {
- Range_check_failed(Block::sector_t nr, Genode::size_t cnt)
- : Block_exception(nr, cnt, false) {}
- void print_error() override
- {
- Genode::error("range check failed: access to block ", _nr,
- " - ", _nr+_cnt, " succeeded");
- }
- };
- int p_in_fly;
- Violation_test(Genode::Env &env, Genode::Heap &heap, Genode::uint64_t timeo)
- : Test(env, heap, 20*blk_sz, timeo), p_in_fly(0) {}
- void req(Block::sector_t nr, Genode::size_t cnt, bool write)
- {
- Block::Packet_descriptor p(_session.alloc_packet(blk_sz),
- write ? Block::Packet_descriptor::WRITE
- : Block::Packet_descriptor::READ,
- nr, cnt);
- _session.tx()->submit_packet(p);
- p_in_fly++;
- }
- void perform() override
- {
- if (!writeable)
- req(0, 1, true);
- req(blk_cnt, 1, false);
- req(blk_cnt-1, 2, false);
- while (p_in_fly > 0)
- _handle_signal();
- }
- void ack_avail() override
- {
- _handle = false;
- while (_session.tx()->ack_avail()) {
- Block::Packet_descriptor p = _session.tx()->get_acked_packet();
- if (p.succeeded()) {
- if (p.operation() == Block::Packet_descriptor::WRITE)
- throw Write_on_read_only();
- throw Range_check_failed(p.block_number(), p.block_count());
- }
- _session.tx()->release_packet(p);
- p_in_fly--;
- }
- }
-void perform(Genode::Env &env, Genode::Heap &heap, unsigned timeo_ms = 0)
- TEST * test = new (&heap) TEST(env, heap, timeo_ms);
- test->perform();
- destroy(&heap, test);
-void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
- using namespace Genode;
- try {
- static Heap heap(env.ram(), env.rm());
- /**
- * First we ask for the block size of the driver to dimension
- * the queue size for our tests. Moreover, we implicitely test,
- * whether closing and opening again works for the driver
- */
- {
- Allocator_avl alloc(&heap);
- Block::Connection<> blk(env, &alloc);
- Block::Session::Info const info { blk.info() };
- blk_sz = info.block_size;
- blk_cnt = info.block_count;
- writeable = info.writeable;
- }
- try {
- Genode::Number_of_bytes test_size;;
- Genode::Attached_rom_dataspace config { env, "config" };
- config.xml().attribute("test_size").value(test_size);
- test_cnt = Genode::min(test_size / blk_sz, blk_cnt);
- } catch (...) { test_cnt = blk_cnt; }
- /* must be multiple of 16 */
- test_cnt &= ~0xfLLU;
- log("block device with block size ", blk_sz, " sector count ",
- blk_cnt, " (testing ", test_cnt, " sectors)");
- perform >(env, heap);
- perform >(env, heap);
- perform >(env, heap);
- perform >(env, heap);
- perform(env, heap, 1000);
- log("--- all tests finished ---");
- }
- catch (Genode::Service_denied) {
- error("opening block session was denied!");
- }
- catch (Test::Exception &e) {
- error("test failed!");
- e.print_error();
- }
diff --git a/repos/os/src/test/block/client/target.mk b/repos/os/src/test/block/client/target.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index ccef43bbcf..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/src/test/block/client/target.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-TARGET = test-block-client
-SRC_CC = main.cc
-LIBS = base
diff --git a/repos/os/src/test/block/server/main.cc b/repos/os/src/test/block/server/main.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aece3b404..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/src/test/block/server/main.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
- * \brief Test block session interface - server side
- * \author Stefan Kalkowski
- * \date 2013-12-09
- */
- * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
- *
- * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
- * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
- */
-class Driver : public Block::Driver
- private:
- /*
- * Noncopyable
- */
- Driver(Driver const &);
- Driver &operator = (Driver const &);
- enum { MAX_REQUESTS = 5 };
- typedef Genode::Ring_buffer Req_buffer;
- Genode::size_t _number;
- Genode::size_t _size;
- Req_buffer _packets { };
- Genode::Ram_dataspace_capability _blk_ds;
- unsigned char *_blk_buf;
- public:
- Driver(Genode::Env &env, Genode::size_t number, Genode::size_t size)
- : Block::Driver(env.ram()),
- _number(number), _size(size),
- _blk_ds(env.ram().alloc(number*size)),
- _blk_buf(env.rm().attach(_blk_ds)) {}
- void handler()
- {
- while (!_packets.empty()) {
- Block::Packet_descriptor p = _packets.get();
- ack_packet(p);
- }
- }
- /*******************************
- ** Block::Driver interface **
- *******************************/
- void session_invalidated() override {
- while (!_packets.empty()) _packets.get(); }
- Block::Session::Info info() const override
- {
- return { .block_size = _size,
- .block_count = _number,
- .align_log2 = Genode::log2(_size),
- .writeable = true };
- }
- void read(Block::sector_t block_number,
- Genode::size_t block_count,
- char *buffer,
- Block::Packet_descriptor &packet) override
- {
- if (!_packets.avail_capacity())
- throw Block::Driver::Request_congestion();
- Genode::memcpy((void*)buffer, &_blk_buf[block_number*_size],
- block_count * _size);
- _packets.add(packet);
- }
- void write(Block::sector_t block_number,
- Genode::size_t block_count,
- const char *buffer,
- Block::Packet_descriptor &packet) override
- {
- if (!_packets.avail_capacity())
- throw Block::Driver::Request_congestion();
- Genode::memcpy(&_blk_buf[block_number*_size],
- (void*)buffer, block_count * _size);
- _packets.add(packet);
- }
-struct Main
- Genode::Env &env;
- Genode::Heap heap { env.ram(), env.rm() };
- class Factory : public Block::Driver_factory
- {
- private:
- /*
- * Noncopyable
- */
- Factory(Factory const &);
- Factory &operator = (Factory const &);
- public:
- ::Driver *driver = nullptr;
- Factory(Genode::Env &env, Genode::Heap &heap)
- {
- Genode::size_t blk_nr = 1024;
- Genode::size_t blk_sz = 512;
- try {
- Genode::Attached_rom_dataspace config { env, "config" };
- config.xml().attribute("sectors").value(blk_nr);
- config.xml().attribute("block_size").value(blk_sz);
- }
- catch (...) { }
- driver = new (&heap) Driver(env, blk_nr, blk_sz);
- }
- Block::Driver *create() override { return driver; }
- void destroy(Block::Driver *) override { }
- } factory { env, heap };
- Block::Root root { env.ep(), heap, env.rm(), factory, true };
- Timer::Connection timer { env };
- Genode::Signal_handler dispatcher { env.ep(), *factory.driver,
- &Driver::handler };
- Main(Genode::Env &env) : env(env)
- {
- timer.sigh(dispatcher);
- timer.trigger_periodic(10000);
- env.parent().announce(env.ep().manage(root));
- }
-void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env) { static Main server(env); }
diff --git a/repos/os/src/test/block/server/target.mk b/repos/os/src/test/block/server/target.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index dd7971adbc..0000000000
--- a/repos/os/src/test/block/server/target.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-TARGET = test-block-server
-SRC_CC = main.cc
-LIBS = base